This package provides a front end for Sage ( and a major mode derived from python-mode (sage-shell:sage-mode). To use this package, check the return value of (executable-find "sage"). If (executable-find "sage") is a string, you are ready to use this package. If not, put the following line to ~/.emacs.d/init.el (setq sage-shell:sage-root "/path/to/sage/root_directory") And replace /path/to/sage/root_directory to the path to $SAGE_ROOT. Then you can run Sage process in Emacs by M-x sage-shell:run-sage. You can run multiple Sage processes by M-x sage-shell:run-new-sage. By putting the following line to ~/.emacs.d/init.el, (sage-shell:define-alias) you can run Sage by M-x run-sage instead of M-x sage-shell:run-sage. Please visit for more infomation.