_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Run Your Own Scams \ / By Mox \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been thinking for a while now about what to write for this months issue. I finally remembered a fun thing i did two summers ago. Myself and a friend of mine, who is now off to boarding school (for an unrelated matter) got the idea to make up a fake charity and scam peoples money. It is rather easy and we didn't get caught. Here is what we did. 1.) We made up fake names, and addreses eg. Doug Gosset Chicago Il. 60652. After that we went to a pay phone and got the number. 2.) Make up a fake charity. eg. National Cancer Awarness n.c.a (just something fairly long.) Make sure you have a lot of fake info on the charity, because some people ask questions. 3.) Now just find a phone book and call a random number. You: Hello I'm working for the NCA and was wondering if you would like to make a donation? Them: Yes/No You: Yes? okay we accept these credit cards. (visa, master card, discover, etc.) If they say no, then tell them that it is a tax wright off."meaning they pay less taxes, the more cash they donate" If they still dont want to pledge, now is the time to tell them bullshit *NOTE this works well if you have real stats. eg. Did you know that XXmillion ppl. died of brain cancer alone last year? If they still wont go, then say THANKS and hang up and try again. *REMEMBER all you have to do is get one credit card number and you can charge a few hundred bucks with that. If you want you can make up a bullshit story of selling a service. You: Hello sir/mamm i was wondering do you have a computer? Them: Yes You: Okay, do you have the internet? Them: Yes You: How fast is your net connection? Them: Dial up 56K You: How would you like cable/dsl/T1 (anything better then what they have) for only 39.99, PLUS "keyword being plus" Free installation, 1 full year free, no obligation, 100% money back. Them: Okay *NOTE if they wont go for it, dont give them too much info, "this also works best with old people" Just assure them that there is NO CATCH! and if they don't buy it then you can allways call some one else. You: Get their credit card number, and max it out. **A good way to do this is over the phone and on the net.** "JUST REMEMBER OLD PEOPLE GET SCREWD ALL THE TIME LIKE THIS!!!" This is also very illigal, it is fraud, and you can get in big shit. I love this one too. It is an adaptation from a scheme quite old. I am Canadian and i will explain this using Queen Elizabeth II HERE IS WHAT TO DO: 1.) Place an add in the paper selling copper prints of the queen. Add a catch line, like "can be yours to own for only $9.99" plus a little "don't miss out on the chance to own your very own copper print of the Queen herself Dated 2001" etc. I know you'll come up with some good shit. Another good thing to put on is add an extra $5.00 and it comes with a personalized certificat of authenticity. "A must have for the collectors" "A great gift idea" 2.)Go to the bank and ask for the newest pennys!! HA HA HA now make sure they are all shiney. 3.) Make a shitty webpage, one at angelfire, geocities, xoom, ect. you only have to have 2 maybe three pages including the index. Next go out and take a pic of your penny and inlarge it a few times, next scan it and up load to your page. Have a write up and some bull shit. 4.) Now your thinking.... who is gonna goto www.angelfire.com/fuckyou/haha_sucker/index.html? the awnser is no one! All sign up with "come.to/" or get another good redirector service. and have a page like come.to/QueenCollectables and thats it. 5.) Don't forget the disclaimer at the bottom of the page in size 5 font "This page/and or its owners take no responsability in the unsatisfaction that you just paid $10.00 for a penny. All you have to do is make a shitty computer print out, and place that, and the shiney new penny in an envelope, buy a 47c stamp and send it off. 6.) Don't expect to make a whole lot of cash from this. I just thought it might be funny to do. Anywho..... Happy Scamming Mox