Release Notes for Super FreeS/WAN, v1.99.8 Super FreeS/WAN is a largely patched up version of FreeS/WAN ( with support for all sorts of additional features that aren't considered mainline, or haven't been tested enough for the FreeS/WAN developers to accept into the mainline branch. New patches and functionality that isn't tested as widely for "production use" land here first. Then we beg the developers to accept the patches until they get in (or so we hope!) This version includes the following major patches: X.509 Digital Certificate Support (Now includes RFC 2401 IKE Port Selectors) ALG 0.8.1 (All ciphers/hashes enabled) Notify/Delete SA (020904 version) NAT Traversal MODP 768bit Phase 1 Support MTS Keepalive Support Aggressive Mode Support Dead Peer Detection (draft-ietf-ipsec-dpd-03) Support As well, various bugfixes have been applied on top of these patches - for a full list, see CHANGES.SUPERFS Download from This version of Super FreeS/WAN is made possible by patches from the following folks: Andreas Steffan - X.509 patches Andrew McEdwards - MTS Keepalive Support David De Reu - ALG fixes and MODP768 patch Henrik Nordstrom - Aggressive Mode patch JuanJo Ciarlante - ALG (AES, Blowfish, etc...) patches, DPD fixes & various other patches Mathieu Lafon - Notify/DeleteSA patch, NAT Traversal patches Paweł Krawczyk - Porting + fixes to DPD Stephen Bevan - RFC 2409 port selectors patch (Now part of Andreas's X.509) Tom Hughes - RH 8.0 (GCC 3.2) compile fixes Tuomo Soini - Extensive testing of NAT-T + RPM build processes FreeS/WAN Team - v1.99 + providing me access to thier CVS tree to get bugfixes Snapgear - Initial Dead Peer Detection patches for ucLinux.. As well as various folks for testing it, encouraging development of it, and sending me patches + feedback. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Port selectors are still a relativly new feature - read README.selectors if you are interested in using them. 2. Port selectors when using NAT Traversal is untested. 3. For NAT Traversal information, including how to turn it on and use it, please see README.NAT-Traversal 4. For Aggressive Mode information, including how to turn it on, please see README.AggressiveMode 5. For Dead Peer Detection, including how to enable it and setting the timeouts, please see README.DPD and "man ipsec.conf" DEPENDANCIES: *** PLEASE READ ME !!! *** A number of folks have reported problems where pluto and/or whack don't compile properly. As well if you upgraded over top of another FreeS/WAN installation, you may see errors like this: ipsec__plutorun: /usr/local/lib/ipsec/whack: option `--ike' is ambiguous There a few packages required for Super FreeS/WAN's pluto/whack to compile, in addition to the FreeS/WAN requirements. They are: 1. On RedHat 7.x systems, kernel-headers 2.4.9-34 or higher. 2.4.7-10 is broken, and you will see __fswab32 errors during compilation of some of the crypto modules. On non RedHat systems, you'll probably need kernel 2.4.10 or higher. 2. OpenSSL headers (openssl-devel on RedHat). These are needed because a few of the crypto ciphers are taken from the OpenSSL package. 3. A non-corrupt kernel source tree. This seems to fix many reported problems - starting with a fresh tree, either vendor supplied or from The best test is to build a kernel from your source tree before patching in Super FreeS/WAN. 4. As well, all of the normal FreeS/WAN requirements are needed - most importantly, libgmp + libgmp-devel headers. (GNU Math Precision Library) 5. CryptoAPI support - you can get a copy of this from here: * Note: Some Distros (RedHat) already include this. If you get errors about libdes.a not compiling as part of ipsec_alg_3des, then you need this. HOW TO INSTALL: 0. It's best if you're already installed FreeS/WAN before, so you'll be familiar with the steps outlined below. 1. Read all the README's. Ignore the patching instructions - I've done all that for you. Go back and read the PRE-REQs section in this README. Ensure you have all the requirements, since 90% of build problems stem from not having either a recent kernel-headers package, or openssl-devel, or a corrupt kernel-source. 2. If you want NAT-Traversal, you need to build a new kernel, since this patch touches the TCP/IP stack in the kernel - otherwise, you can build a module. 3. For those interested in exactly how I build/install it, the steps are: i) Uncompress linux-2.4.#.tar.bz2 in /usr/src/linux, build a normal working kernel. With recent RedHat kernels (2.4.18+) you will probably need to run "make mrproper" immediately after installing the source rpm. ii) Ensure that your new kernel works before proceeding iii) In the super-freeswan source dir: Quick way: "make menugo && make minstall" Step by step way: "make insert && make oldmod && make programs && make minstall" UPGRADING: 1. Just install overtop - it won't replace your ipsec.* config files 2. If you are already running a kernel with ESPinUDP support, you don't need to recompile your kernel - just build the new Super FreeS/WAN as you did before and install. EXTRA NOTES: 1. Tuomo Soini provides Source RPMs @ 2. Building this a module works, however if you want to the NAT Traversal, you'll need to build a new kernel, as the EDPinUDP patch touches the TCP/IP stack in the kernel. This is tested to compile + play happily with 2.4.18 and higher only. It's been reported to work as far back as 2.4.9, but it won't work with 2.4.2. I don't have a huge collection of machines at my disposal to play with, so I rely mainly on bug reports and feedback from users to know what kernel versions work. So if you're using another version, please let me know so I can add it to the list of known-good combinations. BUGS: Feedback for bugs with the package itself to, or (mailing list) DEVELOPMENT: - sfs-dev mailing list + archives are located there. If you wish to join in, please subscribe to the mailing list. All RCs, patches and discussion happens there. SUPPORT: Please try not to email me directly for support/howto questions - use the mailing lists for that, as the authors of each of the patches are there, as are other people who can probably help quicker than I can - - I read it several times daily so I'll see reports made there, and reply as I have time. Ken Bantoft 2003-07-08 # RCSID $Id: README.SUPERFS,v 1.55 2003/07/08 19:03:15 ken Exp $