_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FIVE NOVEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Making simple "Killer Macros" \ / -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- While arseing around in college this month, myself and a few mates decided to mess about with the Macros in Word '97. Ok so simple "macro bombs" is probably the simplest term for these small and pathetic pieces of code, coding them is simple, not exactly fun, and can be used for either a laugh or something malicious. Ok so a simple macro can crash a computer by using up all of the memory, or it can kill the hard drive in seconds, heh, and we all (well most of us) use Word on a day to day basis, oh well, when will people learn that such a wide spread application by M$ is dangerous! Ok so you want to code something as a macro to annoy people, or atlest use it as a vengence attack, well ok you can e-mail a word document to somebody whom you want to piss off, or do something dangerous and malicious to, and it'll kill there hard drive, of it could always do something like e-mail you there passwords or even be a trojan itself. All because M$ thought that it'd be a good idea to let people embed code into there documents! Ok then so fire up Word and go into the Tools - Macros - Visual Basic editor. See the table at the left, the one with all the pretty pictures on? well go to the section that says "Project1(Doc1) or something like that. now open the Microsoft word Objects and double click on the ThisDocument icon, now this is where u put code into the document. First off you want to put something like: Sub Document_open() End Sub() That will execute any code that you put between the two sub commands once the document loads up. If you want a bit of a laugh then put something like: Do Shell("C:\windows\notepad.exe") Loop into it, this will open up notepad then loop and open it again, thus creating thousands of copys of notepad, eating up memory and crashing the computer, nasty eh? Using the Shell command you can execute just about anything that you want to, for exaple you could use the deltree or format commands to do malicious damage to the hard drive or subsiquent hard drives, you could also rewrite files on the hard drive or do other such things. I mean how nasty would it be if you opened a document only to have it create a load of directories on your C drive using random names ? or even the document being a trojan itself? i mean it wouldn't be too great if it was to spawn command.com or cmd.exe on a port now would it ? How would you like it to e-mail all of your login details to somebody or all of your personal details? not very nice eh? Well all of these things can be done using simple bits of source code, many of which are freely avalible on the net. When i can be arsed i'll probably code a new examples and put them on the SWAT web site.