Enable window-numbering-mode and use M-1 through M-0 to navigate. If you want to affect the numbers, use window-numbering-before-hook or window-numbering-assign-func. For instance, to always assign the calculator window the number 9, add the following to your .emacs: (setq window-numbering-assign-func (lambda () (when (equal (buffer-name) "*Calculator*") 9))) ; Changes Log: 2013-03-23 (1.1.2) Fix numbering in terminal mode with menu bar visible. Add face for window number. (thanks to Chen Bin) 2008-04-11 (1.1.1) Added possibility to delete window with prefix arg. Cleaned up code and migrated to `defcustom'. 2007-02-18 (1.1) Added window-numbering-before-hook, window-numbering-assign-func.