_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY NINE MARCH __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Application \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well once again it has become aparent to all of us here that in order to expand our operations, we shall be taking on a lot of new members! All you gotta do is fill in this application form, e-mail it to us and we will set you up for a 6 week trial run! yup thats right, you help us out and help is to grow for 6 weeks, should you carry out all that is expected of you and you show enthusiasm, then you shall become fulltime members of the group :) Just pick one slot to apply for, and we'll see what we can do (just remember - you can change your "slot" as often as you like AFTER your 6-week probation, but NOT DURING). Position to apply for: [ ] - Writer [ ] - Courier (warez) [ ] - Promotional manager [ ] - Advertiser [ ] - Webmaster [ ] - Programmer [ ] - Cracker [ ] - Hacker* [ ] - KribNET uploader [ ] - IRC bot operator (24/7 NT or *Nix box) [ ] - Graphics designer [ ] - Other (pick if you have n0 sk1llz) Now, based on your answer above, tell us what you CAN provide us with: Now, tell us a little about yourself ------------------------------------ Handle (or name) : ICQ # : MSN addy : E-Mail addy : Age : Past groups : Current groups : Website (own or groups, or both) : Average time online a week : Connection speed : O/S Used : NOTE: if you've applied for the position of "hacker" or anything else that requires more than basic computer skill, ensure that your using winNT/win2k/*nix or else stop reading now. Current status : Work / school / college / uni / none (delete as appropriate) Married / g/f etc : Do you currently use the cocytus IRC server : Yes / No if not, then can you in the near future : Yes / No If you do, then cool. Use this space to brag about yourself and make us consider you for a trial run : Finally, send us along some proof of your abilities, i.e. if you wanna be a writer, send us a couple of articles, PR manager and advertiser, give us an example of what you could do for us, whether its a list of ideas or what, webmaster - show us some sites you've created, programmers - send us your proggies, basically just something that shows us that your capable of doing what you apply for, if you can't think of anything, then just tell us more about you. Ok so once you've done that, what exactly does it (it being membership) entitle you to.... (1) Access to the FULL member section of the site - as a "trainee" you'll only have access to basic things. (2) AOP status as well as other high ranking status on the IRC server. (don't expect much as a trainee) (3) Access to 0-day warez, texts, and anything else that the group deals with. (4) Free advertising space on swateam.org (whether its for your site or what) (5) Salvage rights to anything we decide to "borrow" (cc's, software, pr0n passwords, shells etc etc) (6) Access to Phreakazoids scary ability to trace anyone and anything. And more or less anything else that you may want. At the end of the day, we're all friends and we'll share everything with each other. [x--------------------------------------------------x] SWAT Magazine : Spreading information since 1997 www.swateam.org Copyright (c) SWAT Magazine 1997 - 2001 Permission to reproduce, spread, print, transmit, and anything or everything else that you wanna do with it is granted - just give us credit! [x--------------------------------------------------x]