Q3Mon, edited by Karl Weckstrom (karl@weckstrom.com, http://www.railbait.com) The original homepage for this script is: http://www.linuxquake.com/qsmon This script has been edited to do 2 things: 1. Make it pretty (Updated styles and CSS support) 2. Strip out color codes (thanks Andrew!) Prerequisites: 1. A webserver that has perl installed (tested on perl 5). 2. The ability to run CGI scripts from that webserver 3. The QSTAT executable installed, which is availble at http://www.activesw.com/people/steve/qstat.html 4. Image JPG's for the maps you want to show in the perl script's output. Several are available here: http://www.linuxquake.com/gif/Maps/q3a Also, you can grab these images by extracting the map's PK3 file. PK3 files are simply ZIP files. You can rename them to .ZIP and use your favorite archive application to unpack the file, then find the mapname.jpg file. For best results, resize the file to 211x158. To install this script: 1. Put it into your cgi-bin directory on your webserver. 2. CHMOD it to 755. 3. Edit it to configure the first section (file locations, etc) 4. Upload the images for the maps you have on your server to the configured location, and upload the stylesheet to the configured location. You can edit the stylesheet beforehand if you don't like my red color scheme. It's a simple text file that's pretty easy to figure out. To access this script, simply call it from your webrowser, for example: http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/q3mon.pl To specify a server: http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/q3mon.pl?quake.railbait.com or for multiple servers: http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/q3mon.pl?quake.railbait.com,quake.snoot.org