
We have long specialized in the manufacture of Time and Labor Saving
Account Books, Grain Tables and Cipher Codes for Grain Dealers. We strive
to incorporate the most practical suggestions of the trade as to form and
arrangement, and to make each book all that could be desired in workmanship
and quality of materials used. Suggestions for their improvement will be

Each order encourages us to give more time and thought to the wants of
grain dealers. When in need write

Grain & Feed Journals Consolidated

332 South La Salle Street
Chicago, Ill.

Use Universal Grain Code and Reduce Your Tolls.



Telegraphic Cipher.



Fifteen additional pages inserted; every cipher word, quotation and phrase
in former editions retained; see next page.

S. L. Robinson

Author and Proprietor,





The changes in Grades of Grain, new Railroads and Freight Lines, and
advanced methods of doing business has made it necessary to insert new
cipher words and phrases in "THE ROBINSON TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER."

The "Revised Edition" retains all the cipher words and phrases of former
editions, in identically the same relationship, the only difference being
_additions_, which are all _printed in Italics_, that you may easily
distinguish and only use them with correspondents who have the "Revised

Additions will be found on the following pages: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 49,
49_a_, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92 and 103.

The same care has been exercised in the selection of safe "cipher" or code
words, not easily misread from copy or changed in telegraphic transmission,
that has helped largely to make "THE ROBINSON CIPHER" the accepted standard
code for the Trade.

The cipher words for the new phrases follow as closely in alphabetical
order as possible without changing the position of the old ones.

Where blanks occur in or at the terminus of the printed phrases let the
cipher word or words supplying such blanks follow the cipher word of the
phrase in respective order, as "Revelation, Alkali, Chicago," for "Quote
price No. 2 corn laid down in Chicago."

When the price is manifestly above 1.10 the _dollar_ will be understood and
not expressed, as "Churl," for 1.35¼.




    About Buying (Customer)                          58-61

    About Buying (Broker)                            61-63

    About Selling (Customer)                         64-66

    About Selling (Broker)                           66-68

  * About Funds                                      90-93

    About Insurance                                     94

    About Packing                                    98-99

    About Telegraphing                               94-95

    Averages                                         18-19

  * Bids, Acceptances, Billing, etc.                 78-81

  * Breadstuffs                                       6-11

    Crops and Weather                                96-97

    Foreign Advices (Cables)                         52-53

    Freights by Sail                                    82

    Freights by Steam                                   82

    Freights by Steam and Rail                          83

    Freights all Rail                                   83

    Foreign Freights                                    84

  * Hay and Straw                                        5

    In Salt                                             19

    In Pickle                                           19

    Miscellaneous                                    69-71

    Provisions                                       12-15

    Qualifications                                   15-17

    Quotations and Quantities                        22-34

    Quotations for Provisions                        34-43

  * Routes and Conveyances                           84-89

    Receipts                                         54-55

    Shipments                                        55-56

    Stock                                               57

    Shipping Instructions                            72-73

    Shipping and Freight Enquiries                   73-74

    Shipping and Freight Advices                     75-77

    Specified Quantities                               3-5

    State of the Market (Upward)                     44-47

    State of the Market (Inactive)                   47-48

    State of the Market (Downward)                  49b-51

  * State of the Market (Additions)                 49-49a

  * Sundries                                       100-103

    Time of Day                                         99

    Time of Delivery                                 20-22

    Your letter of ____ received                        43

* Pages with New Phrases.

  _The following phrases have been arranged to save in a great measure
  looking through the book, when using the cipher for orders. The month or
  word for time of delivery, following the word for the amount. Example:
  "Abdicate, Achieve, March," translated reads, Buy 250 bbls. Mess Pork,
  March delivery._

  _Abacus_       _Buy ____ Contract Wheat_.
  Abaft          Buy ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat.
  Abandon        Buy ____ Number 2 Corn.
  Abash          Buy ____ Number 2 Oats.
  Abated         Buy ____ Number 2 Barley.
  Abating        Buy ____ Regular Lard.
  Abdicate       Buy ____ Mess Pork.
  _Abbess_       _Buy ____ Short Ribs_.

  _Abbot_        _Sell ____ Contract Wheat_.
  Abdomen        Sell ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat.
  Abduct         Sell ____ Number 2 Corn.
  Abet           Sell ____ Number 2 Oats.
  Abettor        Sell ____ Number 2 Barley.
  Abhor          Sell ____ Regular Lard.
  Ability        Sell ____ Mess Pork.
  _Abhorred_     _Sell ____ Short Ribs_.

  _Ablest_       _Have bought ____ Contract Wheat_.
  Abjure         Have bought ____ No. 2 Spring Wheat.
  Able           Have bought ____ No. 2 Corn.
  Ablution       Have bought ____ No. 2 Oats.
  Abnormal       Have bought ____ No. 2 Barley.
  Abode          Have bought ____ Regular Lard.
  Abolish        Have bought ____ Mess Pork.
  _Abolished_    _Have bought ____ Short Ribs_.

  _Abound_       _Have sold ____ Contract Wheat_.
  Abortion       Have sold ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat
  Abounded       Have sold ____ Number 2 Corn.
  Abreast        Have sold ____ Number 2 Oats.
  Abram          Have sold ____ Number 2 Barley.
  Abridge        Have sold ____ Regular Lard.
  Abrupt         Have sold ____ Mess Pork.
  _Abrogate_     _Have sold ____ Short Ribs_.


  Abscond                            1,000 bush
  Absconded                          2,000 bush
  Absconding                         3,000 bush
  Absent                             4,000 bush
  Absolute                           5,000 bush
  Absolutely                        10,000 bush
  Absolve                           15,000 bush
  Absorbed                          20,000 bush
  Absorbing                         25,000 bush
  Abstain                           30,000 bush
  Abstained                         35,000 bush
  Abstinence                        40,000 bush
  Abstinent                         45,000 bush
  Abstruse                          50,000 bush
  Abstrusely                        55,000 bush
  Absurd                            60,000 bush
  Absurdity                         65,000 bush
  Absurdness                        70,000 bush
  Abundance                         75,000 bush
  Abundant                          80,000 bush
  Abuse                             85,000 bush
  Abusing                           90,000 bush
  Abusive                           95,000 bush
  Abutment                         100,000 bush
  Abyss                            105,000 bush
  Academy                          110,000 bush
  Accent                           115,000 bush
  Accented                         120,000 bush
  Accenting                        125,000 bush
  Acceptance                       150,000 bush
  Accident                         175,000 bush
  Accidental                       200,000 bush
  Acclaim                          225,000 bush
  Acclamation                      250,000 bush
  Acclimate                        300,000 bush
  Accommodate                      350,000 bush
  Accomplish                       400,000 bush
  Accomplished                     450,000 bush
  Accord                           500,000 bush

