_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SIX DECEMBER __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / The Nutmeg Cycle \ / by the MechaPosse \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of several e-mails posted on our MechaPosse e-mail list, a completley useless talk-about-shit list BlazingMonga built @ egroups.com, Anyways, Blazing Monga & Kai Alive decided to attempt to get high on Nutmeg, and as an added bonus, wrote handy realtime reports onto the e-mail list, so, for any readers interested, here's a typical Nutmeg Cycle(TM). Bear in mind that these two are normaly extremely linguisticaly caplable and almost never have spelling mistakes... MSG: 01:08 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Hey today: Me and Andrew took a bunch of nutmeg and we thought it had not worked again. That was nearly 5 hours ago. Its working. Aye, I am pretty sure of it now. Current stuff: heavy arms, shivering, tired eyes, hyper, blurry/fuzzy vision, twitching, feeling cold, more hyper. I dont get like this after coffee. I cant type for shit now either, this message took a lot of spelling correctioning. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:13 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: YEAH, my arms are toooo heavy to type with.....I seem to barely lift my hands.. I'm really fucked....I can't stop smiling and everything is really happy and I just laugh! Mhhhhhh.....snuttery poniddle wib! HA HA HA this is fun and I keep almost falling onto the keyboard......I'm at exactly the same stage of syptoms as David.....aye there Andy Kai Zawinski MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:19 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Hmm monkeys arse shitty Jason........ I think I am lagging a bit, I dont especially happy, although my teeth are all clenchy and my face is smeelely. Fuck I keep twitching!!"Q$!!# My arms are going to burst. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:23 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: HA HA, David is sooooo#OOOOOO shittY - me pissy on yer grave of dead prostutes (shaggy shaggy $14) AYE Andrew MAG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:34 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Hey hy itsd getting stronger now. My arms are ripping off and I hae to jkeep checking myself as I feel like I am going incontinat but i am not. Its just a feeling/ ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:38 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: I feel alll wierd and if i close my eyes all my limbs feel floaty and non-atached to me.....i think I'm hallucinating because i keep imagining that my arms are alien arms because my eyes are closed........i can type better now thoug. Bye bey byeee Andrew (me me me) MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:50 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Aye then my head ways swaying a minute ago. ikepp havint this feeling of water running down my leg. Its worrying, bt oinly an illusion. aye, my typing is fucked.. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:53 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: I keep seeing shadows for my hands where there shouldn't be shadows....is thsi odd And-d-r-ow MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 01:59 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: m currently a vbijt messed up. i am listenng rt o music, typing with one hand and tapping my big toes, holding my scalpn and twitching and holding my mbreath.s ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 02:23 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Aye my leg is out of its mind. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 04:49 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Ok I do believe that nutmeg totally fucking worked dudes. I am sitting here at 4:45am on my pc, andrew has just left my house. I cant really remember how he got into my house but he was here and we played perfect dark, or rather we thought we played PD. Anyway lets talk about the "nutmeg cycle" Upon consuming vast quantities of nutmeg, thou shalst meet the following stages and so commence the nutmeg cycle: Stage 1: Feelings of stupidity and failure. Feeling very sick and may throw up, nearly. And some other stuff. Stage 2: Shaking, shivering, cold, heavy arms, funny wet feeling, warm patches, twitching. Stage 3: Memory lapses (severe ones), dizzyness, inability to focus/concentrate AKA being pissed. Stage 4: Who knows?..............I will find out after I leave stage 3. Fairelly dudes. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 16:09 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Man the nutmeg is fucked up trippy shit. Woke up at 3pm with a thumping headache. Memory loss seems to have gone but I still have some other symptoms. AYe. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 21:40 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Aye well thats it aye. This whole nutmeg thing was funny. Aye. Fuckin' AYE! I recommend it to anyone with a day to waste. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 22:12 FROM REVOLVER BEGIN:: sorry bout that. except to jason. but anyway, how come the Posse is soooooo quiet at the moment? whats happened? it's sooooo eerie. like a ghost town. in fact, i think i can see a tumbleweed over there.... or is it a hairball? i dunno. goddamnyouall. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 00:28 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Its a hairball Jake. It has been quiet recently, yes. I am just recovering from "The Nutmeg Cycle" (TM). It is still taking effect, but I am still in control for now. Man I am knackered, fuck knows when I went to bed. Aye. ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 02:33 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: Symptoms......The Nutmeg Cycle: 1) Tiredness Heavy arms eyes feel strange tingling in face and ears head and back feel hot 2) Feel very happy Dizzy Smile constantly do wierd things Halluciations drunken kinda feeling happy as nout 3) A bit psycho you get less happy still wierd though 4) Slight headache (not bad) dizzy occasionally slightly happy MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 15:54 FROM REVOLVER BEGIN:: >Symptoms......The Nutmeg Cycle: > >1) Tiredness > Heavy arms > eyes feel strange > tingling in face and ears > head and back feel hot that'll be you coming up to the high. > >2) Feel very happy > Dizzy > Smile constantly > do wierd things > Halluciations > drunken kinda feeling > happy as nout that'll be the high. > >3) A bit psycho > you get less happy > still wierd though that'll be the come-down. > >4) Slight headache (not bad) > dizzy occasionally > slightly happy and that'll be the after-effects. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 20:23 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: We kinda guessed what they were.....it was fun anyway! So is anyone up for a nutmeg munching fest? The Marshall amp is goddamn kick butt.....I've played loads of general crap really loud and I'm caving my head in with the volume! Generally everything is great. Andrew MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 20:23 FROM KAI ALIVE BEGIN:: >So is anyone up for a nutmeg munching fest? AYE! > >The Marshall amp is goddamn kick butt.....I've played loads of general crap >really loud and I'm caving my head in with the volume! i'm trying not to make the house fall down- i think that if i get it loud enough, the vibrations will shake the house apart...... > >Generally everything is great. aye! > >Andrew Jake. MSG END---------------------------------------- MSG: 23:04 FROM BLAZING MONGA BEGIN:: Well you (somebody) said that mechaposse was too quiet so I will waste your time and energy by giving you some shite to read. Ok here is a quote from the average conversation between Andrew and Me. Aye: Blazingmonga: Aye, of course it is ok you stupid bitch AYE!!!! Kai: AYE pig-fucker Blazingmonga: FUCK PIGGER Kai: JIGG RIFLE Blazingmonga: JUGS OF CHEESE Kai: CAKES OF MELON JOICE Blazingmonga: TITS OF MILKY GOODNESS (or not) Kai: (or naybe YOU are) Blazingmonga: THE BEST? Aye, got you there. Kai: aye Kai: it's simple really Blazingmonga: I know you are simple. Kai: so so simple...I see now! Ok well there you go. What am I doing again? Maybe that nutmeg hasnt worn off totally............ ===== See Fallout, be amazed. Hear Fallout, feel great. Smell Fallout, throw up. MSG END---------------------------------------- Wasn't that Edutaining? Well, there you go, this is all ofcourse the work of Kai & Monga, but I don't think they can be arsed writing in. SHOUTOUTS::: EVERYONE AT MECHAPOSSE (ALL 8 OF US) EVERYONE AT MISP (ALL 5 OF US) EVERYONE @ #WeeD on irc.darkwar.net (ALL 17 OF USE) EVERYONE @ #CocytusUK on irc.cocytus.ath.cx (ALL... 3 OF US) AND OF COURSE, EVERYONE @ SWAT!!!! (ALL OF YOU!) ==== www.C-H-O-A-M.co.uk www.knoxacademy.co.uk perfectblue@misp.fsnet.co.uk