This package is a theme for `spaceline' and recreates most of the segments available in that package using icons from `all-the-icons'. Icon fonts allow for more tailored and detailed information in the mode line. Currently this package provides segmets for the following functions without the need for optional dependencies - `modified' Whether or not the current buffer has been modified - `dedicated' Whether or not the current buffer is dedicated - `buffer-path' The Path of the current buffer - `buffer-id' The id of the current buffer - `buffer-size' The size of the buffer - `mode-icon' The Major Mode displayed as an icon - `process' The currently running process - `position' The Line/Column current position - `region-info' Count of lines and words currently in region - `narrowed' Whether or not the current buffer is narrowed - `fullscreen' An indicator of whether or not window is fullscreen - `text-scale' The amount of global text scale - `vc-icon' The current Version Control Icon - `vc-status' The VC status, e.g. branch or revision - `git-ahead' The number of commits ahead of upstream - `package-updates' The number of packages available for update - `hud' A widget displaying how far through the buffer you are - `buffer-position' A percentage or word describing buffer position - `time' The Current Time with icon There are also some segments that require optional dependencies, this is a list of them and their required packages. - `bookmark' [`bookmark'] Whether or not the current buffer has been modified - `window-number' [`winum' or `window-numbering'] The current window number - `eyebrowse' [`eyebrowse'] The Eyebrowse workspace - `projectile' [`projectile'] The current project you're working in - `multiple-cursors' [`multiple-cursors'] Show the number of active multiple cursors in use - `git-status' [`git-gutter'] Number of added/removed lines in current buffer - `flycheck-status' [`flycheck'] A summary of Errors/Warnings/Info in buffer - `flycheck-status-info' [`flycheck'] A summary dedicated to Info statuses in buffer - `which-function' [`which-function'] Display the name of function your point is in - `weather' [`yahoo-weather'] Display an icon of the current weather - `temperature' [`yahoo-weather'] Display the current temperature with a coloured thermometer - `sunrise' [`yahoo-weather'] Display an icon to show todays sunrise time - `sunset' [`yahoo-weather'] Display an icon to show todays sunset time - `battery-status' [`fancy-battery'] Display a colour coded battery with time remaining - `nyan-mode' [`nyan-mode'] Display Nyan Cat as a progress meter through the buffer