  Account                               25 bbls
  Accounted                             50 bbls
  Accuse                                75 bbls
  Accusing                             100 bbls
  Accustom                             125 bbls
  Ache                                 150 bbls
  Aching                               200 bbls
  Achieve                              250 bbls
  Acknowledge                          300 bbls
  Acorn                                400 bbls
  Acquaint                             500 bbls
  Acquaintance                         600 bbls
  Acquainted                           700 bbls
  Acquire                              750 bbls
  Acquisition                          800 bbls
  Acquit                               900 bbls
  Acquittal                          1,000 bbls
  Acquitting                         1,250 bbls
  Acrobat                            1,500 bbls
  Acting                             1,750 bbls
  Action                             2,000 bbls
  Actionable                         2,500 bbls
  Actor                              3,000 bbls
  Actress                            4,000 bbls
  Actual                             5,000 bbls
  Actually                           7,500 bbls
  Acute                             10,000 bbls

  Adage                              25 tierces
  Adamant                            50 tierces
  Adam                               75 tierces
  Adaline                           100 tierces
  Addible                           125 tierces
  Addition                          150 tierces
  Addle                             200 tierces
  Address                           250 tierces
  Adept                             300 tierces
  Adequate                          400 tierces
  Adhere                            500 tierces
  Adhesion                          600 tierces
  Adjacent                          700 tierces
  Adjective                         750 tierces
  Adjourn                           800 tierces
  Adjourned                         900 tierces
  Adjudge                         1,000 tierces
  Adjust                          1,250 tierces
  Adjusted                        1,500 tierces
  Adjusting                       1,750 tierces
  Adjustment                      2,000 tierces
  Adjutant                        2,500 tierces
  Administer                      3,000 tierces
  Admirable                       4,000 tierces
  Admiral                         5,000 tierces
  Admiration                      7,500 tierces
  Admire                         10,000 tierces

  Admission                           5,000 lbs
  Admit                              10,000 lbs
  Admittance                         20,000 lbs
  Admitted                           30,000 lbs
  Admitting                          40,000 lbs
  Admix                              50,000 lbs
  Admonish                           60,000 lbs
  Adopted                            75,000 lbs
  Adopting                           80,000 lbs
  Adoption                          100,000 lbs
  Adorable                          150,000 lbs
  Adoration                         200,000 lbs
  Adore                             250,000 lbs
  Adorned                           300,000 lbs
  Adorning                          400,000 lbs
  Adrift                            500,000 lbs
  Adult                             600,000 lbs
  Adulterate                        750,000 lbs
  Adultery                        1,000,000 lbs
  Advance                         1,500,000 lbs
  Advantage                       2,000,000 lbs
  Advent                          2,500,000 lbs
  Adventure                       5,000,000 lbs

  Advertise                            50 boxes
  Advisable                           100 boxes
  Advising                            150 boxes
  Advise                              200 boxes
  Advocate                            250 boxes
  Advocating                          300 boxes
  Advocation                          350 boxes
  Afar                                400 boxes
  Affable                             500 boxes
  Affect                              600 boxes
  Affected                            700 boxes
  Affecting                           750 boxes
  Affection                           800 boxes
  Affiant                             900 boxes
  Affidavit                         1,000 boxes
  Affiliate                         1,250 boxes
  Affinity                          1,500 boxes
  Affirm                            1,750 boxes
  Affirmable                        2,000 boxes
  Afflict                           2,500 boxes
  Afflicted                         3,000 boxes
  Afflicting                        3,500 boxes
  Affliction                        4,000 boxes
  Affluence                         4,500 boxes
  Affluent                          5,000 boxes

  Afforded                          1 car load
  Affording                         2 car loads
  Affray                            3 car loads
  Affright                          4 car loads
  Affrighted                        5 car loads
  Affront                           6 car loads
  Affronted                         7 car loads
  Affronting                        8 car loads
  Afoot                             9 car loads
  Afraid                           10 car loads
  Aft                              12 car loads
  After                            15 car loads
  Against                          20 car loads
  Agape                            25 car loads
  Agate                            30 car loads
  Aged                             40 car loads
  Agedly                           50 car loads

  Agency                           1 boat load
  Agent                            2 boat loads
  Aggravate                        3 boat loads
  Aggravation                      4 boat loads
  Aggregate                        5 boat loads
  Aghast                           6 boat loads
  Agitate                          7 boat loads
  Agitating                        8 boat loads
  Agitation                        9 boat loads
  Agony                           10 boat loads
  Agree                           12 boat loads
  Agreeable                       15 boat loads
  Agreement                       20 boat loads


  _Absented_     _Choice Timothy Hay_
  _Absenting_    _No. 1 Timothy Hay_
  _Absently_     _No. 2 Timothy Hay_
  _Absinthe_     _No. 3 Timothy Hay_
  _Absolution_   _No. 1 Clover Mixed Hay_
  _Absolving_    _No. 2 Clover Mixed Hay_
  _Absolvent_    _No. 1 Clover Hay_
  _Absorb_       _No. 2 Clover Hay_
  _Absorbent_    _No Grade Hay_
  _Absorption_   _Choice Prairie Hay_
  _Abstract_     _No. 1 Prairie Hay_
  _Abstracted_   _No. 2 Prairie Hay_
  _Abstractly_   _No. 3 Prairie Hay_
  _Absurdly_     _No. 4 Prairie Hay_
  _Abusively_    _No Grade Prairie Hay_
  _Acacia_       _No. 1 Straight Rye Straw_
  _Accede_       _No. 2 Straight Rye Straw_
  _Acceding_     _Tangled Rye Straw_
  _Access_       _Wheat Straw_
  _Acclaimer_    _Oat Straw_
  _Accolade_     _Large Bales_
  _Accomplice_   _Medium Bales_
  _Accompany_    _Small Bales_



  Aground        No. 1 Chicago Spring Wheat.
  Ahead          No. 2 Chicago Spring Wheat.
  Ail            No. 1 Milwaukee Spring Wheat.
  Ailment        No. 2 Milwaukee Spring Wheat.
  Aimless        No. 1 Northwestern Spring Wheat.
  Aisle          No. 2 Northwestern Spring Wheat.
  Ajax           No. 1 Minnesota Spring Wheat.
  Akin           No. 2 Minnesota Spring Wheat.
  Alabaster      No. 3 Spring Wheat.
  Alamode        Rejected Spring Wheat.
  Albino         No. 1 White Winter Wheat.
  Album          No. 2 White Winter Wheat.
  Albumen        No. 1 Red Winter Wheat.
  Alchemy        No. 2 Red Winter Wheat.
  Alcove         Rejected Winter Wheat.
  Alder          No. 1 Amber Wheat.
  Alderman       No. 2 Amber Wheat.
  Alert          No. 3 Amber Wheat.
  Alertness      California White Wheat.
  Algebra        California Club.
  _Accost_       _No. 1 Northern Spring Wheat._
  _Accosted_     _No. 2 Northern Spring Wheat._
  _Accosting_    _No. 1 White Spring Wheat._
  _Accostable_   _No. 2 White Spring Wheat._
  _Accountant_   _No. 3 White Spring Wheat._
  _Accouple_     _No. 1 Spring Wheat._
  _Accretion_    _No. 2 Spring Wheat._
  _Accrue_       _No. 4 Spring Wheat._
  _Accrument_    _No Grade Spring Wheat._
  _Accumb_       _Black Sea and Flinty Pfife Wheat._
  _Accumbent_    _Rice Wheat._
  _Accurate_     _No. 1 Hard Winter Wheat._
  _Accursed_     _No. 2 Hard Winter Wheat._
  _Acetic_       _No. 3 Hard Winter Wheat._
  _Acid_         _No. 3 White Winter Wheat._
  _Acidity_      _No. 4 White Winter Wheat._
  _Acidulate_    _No. 3 Red Winter Wheat._
  _Acnode_       _No. 4 Red Winter Wheat._
  _Aconite_      _No. 1 Long Red Winter Wheat._
  _Acolyte_      _No. 2 Long Red Winter Wheat._
  _Acoustic_     _No Grade Winter Wheat._
  _Acoustical_   _No. 1 Colorado Wheat._
  _Acquitted_    _No. 2 Colorado Wheat._
  _Acrobatic_    _No. 3 Colorado Wheat._
  _Across_       _No. 2 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat._
  _Acrostic_     _No. 3 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat._


