This package will let you edit a latex fragment like editing a src code block. Install ======= First, download this package and include its path in your load-path. Then, you can add following in your init file: (require 'org-edit-latex) And don't forget to add latex to `org-babel-load-languages' (below is for demonstration, your languages list may differ from it.) (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t) (latex . t) ;; <== add latex to the list (python . t) (shell . t) (ruby . t) (perl . t))) Usage ===== First, turn on `org-edit-latex-mode'. Then you can edit a LaTeX fragment just as what you'll do to edit a src block. Use `org-edit-special' to enter a dedicated LaTeX buffer. Use `org-edit-src-exit' to exit LaTeX buffer when you finished editing. Use `org-edit-src-abort' to quit editing without saving changes. Note that all above commands are built-in Org commands, so your current keybindings to them will do the job.