_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY EIGHT FEBRUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Free Quick Message \ / by Enzine \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just a simple text about something i found out the other day. Its probably been written about before but i only discovered this the other day and though that those of you who dont know should know. Have you ever been to a phone box and made a reverse charge call? Well If yes then your ok but if you dont know what im on about i will explain quickly. Basically it is a call were the other person pays. You ring the operator and ask for a reverse charge call and then they ask you for the area code and number you are dialing. Then your name and they ring the number and if the other side accepts the call you can then talk with the other person paying. OK you got me? Well it was a couple of days ago when i had to make a reverse charge call. I went to the phone and rung the operator and asked for a reverse charge call. They took the area code and number i wanted to dial and then asked me if i had used the 'automatic operator' before? This was new to me so i said no. The operator told me that the auto op would ask you for my name then connect me to the number and if the other end accepts the call it would put me through. I said ok and waited a few secods when this electronic computer type womans voice said to me "What is your name?" I said my name and the auto op asked me to wait as it called the number. It rung untill the person i was calling picked up. The auto op said something like "(my name) Is wishing to use a reverse charge call on this number. Do you accept?" I think 1 was yes and 2 was no or something but the person i was calling accepted the call. Later on i was thinking about this auto op and how there must be atleast one good think to come from it. I rung again for a reverse charge call and when i got through to the auto op and it asked me for my name i counted up to 6 seconds before it tried to connect me.. This means you have 6 seconds to say your name. Hmmm interesting. Now i thought why say your name? I now did this again, ringing home. knowing i had six seconds to say my name i said something like "dont accept this call, its a test." then waited. It rung and when it got through my sister declined the call. I went home and she told me how she heard my message as: "Dont accept this call, its a test Is wishing to use a reverse charge call on this number, do you accept or decline?" I now know that i can leave a short 6 second message to a number and aslong as they are home to pick up and hear the message and aslong as they decline the call this message was free. This was good because i could now ring friends and leave them short messages for free! Try this your self. It really works. I dont know if every area had this auto op thing but i think most places now have. Ring the operator ask for a reverse charge call and find out. Have phun. Enzine ============================================================================= Text by - Enzine Websites - http://www.hackuk.net Contact - ashtheflash@hotmail.com Text date - 01/10/00 =============================================================================