  Alienate       White Corn.
  Alight         Yellow Corn.
  Alighting      No. 1 Corn.
  Alike          High Mixed Corn.
  Alkali         No. 2 Corn.
  Alkaline       Rejected Corn.
  Allay          No. 2 Kiln Dried Corn.
  Allege         New Corn.
  _Actable_      _No. 1 Yellow Corn._
  _Acted_        _No. 2 Yellow Corn._
  _Actively_     _No. 3 Yellow Corn._
  _Actless_      _No. 1 White Corn._
  _Acumen_       _No. 2 White Corn._
  _Acutely_      _No. 3 White Corn._
  _Adamite_      _No. 3 Corn._
  _Adamic_       _No. 4 Corn._
  _Adaunt_       _No Grade Corn._
  _Adaptly_      _No. 2 Kansas City Corn._
  _Addressed_    _Ear Corn._

  _Addressing_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Affair_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Affiance_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Affirmed_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Affirming_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Affix_        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Allegiance     No. 1 Oats.
  Alliance       No. 2 White Oats.
  Alligator      No. 2 Oats.
  Allot          Rejected Oats.
  Allotted       Choice White Oats, by sample.
  Allotting      Choice Mixed Oats, by sample.
  Allotment      Fair White Oats, by sample.
  Allowance      Fair Mixed Oats, by sample.
  _Affixed_      _No. 1 White Oats._
  _Affixing_     _No. 3 White Oats._
  _Affuse_       _No. 3 Oats._
  _Affusion_     _No Grade Oats._
  _African_      _No. 3 Oats (White)._
  _Agedness_     _No. 1 White Clipped Oats._
  _Aggrieve_     _No. 2 White Clipped Oats._
  _Agile_        _White Clipped Oats ____ lbs._
  _Agility_      _Mixed Clipped Oats ____ lbs._


  Allspice       No. 1 Rye.
  Allude         No. 2 Rye.
  Alluding       Rejected Rye.
  _Agitator_     _No. 3 Rye._


  Allurement     No. 1 Barley.
  Allusion       No. 2 Barley.
  Almanac        No. 3 Barley.
  Almighty       Rejected Barley.
  _Agleam_       _No. 4 Barley._
  _Agog_         _No. 5 Barley._
  _Agonize_      _No Grade Barley._
  _Agnostic_     _No. 1 Scotch Barley._
  _Agreeably_    _No. 2 Scotch Barley._
  _Aided_        _No. 3 Scotch Barley._
  _Aiding_       _No. 1 Bay Brewing Barley._
  _Aidful_       _No. 2 Bay Brewing Barley._
  _Aidless_      _No. 3 Bay Brewing Barley._
  _Akimbo_       _No. 1 Chevalier Barley._
  _Alarm_        _No. 2 Chevalier Barley._
  _Alarmed_      _No. 3 Chevalier Barley._
  _Alarming_     _Feed Barley._
  _Alarmist_     _Malting Barley._
  _Alas_         _Barley Screenings._
  _Albatross_    _Malt Skimmings._


  Almond         Prime Timothy Seed.
  Almost         Good Timothy Seed.
  Alms           Common Timothy Seed.
  Alone          Prime Clover Seed.
  Along          Good Clover Seed.
  Aloof          Common Clover Seed.
  Aloud          Flax Seed.
  Alpaca         Hungarian Seed.
  _Albedo_       _No. 1 Northwestern Flax Seed._
  _Albiness_     _No. 1 Duluth Flax Seed._
  _Albion_       _No. 2 Duluth Flax Seed._
  _Alcade_       _No. 1 Flax Seed._
  _Alcadia_      _Rejected Flax Seed._
  _Alchemist_    _No Grade Flax Seed._
  _Alcoholic_    _Fair to Good Timothy Seed._
  _Alcoran_      _Strictly Prime Timothy Seed._
  _Aldermanic_   _Choice Timothy Seed._
  _Aldine_       _Contract Prime Timothy Seed._
  _Alembic_      _Fair to Good Clover Seed._
  _Alfalfa_      _Strictly Prime Clover Seed._
  _Algebraic_    _Choice Clover Seed._
  _Algerine_     _Good Hungarian Seed._
  _Algonkin_     _Prime Hungarian Seed._
  _Alhambra_     _Common Millet._
  _Alibi_        _German Millet._

  _Alien_        .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Alimony_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Alkaloid_     .  .  .  .  .  .


  _Allegory_     _Winter Wheat Bran in Bulk._
  _Allegretto_   _Winter Wheat Bran in Sacks._
  _Allegro_      _Spring Wheat Bran in Bulk._
  _Allemande_    _Spring Wheat Bran in Sacks._
  _Allopath_     _Fancy White Middlings in Bulk._
  _Allow_        _Fancy White Middlings in Sacks._
  _Allowing_     _Choice White Middlings in Bulk._
  _Allusive_     _Choice White Middlings in Sacks._
  _Alluvial_     _Flour Middlings in Bulk._
  _Almoner_      _Flour Middlings in Sacks._
  _Alps_         _Standard Fine Middlings in Bulk._
  _Alpen_        _Standard Fine Middlings in Sacks._
  _Alpha_        _Coarse Middlings in Bulk._
  _Alphabet_     _Coarse Middlings in Sacks._
  _Already_      _Mixed Feed in Bulk._
  _Altimeter_    _Mixed Feed in Sacks._
  _Altiscope_    _Red-dog Flour in 100 lb. Sacks._
  _Altissimo_    _Red-dog Flour in 140 lb. Sacks._
  _Alto_         _Rye Feed in Bulk._
  _Aluminus_     _Rye Feed in Sacks._
  _Always_       _Hominy Chop, or Meal in Bulk._
  _Ambassage_    _Hominy Chop, or Meal in 100 lb. Sacks._
  _Ambassy_      _Linseed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks._
  _Amber_        _Cotton Seed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks._

  _Ambergris_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Ambient_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Ambitious_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Amble_        .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Ambling_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Amblingly_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Ambrose_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Ambrosia_     .  .  .  .  .  .


