_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Programs \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well some of you might have noticed the slight decline of programs that we've released lately, why? well to be honest we've either been too busy or we've not been too certain what to code. So as a result, we're going to give you all the chance to vote to what programs we will produce in the near future! Well sort of. Here's the little "voteing paper" for you to all copy, paste, fill in and e-mail to us! OK, we're going to have a large "coding project" that will be somewhat "open" in its development, well, we're going to publish every step of it, as well as work with any of you that want to help us out with the program. Questions ~~~~~~~~~ 1. Which type of program do you think we should create. [ ] Privacy related one (Evidence Eliminator type program) [ ] Encryption Program [ ] Network based privacy program - secure chat/browsing [ ] Handy surf-bar with integrated search engines, etc all related to the underground. [ ] Exploit Scanner [ ] Other (Please state below) 2. How should be keep the project "open". [ ] Web Forum dedicated to the project where people can post information related to the program as well as recieve updates. [ ] Moderated mailing list where ideas can be exchanged and updates posted. [ ] Regular IRC meet ups to talk about developments and ideas. [ ] Newsgroup based discussian. [ ] Other (Please state below) Well thats the questions! just put an X in the box you wish and e-mail it to us! Also, once the coding project is decided and we know what is going to be created, we'll let you all know, then you can either follow up what is being done, or join in on the action! Just a note - This program is going to be B-I-G, i don't mean a huge .exe with loads of other bits and pieces, i mean, whatever gets created will be bursting with features, plugins, and everything else that such a program could hold. We want to take a stab at making one of THE best programs (failling that we just want it to be useful to everyone who uses it).