Gifshuffle GIF colourmap steganography The program gifshuffle is used to conceal messages in GIF images by shuffling the colourmap, which leaves the image visibly unchanged. gifshuffle works with all GIF images, including those with transparency and animation, and in addition provides compression and encryption of the concealed message. How does it work? Any list of n items can be sorted n! ways, meaning that any particular ordering can represent a number in the range [0, n!-1]. This number can in turn store approximately log2(n!) bits of information. Thus, a GIF image with 256 colours can store up to 1675 bits (209 bytes) of information by shuffling the colours in its colourmap. The Gifshuffle homepage is located at: Cryptographic signatures and checksums may be provided by the developers at the URL(s) above. Wiretapped recommends that users check these before use of the software/information.