_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY SEVEN JANUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Weed Coffee \ / by Phreakazoid \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok peeps, this is a first article from me in a long time, apart from CocytusUK News. Now, i'm a great fan of coffee, and a great fan of weed. I'd heard of making weed tea, but never weed coffee, so I thought i'd have a go. I did, drunk it (well, i'm almost finished) and it's DAMN GOOD! heheh Yes, just for your infromation, i am stoend while i'm writing this. Ingrediants:- ============= Ok, here's what you'll need * a Large mug * enough weed for a quite LARGE spliff (or skunk) * water * pot for boiling water * sugar * COFFEE :) Instructions:- ============== 1) Fill the mug with water 2) pour water into pot 3) start the flame for water to start boiling 4) crumble in the weed *finely* as water is being heated 5) wait for water to boil properly, mixing the weed 6) put two spoons of coffee, and two sugar, into the mug (adjust amount of coffee and sugar as u like, but this works well) 7) pour the water into the mug *make sure you don't waste any of the water, it contains valuable THC from the weed* 8) stir everything together, adding milk if you like 9) after u drink the coffee, eat any remaining bits of weed in the mug You should find, that if u make it right, it gives u a longer high than smoking it would. There are many recipes you can find for consuming weed other than smoking it in a spliff or bong, and i'll bring you another one next month. *THC = Tetra9hydrocannabinol. The chemical in cananbis that gives u the HIGH ---- PHREAK OUT ---- [EOF]