_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Its Hard Work Being a Newbie \ / By Rehack \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Oi oi ... Whats all this then ? Well , its my little contribution to the newbies to HaXoRdom ... As you may have guessed This is one of my first articles. I decided to write this phile becuase it wasnt long ago that I was a newbie , And it was DAMN hard work getting recocnised as a hacker, so this goes out to all the 1st grade Kiddies that wanna be l33t :) _____ DOO'S [Do] Read !! Read read read and read some more. And when your eyes hurt and there all dry, Change your font and read some more !! Then, when your m0mmy kicks you off the family PC running windows, Print off a chunk of paper, off some newsgroup (See [Newsgroups]) And read in your bed. Then when that damn Biatch turns off the lights, Get a torch. And when your batteries run out, Its time to go to sleep. Then, At first light get up and read more. - right now I know what your thinking, (( What the f*** is this guy on?)) Well Ill tell you. Reading , Whether it is from a book or from a phile, Is the best way to absorb LARGE amounts of Info. And getting info is the only way to become a hacker. Also, usenet is good. ================================================= Now, If you wanna become a hacker so that you can control somones computer or if you wanna phreak so that you can get free calls, close this file now. Dont read, It wont help you. ================================================= But, If you wanna hack Becuase you feel a splinter in your mind, or if you want to phreak becuase you think something is there that normal people cant get at, or if you want to hack becuase you think that you will die if you dont learn , Then this file is for you. ================================================== [Do] Talk to people !! Contrery to popular myth, Hackers dont live under rocks, and in damp slimy pits (Hmm, Well they do ) But they also live on the internet. And the internet, is one giant cellphone. the internet is for communication. So, Get a newsereader, And Get on Usenet. [Do] Rise above those lame little people that put (somone Else's) Trojan on your computer then claim that ther are 100% Eleet. [Do] Discover a bug in an Operating System by lookin at pages after pages of code, And then use it in defence against the heards of IRC Warriors. BUT ONLY IN DEFENCE, That is if they started ping flooding you first. (heheh) It can be very reasuring and inspiring to know that you are more eleet than those little people that download some program 'Parrot Fashion' , type in your IP and press crash. Yes, thats realy eleet. *Snarf* [Do] Get linux ! Most hackers use some flavor of unix while its Not Totaly essential on your road to eleetness, Linux seems to be the most popular choice, While xxxxBSD is also popular. I Myself Use Debian GNU/Linux. You can get it at www.debian.org .Its FREE, (Appart from the cost of the CD's) And is usualy kept secure pretty quick. I saw a review that gave it 2 out of 5 becuase it didnt have a graphical install program !!! Fuck graphics ! Back to text is my motto :) - Dont bin windows, Youll need it for testing your virii and trojans (And For playing Games!!) _____ DONTS [Dont] Spend all your time on IRC ... I only use it to unwind, And to discuss Things with other HaXors. [Dont] Take the lame path and download some DoS program. THE ONLY GOOD DoS ATTACKS are .c files (Or other un-compiled stuff) For LINUX. 1 .c DoS for linux is worth all the .exe files in the world for windows. The Only eleet people to do with DoS attacks, are the ones that discovered the bugs in the first place. Even the people that ported it to windows are not eleet. ( In fact if you decompile most DoS .exe files you will find another one, that it is calling with a command line paramiter ... So Lame.) [Usenet] See below [Newsgroups] Newsgroups are the main source of HaXorS info.. Usenet being the Biggest and Best. Go look at www.usenet.org , I cant be bothered telling you how to get on usenet !! I will tell you that you need a newsreader though : www.newsreaders.com [Linux] O/S . Hellishy Better than windows. I could blabber on for a whole page here about why linux kicks windows ass, But get it and find out for youself. Whats £12 (For debian) To become a penguin at hart ? [Macs] Macs are poo. [Windows] The O/S that games are written for. Appart from that, It Blows. [Winblows] See above. :) [Micro$oft] This company has none of my respect. (Appart from Age Of Empires 2) -==-----------------------------------------------------------------==- Well thats just about it ! Appart from it being Late, My fingers hurt ! To summ up : [==============] [ Get linux ] [ Learn C ] [ Dump Windows ] [Get on Usenet ] [==============] That wont make you a hacker, But it will set you on your way. Theres so much stuff I havent even touched on, So look out for the Next Rehack phile. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [] Rehack [] [] Not@host213-122-158-236.btinternet.com [] [] Pox.Ath.Cx ~ PoX.Box.CoM [] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [[ Keep It Real. ]] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]