`desktop+' extends `desktop' by providing more features related to sessions persistance. Centralized directory storing all desktop sessions: Instead of relying on Emacs' starting directory to choose the session Emacs restarts, two functions are provided to manipulate sessions by name. `desktop+-create': create a new session and give it a name. `desktop+-load': change the current session; the new session to be loaded is identified by its name, as given during session creation using `desktop-create'. The currently active session is identified in the title bar. You can customize `desktop+-frame-title-function' to change the way the active session is displayed. All sessions managed this way are stored in the directory given by `desktop+-base-dir'. Handling of special buffers: Desktop sessions by default save only buffers associated to "real" files. Desktop+ extends this by handling also "special buffers", such as those in `compilation-mode' or `term-mode', or indirect buffers (aka clones).