Emacs' Info manuals are extremely rich in content, but the user experience isn't all that it could be; an Emacs process contains a lot of information about the same things that Info manuals describe, but vanilla Info mode doesn't really do much to take advantage of that. Niceify-info remedies this. To improve a single Info page, do M-x niceify-info in that page's buffer. If you decide you like the effect so much that you want it applied to all Info pages you visit, add the `niceify-info' function to `Info-selection-hook' in your init file. For example: (add-hook 'Info-selection-hook #'niceify-info) This function applies a set of changes I call "niceification", because I have a longstanding fondness for terrible names. This process does the following things: - Applies customizable faces to text surrounded by emphasis characters * and _. The default faces for these are bold and italic, respectively, because that's what the GNU-hosted HTML versions of the Emacs manuals use, but they can be customized to suit your taste. - Identifies Emacs Lisp code samples and fontifies them accordingly. - Identifies references in `ticks', and where they refer to function or variable bindings, applies the necessary text properties to link them to the relevant documentation. References without a corresponding function or variable binding will be fontified as Emacs Lisp, by the same method used for code samples. - Identifies headers for longer-form documentation of several types of objects, such as: "-- Function: find-file filename &optional wildcards" and applies text properties making them easier to identify and parse. Names for documented things are linked to their documentation in the same way as for references in `ticks'. Functions' argument lists are additionally fontified with a customizable face, which defaults to italic. Each kind of niceification has a corresponding customization option to enable or disable it. You can easily access these via M-x customize-group RET niceify-info RET, or as a subgroup of the Info customization group. The faces used for emphases, and for function argument lists in headers, can also be customized.