  Altar          Best Spring Extra Flour.
  Alternate      Good Spring Extra Flour.
  Alternately    Common Spring Extra Flour.
  Alum           Low Grade Spring Extra Flour.
  Alumni         Choice to fancy Spring Extra Flour.
  Amalgam        Medium to good Spring Extra Flour.
  Amalgamate     Fair to choice Spring Extra Flour.
  Amassed        Best Winter Flour.
  Amassing       Good Winter Flour.
  Amateur        Common Winter Flour.
  Ambassador     Fair to good White Winter Flour.
  Ambition       Choice White Winter Flour.
  Ambulance      Red Winter Flour.
  Ambuscade      Choice Minnesota Flour.
  Ambush         Common Minnesota Flour.
  Ambushed       Good to choice Minnesota Flour.
  Ambushing      Minnesota Patent Flour.
  Amen           Flour equal to New York Extra State.
  Amendable      Rye Flour.
  Amid           Buckwheat Flour.
  Amidst         Choice Baker's Flour from Spring Wheat.
  Amiss          Good Baker's Flour from Spring Wheat.

  Amity          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Ammonia        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Amnesty        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Amongst        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Amorous        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Amount         Highwines (wood bound).
  Amounting      Highwines (iron bound).



  Ample          Live Hogs.
  Amplify        Live Hogs averaging —— lbs.
  Amputate       Live (or gross) Hogs, good packing qualities averaging
                   about —— lbs.
  Amputating     Dressed Hogs.
  Amputation     Dressed Hogs averaging 200 lbs. or over.
  Amulet         Dressed Hogs averaging 200 lbs.
  Amuse          Dressed Hogs averaging less than 200 lbs.


  Anatomy        Mess Pork.
  Ancestor       Mess Pork (new).
  Anchor         Mess Pork (old).
  Anew           Mess Pork —— lbs. overweight.
  Angel          Heavy Mess Pork.
  Angelic        Light Mess Pork.
  Angelical      Prime Mess Pork.
  Angling        Extra Prime Pork.
  Angry          Mess Ordinary, or Thin Mess Pork.
  Anguish        Clear Pork.
  Angular        Extra Clear Pork.
  Animal         Extra Shoulder Pork.
  Animated       Back Pork.
  Animation      Clear Back Pork.
  Ankle          Rump Pork.


  Annex          Choice Lard (leaf and trimmings only).
  Announce       Prime Steam or Contract Lard.
  Antagonist     Prime Kettle Rendered Lard.
  Antelope       Penned Lard in —— lb. caddies.
  Anthem         Refined Lard in ——


  Antidote       Prime White Grease.
  Antipode       Fair White Grease.
  Antique        Prime Yellow Grease.
  Antiquity      Prime Brown Grease.
  Anvil          Drab Colored Grease.
  Anxious        Dark Colored Grease.
  Apace          Yellow Gut Grease.
  Apart          Brown Gut Grease.
  Apartment      Prime (or No. 1) Packer's Tallow.
  Aperture       Prime Butcher's Tallow.
  Apex           No. 2 Tallow.


  Apollo         Prime Stearine suitable for refining purposes.
  Apology        No. 2 Stearine.

  Apoplexy                GREEN MEATS.

  Apostle        Hams.
  Apparel        Long Cut Hams.
  Appeal         Shoulders.
  Appealed       New York Shoulders.
  Appealing      Rough Sides.
  Appendage      Long Clear Middles.
  Appendix       Short Clear Middles.
  Appetite       Long Rib Middles.
  Applaud        Short Rib Middles.
  Applauded      Cumberland Middles.
  Applicant      Bellies.

  Apply             BULK OR DRY SALT MEATS.

  Appoint        Shoulders.
  Appointed      Rough Sides.
  Appointing     Long Clear Middles.
  Appointment    Short Clear Middles.
  Appraise       Long Rib Middles.
  Apprehend      Short Rib Middles.
  Approach       Cumberland Middles.
  Approached     Bellies.

  Approbation       BOXED OR ENGLISH MEATS.

  Appropriate    Long Cut Hams.
  Approve        Short Cut Hams.
  Apron          South Staffordshire Hams.
  Aptness        Shoulders.
  Aqueduct       Rough Sides.
  Arab           Long Clear Middles.
  Arabia         Short Clear Middles.
  Arbitrate      Long and Short Clear Middles, half each.
  Arcade         Long Rib Middles.
  Archduke       Short Rib Middles.
  Archives       Long and Short Rib Middles, half each.
  Ardent         Cumberland Middles.
  Ardently       Stretford Middles.
  Argument       Birmingham Middles.
  Arise          South Staffordshire Middles.
  Arising        Yorkshire Middles.
  Armature       Irish Cut Middles.
  Armor          Wiltshires.

  Armpit                 PICKLED MEATS.

  Army           Choice Sweet Pickle Hams.
  Arrange        Sweet Pickle Hams, city.
  Arrest         Sweet Pickle Hams, cured at ____
  Arrested       Sweet Pickle Shoulders.
  Arresting      Sweet Pickle Bellies.
  Arrogant       Hogs' Tongues.

  Arsenal                SMOKED MEATS.

  Arsenic        Hams, Sugar Cure, canvassed.
  Artery         Hams, Sugar Cure, uncanvassed.
  Article        Shoulders.
  Artisan        Rough Sides.
  Artist         Long Clear Middles.
  Artistic       Short Clear Middles.
  Ashamed        Long Rib Middles.
  Ashore         Short Rib Middles.
  Aside          Bellies.
  Asleep         Breakfast Bacon.


  Aspect         Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net.
  Assail         Light Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net.
  Assailed       Extra Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net.
  Assault        Prime Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net.
  Assaulted      India Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net.
  Assaulting     Extra India Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net.
  Assay          India Beef in tierces, 336 lbs. net.
  Assemble       Shin Beef.
  Assemblage     Beef Tongues in pickle.
  Assets         Beef Hams, Sugar Cure, canvassed.
  Assign         Beef Hams, Sugar Cure, uncanvassed.


  Assume         City brands.
  Assuming       Country brands.
  Asthma         Chicago cut and cure.
  Astonish       Choice city cut and cure.
  Astonished     Country cut and cure (equal city).
  Astonishing    Country cut and cure (fair).
  Astray         Fully cured.
  Astride        Not fully cured.
  Asunder        Nearly cured.
  Asylum         Summer cured.
  Athlete        Winter cured.
  Athletic       Now in smoke.
  Attain         To come out of smoke in ____ days.
  Attained       Smoked dry and bright.
  Attaining      Smoked dry but a little dark.
  Attempt        Now in pickle.
  Attempted      Not strictly choice but good.
  Attempting     Rejected, but only slightly damaged.
  Attentive      Rejected and badly damaged.
  Attest         Same quality as the last.
  Attire         White and sweet.
  Attitude       White, but not sweet.
  Attorney       Good color and sweet.
  Attract        Good color, but not sweet.
  Attracted      Dark color, but sweet.
  Attracting     Dark color and not sweet.
  Attraction     Very good article.
  Attribute      Medium to fair article.
  Auction        Very poor article.
  Audible        Well trimmed.
  Audience       Tolerably well trimmed.
  Auditor        Badly trimmed.
  Auditing       Cut from frozen Hogs.
  Aunt           Cut from dressed Hogs.
  Austria        Cut from city slaughtered Hogs.
  Author         Cut in good weather.
  Authentic      Cut in bad weather.
  Autograph      Prime condition.
  Autumn         In good shipping order.
  Avalanche      Not less than twenty days in salt at time of delivery.
  Avenge         Not less than ____ days in salt at time of delivery.
  Avenging       Five packages inspected, average weight ____
  Avenue         Five barrels inspected.
  Avoid          Five tierces inspected.
  Avoided        Average weight.
  Avowal         Inspect five barrels.
  Awake          Inspect five tierces.
  Awaking        Inspect and weigh five packages.
  Award          Actual tare, packages to be stripped.
  Awarded        Marked tare.
  Awarding       ____ per cent. tare.
  Awful          ____ lbs. soakage per package allowed.
  Awhile         Actual tare, packages weighed before being filled.
  Awkward        ____ per cent. off for salt or (pickle).
  Awning         Percentage to be ascertained by sweeping.
  Axis           Percentage to be ascertained by washing.
  Babel          Packed in boxes.
  Baboon         Packed in barrels.
  Bachelor       Packed in tierces.
  Backward       Packed in hogsheads.
  Badge          Packed in half hogsheads.
  Baffle         Packed in salt barrels.
  Baffling       Packed in flour barrels.
  Baggage        Packages in good order.
  Bailiff        Packages in bad order.
  Balcony        Second hand packages.
  Baleful        New packages.
  Ballast        Uniform packages.
  Ballasted      Pickle tight hogsheads.
  Ballasting     Good slack hogsheads.
  Balloon        Fly tight hogsheads.
  Balsam         Slack tierces.
  Balmoral       Fly tight tierces.
  Bamboo         Pickle tight tierces.
  Banana         Full bound tierces.
  Bandage        Quarter bound tierces.
  Bandit         Iron bound cooperage.
  Banish         Irregular packages.
  Banner         Boxes averaging about ____ lbs. net.
  Banquet        Packed in the cake.
  Bantam         Melted and run into the packages.

