_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SEVEN JANUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / How To Grab IP’s With MS Word \ / By Enzine \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hackuk.net Introduction: People are always asking me how to get someone’s IP. Well as many of you know you can do this using ICQ and other programs with different methods etc.. This text will explain to you how to get someone’s IP without the aid of ICQ or anything like that with MS Work 2K and a little bit of preparation. This method will require a little bit of time to set up but once you are sorted you will be able to get peoples IP’s when ever you like. How do I start? Step1: Well first off you need to have MS Work 2K. I am 99% sure that it has to be MS Word 2K. You need this version of word because you need to be able to load the component ‘Winsock’ within the VB Macro editor. If you do not have the component ‘mswinsck.ocx’ then you can download it from http://www.hackuk.net/texts/howtograbip/mswinsck.ocx once this is downloaded place it in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ if you think you may have it or you are not sure then just check this directory just incase. You have to have this ocx file or you cannot continue! Now that you have this ocx file you can move onto the next stages. Step 2: You will now need to set up a simple website with somewhere like http://www.angelfire.com Sign up so you have a user name and password. Now you need to edit the HTML in index.html. When you have this file open add this HTML into the page and then save it. My Site

Please let Javascript Window fully load to view my site

Look at the script above and find the bit saying YOURIP. You will need to enter you IP address in this section. To do this press Start > Run and type winipcfg and press enter on your desktop. You will now have your IP address. You will need to update the IP address on the Script every time you use it if you IP is not static. Once this is all done your ready to move onto the next step. Step 3: Now you need to open MS Work 2K and go to Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor. Once you have this loaded go to Insert > Userform Now if the Toolbox window isn’t open then go to View > Toolbox. Right click the toolbox window and click ‘Additional controls’ once the window loads scroll down until you find the check ‘Microsoft Winsock Control’ Check the check box and click OK. Now you will see the Winsock icon appear on the Toolbox window. Click it and drag it onto the form. Now look in the Toolbox for the ‘list box’ Drag this onto the form as well. Once you have done this double click the form and delete any text that is there. Cut and paste the following code into the blank page: Private Sub Form_Load() Winsock1.LocalPort = 80 Winsock1.Listen End Sub Private Sub Winsock1_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long) List1.AddItem Winsock1.RemoteHostIP End Sub Once you have added this code then all you need to do is go to Run > Runsub. Your program will now run and is ready for use. * Remember to Save your Program and Document * To obtain peoples IP’s all you need to do is give them your angelfire website address and wait for them to go there. When they do the angelfire page will divert them to http://YOURIP/ in a JavaScript window so they cant see your IP and as they do it will add their IP to the list box on the program! BINGO! You have their IP. Post this in a chat room and watch the IP’s flood in. Remember this is just for fun. Don’t use this method to cause damage to another user! Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you out. Enzine Contact: ashtheflash@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hackuk.net - Support the UK Underground! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/01/01