This package provides Emacs bookmark support for Org mode. You can bookmark headings in Org mode files and jump to them using standard Emacs bookmark commands. It seems like this file should be named org-bookmark.el, but a package by that name already exists in org-mode/contrib which lets Org mode links point to Emacs bookmarks, sort-of the reverse of this package. It also seems like this should be built-in to Org mode... ;) ; Installation Require the package in your init file: (require 'org-bookmark-heading) Then you can customize `org-bookmark-jump-indirect' if you like. ; Usage Use the standard Emacs bookmark commands, "C-x r m", etc. If you use Helm, you can jump to Org mode bookmarks in an indirect buffer by pressing "" in the Helm buffer, or by choosing the action from the list. You can also customize the variable `org-bookmark-jump-indirect' to make Org mode bookmarks always open in indirect buffers.