  Bankrupt       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Baptismal      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Baptist        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Barber         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Barefoot       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bargain        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bargained      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bargaining     .  .  .  .  .  .


  Baritone                                  10
  Barometer                                 10½
  Baron                                     11
  Baroness                                  11½
  Baronet                                   12
  Barracks                                  12½
  Base                                      13
  Basely                                    13½
  Baseless                                  14
  Basement                                  14½
  Bashful                                   15
  Bashfully                                 15½
  Basil                                     16
  Bassoon                                   16½
  Bastard                                   17
  Bastile                                   17½
  Bastinado                                 18
  Bathe                                     18½
  Bathing                                   19
  Baton                                     19½
  Battalion                                 20
  Battery                                   20½
  Battlement                                21
  Bawble                                    21½
  Bayonet                                   22
  Bazaar                                    22½
  Beach                                     23
  Beadle                                    23½
  Bearish                                    24
  Beastly                                    25
  Beaten                                     26
  Beautify                                   27
  Beautiful                                  28
  Beauty                                     29
  Beaver                                     30
  Becalm                                     31
  Becalmed                                   32
  Became                                     33
  Bedaub                                     34
  Bedaubed                                   35
  Bedbug                                     36
  Bedeck                                     37
  Bedecked                                   38
  Bedecking                                  39
  Bedlam                                     40
  Bedlamite                                  41
  Bedrid                                     42
  Bedside                                    43
  Bedstead                                   44
  Beech                                      45
  Befall                                     46
  Befalling                                  47
  Befit                                      48
  Befoul                                     49
  Befriend                                   50
  Befriended                                 51
  Beget                                      52
  Begetting                                  53
  Beggar                                     54
  Beggarly                                   55
  Begin                                      56
  Beginner                                   57
  Begotten                                   58
  Begrudge                                   59
  Beguile                                    60
  Behalf                                     61
  Behave                                     62
  Behaving                                   63
  Behead                                     64
  Beheaded                                   65
  Beheading                                  66
  Beholder                                   67
  Behoof                                     68
  Belate                                     69
  Belfry                                     70
  Belief                                     71
  Believe                                    72
  Belle                                      73
  Bellowing                                  74
  Belong                                     75

  Beloved        10 lbs. or under.
  Beloving       11 lbs. or under.
  Beneath        12 lbs. or under.
  Benedict       12 to 14 lbs.
  Benefit        14 to 1 6 lbs.
  Benefitted     16 to 18 lbs.
  Benevolent     18 lbs. or under.
  Benumb         18 to 20 lbs.
  Benumbed       20 lbs. or under.
  Bengal         20 to 22 lbs.
  Bequeath       22 to 24 lbs.
  Bequeathed     25 to 30 lbs.
  Besetting      30 lbs. or under.
  Besiege        32 lbs. or under.
  Besieging      34 lbs. or under
  Besmear        35 lbs. or under
  Bespatter      36 lbs. or under
  Bestow         38 lbs. or under
  Bestowed       40 lbs. or under
  Bestowing      42 lbs. or under
  Bestir         50 lbs. or under
  Betake         55 lbs. or under
  Bethink        60 lbs. or under
  Betide         45 lbs. or over
  Betimes        50 lbs. or over
  Betoken        55 lbs. or over
  Betray         60 lbs. or over

  Betrayal       Not over ____ lbs. average.
  Betraying      Not under ____ lbs. average.
  Betroth        Heavy average.
  Betrothal      Medium average.
  Between        Light average.


  Betwixt                                     3
  Bevel                                       5
  Beverage                                    7
  Bewail                                     10
  Bewailed                                   12
  Bewailing                                  15
  Bewilder                                   17
  Bewitch                                    20
  Bewitched                                  25
  Bewitching                                 30
  Beyond                                     35
  Bible                                      40
  Biblical                                   45
  Bigamy                                     50
  Bigamist                                   55
  Bigness                                    60


  Bigoted                                     3
  Bigotry                                     5
  Bilge                                       7
  Bilious                                    10
  Billiards                                  12
  Binnacle                                   15
  Biography                                  17
  Biped                                      20
  Birth                                      25
  Biscuit                                    30
  Bishop                                     35
  Bismuth                                    40
  Bison                                      45
  Bitterness                                 50
  Bitterly                                   55
  Bitumen                                    60



  Blacking       January.
  Blackguard     First half January.
  Blackleg       Last half January.
  Bladder        January and February.
  Blame          January, February and March.
  Blamable       February.
  Blameless      First half February.
  Blanche        Last half February.
  Blanket        February and March.
  Blarney        February, March and April.
  Blaspheme      March.
  Blast          First half March.
  Blasted        Last half March.
  Blasting       March and April.
  Bleed          March, April and May.
  Bleeding       April.
  Blemish        First half April.
  Bless          Last half April.
  Blessed        April and May.
  Blessing       April, May and June.
  Blighted       May.
  Blighting      First half May.
  Blind          Last half May.
  Blinded        May and June.
  Blinding       May, June and July.
  Blindfold      June.
  Blissful       First half June.
  Blissfully     Last half June.
  Blister        June and July.
  Blithe         June, July and August.
  Blithesome     July.
  Blockade       First half July.
  Blockhead      Last half July.
  Bloody         July and August.
  Bloodless      July, August and September.
  Bloodshot      August.
  Bloomer        First half August.
  Blooming       Last half August.
  Blotch         August and September.
  Blouse         August, September and October.
  Blubber        September.
  Bludgeon       First half September.
  Bluff          Last half September.
  Bluffed        September and October.
  Bluffing       September, October and November.
  Blunder        October.
  Bluntly        First half October.
  Boarder        Last half October.
  Boasted        October and November.
  Boasting       October, November and December.
  Boastful       November.
  Boastfully     First half November.
  Bodily         Last half November.
  Bodkin         November and December.
  Bolster        November, December and January.
  Bolivar        December.
  Bombay         First half December.
  Bombard        Last half December.
  Bombarded      December and January.
  Bombarding     December, January and February.
  Bondage        This year.
  Bonfire        First ten days in ____
  Bonny          Last ten days in ____
  Bonus          First twenty days in ____
  Booby          Last twenty days in ____
  Booming        First week in ____
  Borax          Last week in ____
  Border         Immediately.
  Borrow         Regular.
  Bosom          To-morrow.
  Botanist       This week.
  Botany         Next week.
  Bothered       This month.
  Bottomless     Next month.
  Bounce         Within five days.
  Bouncing       Within a week.
  Boundary       Within ten days.
  Boundless      Within fifteen days.
  Bounteous      Within twenty days.
  Bountiful      Within thirty days.
  Bounty         As fast as possible.
  Bowlder        As fast as made.
  Boxing         Free on board.
  Bracelet       Free on board, not including commission.
  Bracket        In store.
  Brackish       Free of storage and insurance.
  Braggart       Free on board in the spring.

