_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Scenenic wh0rez \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Just another boring day at work, well, the days not actually boring, i mean, i have a computer in frount of me and i have a good bit of freedom with it, also unless anything breaks down or i'm needed for something then i can pretty much do what i'd like, well, within reason. But i guess thats all irrelevent. In the background i have Grims Ping running, just sending out 3 requests every 10 seconds looking for FTP servers in Tiawan with dodgy permissions, once found these little treasures will be probed and examined for there uses in our warez trading, should they prove useful then they will hold host to gigabytes of pirate software flying all around for trade with other pirates, to share amoungst fellow underground types, to use and abuse by releasing them to the public via a network of websites. All good stuff, within hours of getting our grubby hands on the latest software, it can be around the globe and being traded in dark alleyways in far flung countires. But what am i on about? SWAT ain't a warez group, ok we do on occation crack the odd program and blast it out onto the internet, why? because we want to, because we can, and because we've abused enough stuff out there to atleast give something back. Our days are spent devoted to this kind of work, spare time used typing up files, coding away at some program that will never see the light of day, researching for programs that just *might* make it out, thinking up some new "get-rich-quick" scheme involving the use and abuse of "other peoples" accounts, hours and hours spent with some 3rd party program scanning the internet looking for FTP servers that can be "leeched" by us, NAT running through lists and lists of IP addresses previously found using WinGate Scanner on an all night "IP block scan" of about 65,000 addresses, all being probed via some Japaniese corporate webserver that hadn't been patched against RDS or just had a weak password on there shared drives. New hosts get found, broken into, backdoored and 0wned. What then? just turn them into drones against others looking for more and more hosts to look at with our nodes scanning long into the night looking for others. FTP servers, located, tagged, and warez uploaded, FXP'ed, traded, given away, and just left to rot. Sites are found, looked at closely to see if they can be of any use other than just dumping grounds for software. Can we just get FTP access to 1 directory? or do we have more and more access to what we shouldn't? can we write to the wwwroot directory? if so, then perhaps we can have another node scanning the internet for us. But to what point? in all honesty what do we get out of all this? we don't make thousands selling pirate software on the streets, nor do we gain a lot from setting up servers to scan other servers. We put hours of work into programs and just give them away, we write an e-zine and give it away for free. Why? because we love it. We do things and take what we can from them, we'll put gigabytes of warez online and if we see the chance to make a few quid from that, then we will, but in the end, more will go out than ever comes in. So to many people out there, you might think, "well its stupid, who in there right mind puts all of that effort into something to get nothing out of it", well, that may seem the case, but its never like that, compatition, respect, power, you name it, if we ever wanted to use everything that we do to get something then we will. using and abusing the things we have, as either weapons in some war, as tender in the underground economy, or as a soapbox to stand on and shout about, anything at all. Why? because we can.