_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY FIVE NOVEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Stuph \ / -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well i figured that i might as well get my arse in gear and write some words of wisdom for you all to ingest. Well i gotta be honest lately i've not had much time to put into SWAT, i dunno how long it's gonna be before i'm back on track, but things are still getting done and i'm still getting the magazine out! Oh, thats a point, if your not on the mailing list then i advise you to join it! the reason is that the people on the list will almost certainly get the magazine a week or so before it goes "live" on the web site. So, yeah, anyhow other news that may (or may not) be of any use is the SWAT site update, ok let me explain a little about what is going on with that, well i was working on the new design and i got a good portion of it all done, then something SERIOUS came up, which was pretty much a "life or death" situation, well as far as being a free man and being Bubba's play thing goes, so it was a case of PGPDisking my entire hard drive, burning them to CD then getting rid of the CD's followed by a nice overwrite of my hard drive (Note - if you EVER try to overwrite a 20.4GB Hard drive 7 times to comply with the DoD standard - set a WHOLE day aside!). Anyway, that allowed me time to move over the Linux and get a load of shit done in that, then my monitor blew up - a result of a dodgy graphics card, so i got a new GFX card and then a new monitor. Over all this took a month or two to get fully sorted, by this time everything had blown over, so i installed a spare 4gb hard drive i had lying around and bunged Win98 on there. A quick attempt to access the PGPdisk volumes failed because they where made in Win2k. But of course i still have computer problems due to an error with re-flashing my BIOS, and it not liking my DVD or CDRW drives, but thats no problem because i have Win2k on a spare box so i can FINALLY get the web site design back. So the point is, the web sites new design will get worked on soon, and the reason the current site is stale is because its not worth working on too much while i'm working on the new site! As for other stuff, well personal problems and illness have been keeping me from doing a lot with the magazine and the group, but i assure you that SWAT is carrying out some "operations", many of these where sorted out on IRC with NBug, Phreakazoid, Doh-Boy myself, and for a tiny ammount of time, Brakis (untill we realised he was too drunk to see his keyboard which was why he wasn't saying anything or what he did say was bullshit), anyway, SWAT's projects are also gonna take up some time once i can get my life sorted out, the projects will be detailed in SWAT Mag once we feel that we've got good enough stuff to put in articles!