_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / cheap trip wire for any bomz with a fuse. \ / by knight bomb \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All you need to make a cheap trip wire for any bombz with a fuse. 1. wire wool 2. Aluminium foil 3. 6 volt battery (nick em from road work light) 4. A good length of electric wire 6. 1 clothes peg 7. Electric tape 8. Container (to put it all in) 9. long bit of strong string(or fishing line) 10. wire cutters 11. A bit of plastic from an ice cream tub or any thing. HOW TO MAKE Right then get a nice amount of wire wool, roll it into a sausage shape. Then wrap it in the Aluminium foil flatten both ends and twist them. Put that to one side for a bit. Now get the clothes peg and squeeze the end so that it opens up, wrap a bit of Aluminium foil around each of the bits. Get about 10-40 cm of the electric wire and strip of about 5-7 cm off both ends. Connect this to one side of the peg (where the Aluminium foil is). Right do the same again but put this on the other side of the peg make sure the are well connected. Squeeze the end of the peg again and put the bit of plastic between them, put a small hole in the end of the plastic and tie the string to it. now cut a small V in the container near to the top. Connect one off the wires to the battery. Now take a bit more wire and strip 5-7 cm of each end. Connect this to one side of the wire wool sausage. Connect the other wire to the other end of the sausage. Now make sure there is a bit of plastic between the peg because now you connect the wire to the battery, if there isn't any plastic between the peg the wire wool will set on fire. Put all this into the container with the string coming out of the V shaped cut. You connect the bomb by making a small hole in the wire wool sausage and pushing the fuse in onto the wire wool. Tie the string to some thing like a tree and hide the other part in a bush. HOW IT WORKS when the bit of plastic is pulled from between the peg it connects the circuit which makes the wire wool set on fire this then lights the fuse on the bomb My mates and me did this on some wasteland near us. A old man walkin a dog walk though and a second later an air bomb shot in the air and nearly gave him a heart attack.