_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY EIGHT FEBRUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / A pint of you frophiest Ale young bar keep! \ / SNaFu \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- aiite, I haven't done any shit for a while so I thought I better get my finger out and do some something ,so I am gonna tell ya about a scam/business/pissup me and some mates came up with a couple of years ago, we didn't actually make any money outta it in the end, but we didn't lose any money (well I didn't) and we got very drunk almost everyday over the summer holidays and it didn't cost shit. basically we brewed a shit loada beer, bottled it and try'd to sell it to some suckers, got lumbered with it and got totally fucked on it if you wanna waste some time making beer then readup.....motherfucker ok what you will need --------------------- fermentation bin syphon tubes beer bottles bottle caps bottle capper sugar beer carton where to get them and what they do ---------------------------------- Fermantation Bin: stores/ferments your beer you need one of these and you can buy them from boots or you could use a bin if you are a gypo the one we nicked from my mates dad held 40 litres and was perfect for what we wanted i think they cost about £10-15 in boots but not to sure Syphon Tubes: are used to move the beer from ya fermantation bin to your bottles you can just use some sorta tubing if ya want or you can buy one (like we did) from boots for about £1-2 and it comes with a tap :) Beer Bottles: these might be a bit harder to get hold of. I know you can buy them from boots but they cost a fuck load of money and who wants to spend money on bottles anyway (espically if its gonna eat away at your profit) so we nicked our bottles from some local pubs, we cruised up to some crates on our bikes outside a local pub and picked them up put them in our bags and cycled off, it was quite easy, but then we did it again somewhere else and got busted cos they had CCTV they didn't do anything just ask us what we were doing and if we could be kind enough to put them back :( so be careful Bottle Caps/Capper: you can buy these both from boots the caps will cost £1-2 for about 50 and the capper is like this thing you stick over the cap and bottle then hit with a hammer and that costs about £5 from boots Beer Solute:this is the stuff you put in the bin and add to water this makes the beer and you can buy it from boots for about £5-20 depending on the quality you want. they normally make about 40 pints and comes in a powder What you do ----------- ok get the Beer Solute, boil 40 pints of water, and stick them in a Fermantation bin stir thorouhly for about 10,15minutes after that stick it in a corner somewhere and leave for about 4-6 weeks after that syphon it into your stolen (washed out)bottles, add a teaspoon of sugar into each bottle (turns it into evil beer) then cap and stash the bottles for another 2-3weeks to make sure they have fully fermented, ok now after the waiting invite some mates round and get totally fucked outta ya head on 666brew! btw watch out for all the sedement at the bottom of the bottles pour them gently into a glass or you will have a mouthful of shit ,after a few pissups we decided to get some money back so we put labels on the bottles, called it "Grebrew" and sold a crate of it to some sucker that buys anything, for £10 which was not bad and we did get the bottles back we have made a few batches of the "beer" now. and its not a bad idea if you wanna get pissed on the cheap. also its not illegal for people under 18 to brew/drink it, mind you it is illegal to sell it to anyone. (so you ain't seen me.....right?) Bigupz goto TheMalice, Hex0n, SiliconDevil, BioHazard, ^Nitr8^, Solidox. And any of the ol'Skool #CocytusUK Crew (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Cheque Please)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))