_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Improved missile \ / By SiLvErFoX \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I havn't built this thing yet so if u do and get yourself blown up its your own foolish fault! SiLvErFoX accepts no responcibility for this he just thought it up and would like to share it with all you nice people. Have fun Basic ideals for the rocket. Ok, so this is the first article I'v wrote for SWAT, hell i gotta start somewhere. Over the past 38 isses (although i only became aware of its excistence since issue 22) i have noticed that many poeple have tried to construct rockets and missiles for the purpose of blowin the livin shit outta things. Looking at these missiles i began to realise the primitve nature. ie. the aerosol can thats fired from a pelet gun, great idea but probably not good range and terrible accuracy. Although this desigen would be cost effective and available to anyone who wanted to make one. Not happy with the design but understanding the idea i thought id have a look at building a misslile that was accurite and destructive. Equipment needed:- 1. Large, strong cardboard tube (kitchen foil, clingfilm, look around, dont worry it will all become clear soon) 1. roll of aluminium tape (the shit with the paper you have to pull off to get to the sticky aluminium, this shit is really strong!) 4. rocket motors (this is important for range because its gonna be quite heavy) High explosive powder ie. gunpowder (could put in a bit of magnesium to get a nice effect on detonation) small sheet of v. thin aluminium lighter the better (optional) 1. 9v battery (the small type) 1. small push to make switch 1. small bulb and a bulb hoder 1. quite large top off an aerosol can, just a bit wider in diameter than the cardboard tube. Lots a wire (well not too much) 1. Soldering iron + solder Tin snips (metal cutters) to help you cut the aluminium neatly Thats bout it, oh and youll need a spare millenium to make it by my calculations I'll split the assembly down onto sub assemblys to help you The head (or detonator) I got the idea form the landmine article in SWAT 11 (look it up if your unsure about it) the design is as follows:- ¦ |--------Bulb-----------¦|-----------| | ¦ | | | | 9v battery | | | | | | | |-----------\ ----------------------| \ Push to make switch Simple cuircuit. To use it as a detonator, file the top of the bulb, fill it with gunpowder or primmer then seal the top with wax. Next drill a hole through the lid of an aerosol can just large enough for the switch to fit through, glue the switch in so the push down bit sticks out of the top. Put the battery and wires into top to tape it down securly, leaving the bulb about 1.5" of wire so it dangles out of the bottom. Push switch / |---------\ / _|---| \ / @_| | |=| | |---| / | |---|-----/ | | Bulb aerosol lid The Payload This is pretty simple, take the cardboard and cover one end with aluminium tape. Next fill it with gunpowder to the top (u will need shit loads) Next tape over the other end, and poke a hole through with a biro or summit to fit the bulb through. Push the bulb through so it burrows in the gunpower. Slot the aerosol top onto the cardboard and tape all the way round with the aluminium tape. Make sure you tape all the way to the bottom or the rockets will burn through the tubing and set the payload off. It should look something like this:- |------------------------------|-------\ | | \ | | |=| | | / |------------------------------|-------/ The propultion This bit is easy, fix (tape would be simple) a rocket engine to each side at the bottom (they should stick down from the bottom about 1" to make sure that they do not blow it up while in flight . Attach 4 rocket engines, so if your lookin at a cross section diagram of it (above) there would be one on top, one underneath, one in the middle, and one on the other side in the middle. Tape round (God not more tape please!) them to keep them together. The finished thing look like this:- |-------| |-------|-----------------------------|-----\ | | \ | | |=| | | / |-------|-----------------------------|-----/ |-------| If you want it really accurite you could add fins in between each motor (make em outta the sheet of thin aluminium or whatever you can find, make sure theyre light!) To fire it just light all the motors at once and let it fly! Try to point it to the sky so when it drops it lands directly in the switch Well that should be about it, so back to my coursework. Many thanks to -=The Firestarter=- for the idea. Have fun SiLvErFoX........