  Brahmin        Buyer's option.


  Bramble                                  1-16
  Branch                                      â…›
  Branching                                3-16
  Brandy                                      ¼
  Bravado                                  5-16
  Breach                                      ⅜
  Bread                                    7-16
  Breadth                                     ½
  Breaker                                  9-16
  Breakfast                                   ⅝
  Breastpin                               11-16
  Breathe                                     ¾
  Breathing                               13-16
  Breeding                                    â…ž
  Brethren                                15-16
  Brevet                                     1
  Brewer                                     1â…›
  Brewing                                    1¼
  Bribery                                    1⅜
  Bribing                                    1½
  Bride                                      1⅝
  Bridal                                     1¾
  Bridewell                                  1â…ž
  Bridling                                   2
  Brigade                                    2â…›
  Brigadier                                  2¼
  Brightly                                   2⅜
  Brilliant                                  2½
  Brimful                                    2⅝
  Brimstone                                  2¾
  Brittle                                    2â…ž
  Broach                                     3
  Broached                                   3â…›
  Broaching                                  3¼
  Broadly                                    3⅜
  Broadcast                                  3½
  Broadside                                  3⅝
  Brocade                                    3¾
  Brogan                                     3â…ž
  Brother                                    4
  Brotherly                                  4â…›
  Browbeat                                   4¼
  Brownish                                   4⅜
  Bruise                                     4½
  Brunette                                   4⅝
  Brutal                                     4¾
  Brutally                                   4â…ž
  Brute                                      5
  Bubble                                     5â…›
  Bubbling                                   5¼
  Bucket                                     5⅜
  Buckle                                     5½
  Buckram                                    5⅝
  Buckskin                                   5¾
  Buff                                       5â…ž
  Buffet                                     6
  Buffoon                                    6â…›
  Buggy                                      6¼
  Bugle                                      6⅜
  Bulb                                       6½
  Bulbous                                    6⅝
  Bulletin                                   6¾
  Bullock                                    6â…ž
  Bulwer                                     7
  Bungle                                     7â…›
  Bungling                                   7¼
  Burden                                     7⅜
  Burdock                                    7½
  Bureau                                     7⅝
  Burglar                                    7¾
  Burial                                     7â…ž
  Burlesque                                  8
  Burner                                     8â…›
  Burning                                    8¼
  Bursting                                   8⅜
  Burthen                                    8½
  Busily                                     8⅝
  Buskin                                     8¾
  Bustle                                     8â…ž
  Butment                                    9
  Butterfly                                  9â…›
  Button                                     9¼
  Buttress                                   9⅜
  Buxom                                      9½
  Buzzard                                    9⅝
  Bylaw                                      9¾
  Byway                                      9â…ž
  Byword                                    10
  Cabbage                                   10â…›
  Cabin                                     10¼
  Cabinet                                   10⅜
  Caboose                                   10½
  Cackling                                  10⅝
  Cactus                                    10¾
  Cadence                                   10â…ž
  Cadet                                     11
  Cajole                                    11â…›
  Calabash                                  11¼
  Calamity                                  11⅜
  Calculate                                 11½
  Caldron                                   11⅝
  Calendar                                  11¾
  Caleb                                     11â…ž
  Caliber                                   12
  Calico                                    12â…›
  Caliph                                    12¼
  Calmly                                    12⅜
  Calmness                                  12½
  Calomel                                   12⅝
  Calumet                                   12¾
  Cambric                                   12â…ž
  Cameo                                     13
  Camp                                      13â…›
  Camped                                    13¼
  Camping                                   13⅜
  Camphene                                  13½
  Camphor                                   13⅝
  Campaign                                  13¾
  Canary                                    13â…ž
  Candid                                    14
  Candidly                                  14â…›
  Candidate                                 14¼
  Candling                                  14⅜
  Candor                                    14½
  Canebrake                                 14⅝
  Canine                                    14¾
  Canker                                    14â…ž
  Cannibal                                  15
  Canopy                                    15â…›
  Canon                                     15¼
  Canvas                                    15⅜
  Capable                                   15½
  Caper                                     15⅝
  Capital                                   15¾
  Capsize                                   15â…ž
  Capstan                                   16
  Capsular                                  16â…›
  Capsule                                   16¼
  Captain                                   16⅜
  Captivate                                 16½
  Captivity                                 16⅝
  Captor                                    16¾
  Captured                                  16â…ž
  Carat                                     17
  Caravan                                   17â…›
  Carbon                                    17¼
  Carbonate                                 17⅜
  Carboy                                    17½
  Carbuncle                                 17⅝
  Carcass                                   17¾
  Carding                                   17â…ž
  Cardinal                                  18
  Careful                                   18â…›
  Careless                                  18¼
  Caress                                    18⅜
  Carmine                                   18½
  Carnal                                    18⅝
  Carnally                                  18¾
  Carnival                                  18â…ž
  Carousal                                  19
  Carouse                                   19â…›
  Carousing                                 19¼
  Carpenter                                 19⅜
  Carpet                                    19½
  Carpeting                                 19⅝
  Carriage                                  19¾
  Carry                                     19â…ž
  Cartoon                                   20
  Cartridge                                 20â…›
  Cascade                                   20¼
  Casemate                                  20⅜
  Cashmere                                  20½
  Casing                                    20⅝
  Castigate                                 20¾
  Castle                                    20â…ž
  Castor                                    21
  Castrate                                  21â…›
  Casual                                    21¼
  Casually                                  21⅜
  Catacomb                                  21½
  Catalogue                                 21⅝
  Catching                                  21¾
  Catchup                                   21â…ž
  Catgut                                    22
  Cathartic                                 22â…›
  Cathedral                                 22¼
  Catholic                                  22⅜
  Catheter                                  22½
  Catnip                                    22⅝
  Caucus                                    22¾
  Caustic                                   22â…ž
  Caution                                   23
  Cautious                                  23â…›
  Cavalry                                   23¼
  Cavern                                    23⅜
  Cavity                                    23½
  Cayenne                                   23⅝
  Cedar                                     23¾
  Celebrate                                 23â…ž
  Celestial                                 24
  Cement                                    24â…›
  Cemented                                  24¼
  Cementing                                 24⅜
  Censure                                   24½
  Center                                    24⅝
  Centipede                                 24¾
  Central                                   24â…ž
  Centrally                                 25
  Century                                   25â…›
  Chafe                                     25¼
  Chafing                                   25⅜
  Chaff                                     25½
  Chagrin                                   25⅝
  Chain                                     25¾
  Chained                                   25â…ž
  Chaining                                  26
  Chairman                                  26â…›
  Chaise                                    26¼
  Chalked                                   26⅜
  Challenge                                 26½
  Chamber                                   26⅝
  Champagne                                 26¾
  Champion                                  26â…ž
  Chance                                    27
  Chancing                                  27â…›
  Chandler                                  27¼
  Changeful                                 27⅜
  Chanting                                  27½
  Chaos                                     27⅝
  Chapel                                    27¾
  Chaplain                                  27â…ž
