A BibTeX bibliography manager based on Helm and the bibtex-completion backend News: - 04/18/2016: Improved support for Mendely/Jabref/Zotero way of referencing PDFs. - 04/06/2016: Generic functions are factored out into a backend for use with other completion frameworks like ivy. - 04/02/2016: Added support for biblio.el which is useful for importing BibTeX from CrossRef and other sources. See new fallback options and the section "Importing BibTeX from CrossRef" on the GitHub page. - 02/25/2016: Support for pre- and postnotes for pandoc-citeproc citations. - 11/23/2015: Added support for keeping all notes in one org-file. See customization variable `bibtex-completion-notes-path'. - 11/10/2015: Added support for PDFs specified in a BibTeX field. See customization variable `bibtex-completion-pdf-field'. - 11/09/2015: Improved insertion of LaTeX cite commands. See NEWS.org for old news. Key features: - Quick access to your bibliography from within Emacs - Tightly integrated workflows - Provides instant search results as you type - Powerful search expressions - Open the PDFs, URLs, or DOIs associated with an entry - Insert LaTeX cite commands, Ebib links, or Pandoc citations, BibTeX entries, or plain text references at point, attach PDFs to emails - Attach notes to publications - Quick access to online bibliographic databases such as Pubmed, arXiv, Google Scholar, Library of Congress, etc. - Import BibTeX entries from CrossRef and other sources. See the github page for details: https://github.com/tmalsburg/helm-bibtex