_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Future Plans \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, i guess that SWATs changed once again! well now the magazine comes out "article by article" as well as the nicely release in a zip at the end of each month, also we'll be putting out more than just txt files! well kinda. Anything that we release will be done via the magazine, i.e it will be advertised and made avalible from these pages, but depending on what we intend to release, will depend on what comes out. I.E heres a few situations for you: 1) I code a program and want you to all try it out. Ok if this happens then i'll pop the program on the swateam.org site, but a little bullitin on the page and pop a review of it as well as a link to the proggy from the mag. 2) We get our grubby hands on a copy of Office XP and Whister Adv. Server, we strip all protection and pack it up. Ok what now? we can't post it here will 0-day ddlz from our server, well we have one or two options, first we could choose to just announce that on KribNET, and you can access files from there, if that happens then we WON'T be posting anything in the mag. IF on the other hand we decide that we might be extra nice for you all, we might upload the warez to an FTP server and fill it up with even more 0-day stuff and keep it working for about a week or so before we let it die (FTP will be leech of course :) ) But as far as warez goes, 99% of it will be kept out of the mag, unless we feel a sudden urge to present you all with a "unique to swat FTP server" at which point we'll just post an advert for it in here and pass it out on the mailing list. Basically. SWAT is going to be bringing a lot more info and a lot more of, well, everything really. As readers of the 'zine you'll be kept upto date on everything and be told whats going on, also you will find more us posting adverts for things as single articles (don't worry, we don't mean spam like adverts, we mean something like a public FTP we set up for you or such like). Writers are also been hunted at the moment, if you want to become part of the teams writers, then get in touch, those of you who have done so all ready, please remember that you actually need to send in work or such like before your going to be considered. What are we looking for in writers? well can you cover any of the following: (1) hacking (2) Phreaking (3) anarchy (theorys, views, etc) (4) pyrotechnics (thats the stuff that goes bang) (5) Humourous stuff (6) cracking (7) Anything cool thats not listed here (8) Something unique Basically, you don't have to be 100% hardcore underground bod, it helps, but its not needed. As long as you can write something that people are gonna enjoy, then its fine with us.