_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / General Stuff \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well Since i have time to actually sit down and write an article while my computer burns 1 of 6 CD's (aaaarrrrrr isn't piracy great!) and i don't want to risk a coaster by running any web design software i figured that now would be a good a time as any to spread more words of wisdom amoungst the masses! or to put it simply, i want to type something up for all of our tresured readers! well to be honest i don't really have much on my mind as far as anachy goes and i'm far to tired to even attempt any form of political article, also i've not been up to much hacking since i don't have Linux or Win2k installed on this box at the moment, also i have not made any great discoveries as far as telecommunications go! So i guess that rules out any H/P/A topics! So what have i done lately? well as far as my underground "career" goes, quite a bit, ok i know that i've not put much time or effort into the magazine and the current site as far as updates go, BUT, i have done a lot for both the magazine and the web site! confused? heh Ok as many of our regular readers and even those of you who have popped in to our irc channel or onto our server, will know that the SWAT site is currently under going a revamp, or to put it blunty, i'm redesigning the site from scratch! So what does this mean? well basically it means that we're going to have a site thats a lot more friendly and informative as well as being of a lot of use to those of you out there who want to help out SWAT by helping yourselves! My current beta list of new things that are planned and are being done at this moment in time for the site are as follows: 1) Web forum 2) Easier way to subscribe to the magazine 3) Traffic swap 4) Top list Ok so how does this help you guys? well, the web forum is being designed purely for you to voice your opinions, ask questions or even just to say hi. The easier way to subscribe to the magazine is simply a Form Mail script that will allow you to enter your e-mail address in a box and hit submit. Ok simple, but helpful. The traffic swap will help out webmasters of smaller sites a lot, by simply signing up you will be able to swap traffic with the SWAT site, you send us hits and we assure you that you'll get hits back! The top list is much the same, just sign up and send hits to it in order to get hits back, simple and effective. We also have a few more ideas but we're still working on those at this moment in time. Also we may change a few of the things listed depending on how things go and how practicle things will be. i also aim to bring back the files library! heh ok its not going to be the massive thing that it once was (atleast not at the moment) but we will get something online and gradually build it up, we may (or may not) get a second webmaster for this, i don't know, but either way we'll get something working out for you all to enjoy.