_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Scaring Your Friends With Simple Javascripts \ / By Lill Homeboy \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro Today we're gonna make a really simple Javascript , embed it in an e mail and send it to a friend with Outlook Distress or Express. All we are going to do is write a simple script with the alert or confirm command and put in a message like "WARNING: Possible Virus threst dectected. " Then your so called frind will be scared and will probally not read the email. The message will pop up before the email is displayed becuase we are putting the code in the tags. Lets Get Started Send an email in OutLook Express in the HTML format or rich text as Micorsoft would rather call it. Insert something like the following into the email in between the and tags. That was very, very simple becuase Javascript functionality in email isn't that great and you can't add things like the close command to give the user an option to close the email. This is very simple but if your experinced in things like VB script or whatever you can do some cool things. Sorry this wasn't anything spectacular. I haven't really explored what you can do with things like this. This is my first text file for Swat. If you manage to do anything cool with this then email it to me. You really can write anything and you can scare your gullable mates. Try putting something in it like "Your system is owned by the leet haXXor Bambi and I am currently formating your C drive as we speak" Some people get really scared and think they are being hacked.If you don't put the code in between the and tag then the user might not think that it's anything to do with the email but they will see the message after they see the email's text.Remember to put the text you want inside quotation marks otherwise it won't work. [email=lill_homeboy@yahoo.com]