  Chaplet                                   28
  Chapter                                   28â…›
  Character                                 28¼
  Charade                                   28⅜
  Charcoal                                  28½
  Charlotte                                 28⅝
  Charity                                   28¾
  Chastise                                  28â…ž
  Chastity                                  29
  Chat                                      29â…›
  Chatting                                  29¼
  Chatham                                   29⅜
  Chattel                                   29½
  Cheapen                                   29⅝
  Cheaply                                   29¾
  Cheapness                                 29â…ž
  Checkmate                                 30
  Cheerful                                  30â…›
  Cheerfully                                30¼
  Chemical                                  30⅜
  Chemist                                   30½
  Chemistry                                 30⅝
  Cherub                                    30¾
  Cherubim                                  30â…ž
  Chest                                     31
  Chestnut                                  31â…›
  Chicken                                   31¼
  Chide                                     31⅜
  Chiding                                   31½
  Chief                                     31⅝
  Chieftain                                 31¾
  Chilblain                                 31â…ž
  Childhood                                 32
  Childish                                  32â…›
  Childless                                 32¼
  Children                                  32⅜
  Chilly                                    32½
  Chimney                                   32⅝
  China                                     32¾
  Chinese                                   32â…ž
  Chink                                     33
  Chisel                                    33â…›
  Chiselled                                 33¼
  Chivalry                                  33⅜
  Cholic                                    33½
  Choose                                    33⅝
  Chorus                                    33¾
  Chosen                                    33â…ž
  Chowder                                   34
  Christen                                  34â…›
  Christened                                34¼
  Christian                                 34⅜
  Chronic                                   34½
  Chronical                                 34⅝
  Chubby                                    34¾
  Chuckle                                   34â…ž
  Chuckling                                 35
  Church                                    35â…›
  Churl                                     35¼
  Churlish                                  35⅜
  Cigar                                     35½
  Cinder                                    35⅝
  Cinnamon                                  35¾
  Cistern                                   35â…ž
  Citadel                                   36
  Citizen                                   36â…›
  Citron                                    36¼
  Civilian                                  36⅜
  Claim                                     36½
  Claimant                                  36⅝
  Claimed                                   36¾
  Clammy                                    36â…ž
  Claret                                    37
  Clarify                                   37â…›
  Clarified                                 37¼
  Clarinet                                  37⅜
  Class                                     37½
  Classed                                   37⅝
  Classing                                  37¾
  Classify                                  37â…ž
  Clatter                                   38
  Clause                                    38â…›
  Cleanly                                   38¼
  Cleaning                                  38⅜
  Cleanse                                   38½
  Cleaver                                   38⅝
  Cleft                                     38¾
  Clergy                                    38â…ž
  Clergyman                                 39
  Clerk                                     39â…›
  Clerking                                  39¼
  Clerkship                                 39⅜
  Client                                    39½
  Climate                                   39⅝
  Climax                                    39¾
  Climb                                     39â…ž
  Climber                                   40
  Climbing                                  40â…›
  Clinker                                   40¼
  Closely                                   40⅜
  Closeted                                  40½
  Clothes                                   40⅝
  Clothing                                  40¾
  Cloudy                                    40â…ž
  Clouding                                  41
  Cloudless                                 41â…›
  Clownish                                  41¼
  Club                                      41⅜
  Clumsy                                    41½
  Clustered                                 41⅝
  Clustering                                41¾
  Clutched                                  41â…ž
  Clutching                                 42
  Coach                                     42â…›
  Coachman                                  42¼
  Coarse                                    42⅜
  Coarsely                                  42½
  Coast                                     42⅝
  Coaster                                   42¾
  Coasting                                  42â…ž
  Coax                                      43
  Coaxed                                    43â…›
  Coaxing                                   43¼
  Cobbler                                   43⅜
  Cobbling                                  43½
  Cobweb                                    43⅝
  Cockade                                   43¾
  Cockney                                   43â…ž
  Codger                                    44
  Coddle                                    44â…›
  Coffee                                    44¼
  Coffin                                    44⅜
  Cogent                                    44½
  Cognac                                    44⅝
  Cohabit                                   44¾
  Cohabited                                 44â…ž
  Cohesion                                  45
  Collapse                                  45â…›
  Collapsing                                45¼
  Colleague                                 45⅜
  Collide                                   45½
  Colliding                                 45⅝
  Collusion                                 45¾
  Colonist                                  45â…ž
  Colony                                    46
  Color                                     46â…›
  Colorless                                 46¼
  Column                                    46⅜
  Combat                                    46½
  Combatant                                 46⅝
  Combative                                 46¾
  Combine                                   46â…ž
  Combining                                 47
  Combustion                                47â…›
  Comedian                                  47¼
  Comely                                    47⅜
  Comet                                     47½
  Comfort                                   47⅝
  Comforted                                 47¾
  Comforting                                47â…ž
  Coming                                    48
  Comma                                     48â…›
  Command                                   48¼
  Comment                                   48⅜
  Commit                                    48½
  Committee                                 48⅝
  Committed                                 48¾
  Commodore                                 48â…ž
  Commodity                                 49
  Commonly                                  49â…›
  Commotion                                 49¼
  Commute                                   49⅜
  Compact                                   49½
  Compactly                                 49⅝
  Companion                                 49¾
  Company                                   49â…ž
  Compare                                   50
  Comparing                                 50â…›
  Compass                                   50¼
  Compel                                    50⅜
  Compelled                                 50½
  Compelling                                50⅝
  Compensate                                50¾
  Competent                                 50â…ž
  Competing                                 51
  Compiled                                  51â…›
  Complain                                  51¼
  Complained                                51⅜
  Complete                                  51½
  Completely                                51⅝
  Completing                                51¾
  Complex                                   51â…ž
  Complexion                                52
  Complicate                                52â…›
  Compliment                                52¼
  Comply                                    52⅜
  Composition                               52½
  Compound                                  52⅝
  Compounded                                52¾
  Comprehend                                52â…ž
  Compute                                   53
  Comrade                                   53â…›
  Concave                                   53¼
  Conceal                                   53⅜
  Concealed                                 53½
  Concealing                                53⅝
  Conclave                                  53¾
  Conclude                                  53â…ž
  Conclusive                                54
  Concord                                   54â…›
  Concur                                    54¼
  Condemn                                   54⅜
  Condemned                                 54½
  Condense                                  54⅝
  Condensing                                54¾
  Condiment                                 54â…ž
  Condition                                 55
  Conduct                                   55â…›
  Conductor                                 55¼
  Confess                                   55⅜
  Confessed                                 55½
  Confessing                                55⅝
  Confidant                                 55¾
  Confine                                   55â…ž
  Confining                                 56
  Confirm                                   56â…›
  Confiscate                                56¼
  Conflict                                  56⅜
  Confound                                  56½
  Confuse                                   56⅝
  Confusion                                 56¾
  Congeal                                   56â…ž
  Congealed                                 57
