_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SEVEN JANUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / black powder \ / by Knight Bomb \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get black powder from most model shops all you need is to ask for rocket motors, they cost about £3.95 for three. Once you get the cut down the side with a sharp knife, you will see a black lump this is the black powder. Get the lump and put it in a plastic bag and hit it with a rollingpin untill it is a fine powder. There are many use for this black powder i will go over some of them here. CO2 bomb- All you need is a empty CO2 capsule fill it full with the powder and stick a fuse in it. Once lit run as fast as posible as this creates a loud bang and sends metal srancle every where. Pipe bomb- This is the same as the CO2 bomb but in a pipe. Get a pipe and put one end in a vice and crimp it up and then drill a small hole for the fuse. Fill it full with the powder then close the other end and poke a fuse in the hole and light. pipe cannon- Get a pipe about 30-50cm and close one end then drill a hole bigger enought to stick a sparkler in. Fill the pipe with about 5cm of powder get any thing to stick in as a bullit golf balls are good. Next cut the bit of metal of the sparkler that you hold and put it in the hole you drilled. Rest it on something and light it, it can shoot just about any thing you can fit down the pipe. But the bigger bullet the more black powder needed. You can make smaller ones from thiner pipe and shoot marbles (these are still very powerfull). I will write more good use for black powder in other issues of swat so keep an eye out.