_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Finger Splicer \ / by Arcane Warrior \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi y'all again, I am thinking about making my future articles into a mini-series of anarchistic pranks and general terrorism items to be performed on paedophiles...hmmm....yep I think I will. I will call this Mini-series: Fun, Pranks and Pedo's. Finger Splicer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This I got from a poster in Whitehall Building (yes the one across the street from the Prime Minister's house!) If you want to know how to infiltrate some Government buildings check the note at the end of the text. You will need: 1 Brown A4 envelope 1 Mousetrap 1 Razor blade Soldering equipment Glue 1 Hated individual Instructions: Take the mouse trap and cock it back and clip the wire in. Tie it there cos you don'twant it to cut off your fingers while you're working. Solder the Razor to the whacking bar of the trap ( I call it a whacking bar but it's the bit that mashes the mouse) so that it faces upward and when tripped it would slice the board where the mouse would be. Get the envelope and write the victims name on it. Open the envelope and glue the trap in the middle. Seal it up and leave on victim's doorstep, ring their bell/knocker and RUN!!! When they bend down to pick it up they'll maybe pat it to try and guess whats inside and when they do...CHING!!! their fingers have been cut to the bone or if they're young or very old it can sever the digit! I don't think you should post this because: A) Postman may notice the bleeding, B) Metal detectors won't let it through. Also I don't recommend INNOCENT poeple as this is not really very nice and totally off the track of the Anarchist idea: Do it for a purpose. I can only recommend pedo's as this will stop them wanking over li'l kiddies. You know the drill, questions, comments, ya-de-ya-de-ya... /\ \\ // //\\ \\/\// // \\RCANE\/\/ARRIOR666@yahoo.com Shoutz: The Brack, Mongross, MatriX_SaS, David Copeland, thanks to SWATeam. :GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS: Just a thought but if anyone wanted to bomb or do something to Downing Street or the surrounding offices then this is how you could get in. Just get hold of a PC box, put on a suit, and look really pissed off. I went contracting with my dad last christmas and we had a call to replace a machine in one of the Whitehall offices. We took the new machine and made our way over to Whitehall from the Cabinet office building. When we got there they didn't have us on the personnel list. We explained that we were to replace a PC but they didn't know anything about it. As soon as we showed them the box their eyes lit up like kids on Christmas morning, it was pathetic. They let us right through and left us to roam the building! After we set up the new machine we tried to find the exit and got lost. We eventually came out of a door in the middle of Downing street. So we had a look around the hall of No.10 and then left through the big black gates!. We could have left bombs everywhere and security wouldn't have known anything. I still have my pass to Queen Anne's Chambers and the Cabinet offices if someone wants to copy them and infiltrate the goverment, mail me below and I'll think about letting you have one. Any suggestions, comments, corrections, etc: ArcaneWarrior666@yahoo.com Shoutz: MatriX, The Brack, Mongross, and thanks to the SWATeam.