_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Free Warez \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want a free warez disk? If the answer is yes, then this may be what your looking for! yup i'm sure you'll all seen our sponsor on the web site for backupcds.com, and true, if they have what u want then go for it, but what if you don't want to pay? well maybe we have what you want! How do you acquire such amazings disks full of gamez, apps, or both? simple! Submit an article or two, the best 5 authors of articles in EACH issue of SWAT Magazine will get a free warez disk! Just send in good meaty articles around 5k each, well writen, well presented and informative or funny, and should you be one of the lucky ones, then a disk is yours to keep! Rules are as follows: Only 1 disk per household per month, you can write as many articles as you want, but you can only win one disk at a time. IF however you do send in loads and loads of good quality articles, we may keep some of the good ones until the following month, you will then win a second disk. No ripped off work, if you rip off somebody else's articles, then your articles will not be accepted. ONLY submit to SWAT Magazine, by that i mean that if you send us an article DO NOT send the same one to another e-zine, you can however, have the article on YOUR website as long as you link to www.swateam.org and state that your article was in SWAT Issue . We will send you a list of warez and you shall pick from it what you want, unfortunatly we can't spend out entire lives leeching custom software, so unfortunatly you can only get what we have, UNLESS you desperatly need something, in which case let us know and we'll try and get it since the list is growing all the time.