_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTYEIGHT FEBRUARY 2001__________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Even Stevens \ / by SNaFu \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I am writing this text on Revenge because I have recently indulged in a little revenge myself and have been thinking of some evil ways to get my victim back, hopefully this text should cover some new stuff and won't be just another revenge text that is a carbon copy of some other shit you read somewhere else of course all the ideas in here aren't 100% original and have been inspired from other texts but I have adapted these to suit me (a 16 year old kid living in a quiet UK town & has taken a fair amount of shit) and they should suit SWAT readers quite well as I know most of you out there have been in the same everyday fucked up situations as me. I will format this text as a template and rate each step with a difficulty/getting busted/luck element rating of 1-10, anyway enough with the bullshit heres the good (evil) shit. STEP ONE:2 -------- ok, find out where your victim lives for starters by going on www.192.com and using this user/pass: EVEN/STEVENS ok type in his dads full name and the city he lives in,this should bring up a few matches and then look closer to if it sounds the cunt you are after if you don't know his dads name just use his second name and improvise (basically just give 192 as much info on him you know and go from there). Now note down all his info ie. postcode, phone number ,address, etc. and keep it in a safe place. STEP TWO:4 -------- If your victim has a dog then goto your local butchers or supermarket and buy a few cheap sausages, or some meat of any description, now take a trip to the pharmacist or a Superdrug or something along those lines and buy some Laxatives (I reccomend a bottle of Liquid not the pellets). Fill up the meat with you laxatives and take a trip down to your victims house (which you located using 192.com) now when it gets a bit dark try and throw the meat into his backyard, if not then leave it lying about just outside his house if you notice he takes his dog for a walk at a certain time everyday in a certain route then leave it on the route fives mintues before he takes his dog out for a bum. the dog will fill his boots on the rancid meat and then when he gets home the laxatives will introduce themselves to the bitches bowels, this will result in the dog redecorating the inside of the cunts house. STEP THREE:6 -------- If your victim smokes then find out his favourite brand of tobacco product and go out and buy a ten pack of them. Now goto your local garden store and ask or look for a product called a sulphur candle, these are pure sulphur granules that come in a tin and then you are supposed to turn into a candle or some bullshit so you can kill flys in your greenhouse ,it costs about £4 and is quite easy to get hold of. Now open up your pack of fags and and pinch the cigarette with your fingers and coax the a little of tobacco out of the skin ,grind up some of the sulphur granules really REALLY finely and put a little into the spot where the tobacco and leave some room at the top for some tobacco to go back in do this on atleast 5 fags, you can take the rest or leave them or fill them up aswell go back to his house again and throw them either in his garden or leave them just outside his house then phone him up and ask him to meet him somewhere or bullshit him out of his house so he sees them, or you could post them through his letterbox (this is a bit to blatant for my liking and it does not look as accidental as the other methods). one lug of these fucked up fags will have him on the floor barfing all over the place and gasping for air, I have had a breath of the sulphur burning and it really fucks you up I can't even imagine how fucked up you would be if you were to take a proper hit from a cigarette loaded with this shit _______________________________ | |SSSS| |\\\\\\| ------------------------------- /\ || Sulphur Granule Section STEP FOUR:6 -------- This method isn't original ,I found it on a PLA (Phone Losers of America) issue and most of the credit should goto them (they probarly ripped it though) but I have added a few of my own ideas/suggestions. get out ya yellow pages or thompsons local, find a service that gives estimates or calls round houses and tell them you want a estimate for whatever service they are offering and they should come round at, say 9:00am now repeat this process for every service you find in the book!! eg. 01808 XXX-XXX YOU: Hi DoubleGlazing: Hi YOU: I am thinking of having some double glazing installed and I would like an estimate? DG: OK, we will need to come round and see what we need to do and then give you an estimate what time would be conveiniant? YOU: Hrmm, lemme have a look, Hrmm, Thursday 9:00am? DG: Yes we can send somebody round to have a look at that time YOU: OK, thanks alot (maybe you could ask them some questions about there windows or something but its not essential) DG: No Problem then you do that to every service in the phonebook ie. Roofer, Tiler, Plumber, NTL, BT, Workmen, etc. you get the picture you could get thousands. make sure they all come at the same time on the same day if they can't do it at that time then get them to come round as close to the time as possible. then at 8:30am on Thursday call up every take away in the phonebook and order pizza's currys, Chinese, and any other shit you can find. Make sure you get atleast 20 food deliverys as well as 30-50 werk/salesmen all to come round at almost exactly the same time. This will result in total chaos his street will be blocked up by all the cars and all these people will be giving him and his parents shit for not taking the food/estimates, if you really want you could call the pigs and the firebrigade to add to the confusion. this is so funny I almost wet myself when I did it.The kunts mom was outside shouting at all these salesmen for knocking on her door so much they got in a big row and everyone was serverly pissed off, If you like you can take this alot further if you have a credit card number then you could get John Lewis to deliver a new kitchen or Fridge or something to his house on that date aswell as loads of other shit from other companys. like have every HouseHold appliance store that takes CreditCards over the phone in your county deliver a washing machine to the cunts house on a special date. or order him a party, book a disco at his house and then a trampoline from a department store and then book him a bouncy castle and then some clowns and some beer kegs, the target would probarly have a nervous breakdown if you did this to him all in one day! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need a credit card number (cc#) for all the methods after this line it but doesn't have to be gold or be valid for the next 20 years or anything, if don't have access to a cc# then skool up on some social engineering and con some stupid cashiers into giving them to you :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP FIVE:5 --------- If you know the "cunts" mobile fone number then call up the topup line for his network from a payphone and select the options which let you topup his phone with your credit card, now buy him loads and loads of credit ,keep repeating this step as many times as nessacery (atleast until he has £500 worth of credit).now when he next checks his balance he will think there has been a fault with the network and Christmas has come early, he will phone everyone up for hours and eat away at his credit. Then at the end of the month when the card holder wonders why he has just paid for £500 worth of credit to phone that he doesn't own. the victim will get a little call from the police or his phone will be cutoff imeadiately! (credit for this goes to Solidox!) STEP SIX:6 -------- go online to www.anonymizer.com then use it to card as much shit as possible to the basterds house from all over the web I have a few favourites, 20 Washing Machines from all different supplyers to be delivered to his house on the same date (VERY VERY VERY FUNNY, If combined with Step Four), Sheep, Goats, One time there was this dick who had really stupid hair and he knows it. Soooo I went to www.superdrug.co.uk and ordered him £50's worth of Hair Care Products including Colourents, Shampoo and all other kinds of Hair shit. you can order anything you want really you just have to be inventive, but make sure you order loads of it, so the police get involved if you only spent £10-15 then it isn't really worth there while investigating it. anyway when the police do get involved the victim will get all kinds of shit from them, espically if you do something like order him a computer and have it delivered to his house saying its from his rich aunty and its a late birthday present do he uses it and then the police get pissy with him and make him pay for it or something. so there you have it ultimate revenge and pretty anpnymous if you do half of this shit then the victim will come knocking on your house begging for forgivness I did some of this shit to one guy and he foned up my gurlfriend and asked her if she could get me to go out for a drink with the cunt cos he was so scared of what else I was gonna do to him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is just a little tip on getting credit card number that F3 let me in on the other day on #cocytusuk you can simply go down to budgens supermarket and find a till receipt on the floor apparantly they print the CC# with the expiry date and everything on.....nice. Or you just could hack a E-commerce site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bigupz goto. F3 , Solidox, ^Nitr8^, Hex0n, TheMalice, SiliconDevil, Biohazard and any other cunt that is civil to me.