_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Fun with sodium chlorate weedkiller \ / by eviljacko \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24/12/00 Intro ~~~~~ If you didn't already know, sodium chlorate can be used as an explosive. It can be bought as weedkiller from most garden centres / hardware stores. Get the one which says "Fire depressant included", this way you wont blow your hand off. ======================================================================= Device one - plastique style ~~~~~~~~~~ You need: ~ sodium chlorate weedkiller ~ sugar ~ water ~ jar ~ microwave Put some weedkiller in jar. Add the same amount of sugar. Mix them up well and grind them to a fine powder. Add a little water and mix again until it is a thick mush. Take the mixture and tip it on a plate, (make sure the plate is microwaveable). Put the plate in the microwave for 20 seconds - no longer The mixture should then be stuck together, but easily mouldable. Mould the mixture into any shape you want and then put in the fridge for about 30 minutes Tada! - youve got solid blocks of sodium chlorate! Light them and run! They can be used as incendary bombs or just cool smoke bombs ======================================================================= Device two - the deoderant bomb ~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the steps in device one untill you take the mixture out of the microwave. Mould the warm mixture into the bottom of the deoderant can and stick a match in before it gets hard. /--------------------- / / | = 1 { 2~|~~~ 3 \ \ | \--------------------- 1 - Deoderant can 2 - sodium chlorate moulded to bottom of can 3 - match Light the match and run! this thing will blow up like a bitch! ======================================================================= Device three - the glass jar bomb ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need: ~ sodium chlorate weedkiller ~ sugar ~ glass jar with lid ~ fuse - paper or whatever Fill the jar just under half full with weedkiller and then almost to the top with sugar and mix up well Make a small hole for the fuse in the jar lid. Screw the lid on and put the fuse in so it is touching the weedkiller mixture. 4 3 _____||_____ / [_____||_____] | || 2 | |-----||-----| | | | | 1-| | | 5 | | | {____________} 1 - Jar 2 - Airspace 3 - Lid 4 - Fuse 5 - Weedkiller mixture Light the fuse and run like f**k! This bitch will blow the glass to shit! Don't use this to harm people! ======================================================================= The end! ======================================================================= Don't use these devices to harm people! They are just for fun! ======================================================================= eviljacko@hotmail.com www.evil-666.fsnet.co.uk