  Congealing                                57â…›
  Congestion                                57¼
  Congress                                  57⅜
  Conjugal                                  57½
  Conjure                                   57⅝
  Connive                                   57¾
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  Conquested                                58
  Consent                                   58â…›
  Consented                                 58¼
  Consist                                   58⅜
  Consisted                                 58½
  Consisting                                58⅝
  Consistent                                58¾
  Console                                   58â…ž
  Consoling                                 59
  Consonant                                 59â…›
  Conspire                                  59¼
  Constable                                 59⅜
  Constant                                  59½
  Constantly                                59⅝
  Constipate                                59¾
  Constitute                                59â…ž
  Constrain                                 60
  Construct                                 60â…›
  Constructed                               60¼
  Consul                                    60⅜
  Consulate                                 60½
  Consulted                                 60⅝
  Consume                                   60¾
  Consuming                                 60â…ž
  Consumate                                 61
  Contact                                   61â…›
  Contagion                                 61¼
  Contain                                   61⅜
  Contained                                 61½
  Containing                                61⅝
  Contempt                                  61¾
  Content                                   61â…ž
  Contented                                 62
  Contenting                                62â…›
  Continent                                 62¼
  Control                                   62⅜
  Controlled                                62½
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  Convex                                    62¾
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  Convicted                                 63
  Convicting                                63â…›
  Conviction                                63¼
  Convince                                  63⅜
  Convulse                                  63½
  Convulsing                                63⅝
  Cool                                      63¾
  Coolness                                  63â…ž
  Cooper                                    64
  Copal                                     64â…›
  Copious                                   64¼
  Copper                                    64⅜
  Copperas                                  64½
  Copy                                      64⅝
  Coquette                                  64¾
  Corporal                                  64â…ž
  Corpse                                    65
  Corpulent                                 65â…›
  Corrupt                                   65¼
  Costive                                   65⅜
  Costively                                 65½
  Costiveness                               65⅝
  Costly                                    65¾
  Costume                                   65â…ž
  Cottage                                   66
  Coulter                                   66â…›
  Could                                     66¼
  Counsel                                   66⅜
  Counselor                                 66½
  Count                                     66⅝
  Counter                                   66¾
  Countess                                  66â…ž
  Counting                                  67
  Couple                                    67â…›
  Coupling                                  67¼
  Coupon                                    67⅜
  Courage                                   67½
  Courtesy                                  67⅝
  Courtly                                   67¾
  Courtship                                 67â…ž
  Coward                                    68
  Cowardly                                  68â…›
  Cowhide                                   68¼
  Cowlick                                   68⅜
  Cowslip                                   68½
  Coxcomb                                   68⅝
  Cracker                                   68¾
  Cradle                                    68â…ž
  Cradling                                  69
  Craft                                     69â…›
  Craftsman                                 69¼
  Cramp                                     69⅜
  Cramped                                   69½
  Cramping                                  69⅝
  Cranium                                   69¾
  Crank                                     69â…ž
  Crape                                     70
  Crater                                    70â…›
  Cravat                                    70¼
  Craven                                    70⅜
  Crawfish                                  70½
  Crawled                                   70⅝
  Crawling                                  70¾
  Crayon                                    70â…ž
  Cream                                     71
  Create                                    71â…›
  Creature                                  71¼
  Credible                                  71⅜
  Credit                                    71½
  Credulous                                 71⅝
  Cricket                                   71¾
  Criminal                                  71â…ž
  Crimson                                   72
  Cripple                                   72â…›
  Crippling                                 72¼
  Crisp                                     72⅜
  Critic                                    72½
  Critical                                  72⅝
  Croup                                     72¾
  Crow                                      72â…ž
  Crowing                                   73
  Crowbar                                   73â…›
  Crowd                                     73¼
  Crude                                     73⅜
  Crudely                                   73½
  Crudeness                                 73⅝
  Cruel                                     73¾
  Crumble                                   73â…ž
  Crumbling                                 74
  Crupper                                   74â…›
  Crusade                                   74¼
  Crust                                     74⅜
  Crusted                                   74½
  Crusting                                  74⅝
  Crutch                                    74¾
  Cube                                      74â…ž
  Cuckoo                                    75
  Cucumber                                  75â…›
  Cudgel                                    75¼
  Cuffed                                    75⅜
  Culminate                                 75½
  Culpable                                  75⅝
  Culprit                                   75⅜
  Cultivate                                 75â…ž
  Culture                                   76
  Cupboard                                  76â…›
  Cupping                                   76¼
  Curbing                                   76⅜
  Curse                                     76½
  Cursing                                   76⅝
  Curtail                                   76¾
  Curtailed                                 76â…ž
  Curtailing                                77
  Cushion                                   77â…›
  Cushioned                                 77¼
  Custard                                   77⅜
  Custodian                                 77½
  Custody                                   77⅝
  Custom                                    77¾
  Customer                                  77â…ž
  Cuticle                                   78
  Cutlass                                   78â…›
  Cutlet                                    78¼
  Dainty                                    78⅜
  Daintily                                  78½
  Damage                                    78⅝
  Damask                                    78¾
  Damper                                    78â…ž
  Dampness                                  79
  Damsel                                    79â…›
  Dandruff                                  79¼
  Danger                                    79⅜
  Dangle                                    79½
  Dangling                                  79⅝
  Dapple                                    79¾
  Danube                                    79â…ž
  Daring                                    80
  Darken                                    80â…›
  Darkness                                  80¼
  Darling                                   80⅜
  Data                                      80½
  Daub                                      80⅝
  Dauber                                    80¾
  Daubing                                   80â…ž
  Daunted                                   81
  Dauntless                                 81â…›
  Dauphin                                   81¼
  Dawned                                    81⅜
  Dawning                                   81½
  Daylight                                  81⅝
  Dazzle                                    81¾
  Dazzling                                  81â…ž
  Deadly                                    82
  Deafen                                    82â…›
  Deafening                                 82¼
  Deafness                                  82⅜
  Deathly                                   82½
  Debark                                    82⅝
  Debarked                                  82¾
  Debate                                    82â…ž
  Debating                                  83
  Debauch                                   83â…›
  Debauched                                 83¼
  Debility                                  83⅜
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  Decade                                    83⅝
  Decamp                                    83¾
  Decamped                                  83â…ž
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  Decanter                                  84â…›
  Deceptive                                 84¼
  Declaim                                   84⅜
  Declare                                   84½
  Dedicate                                  84⅝
  Deeply                                    84¾
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  Default                                   85
  Defaulter                                 85â…›
  Defaulting                                85¼
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  Defective                                 85½
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  Defense                                   85¾
  Defensive                                 85â…ž
  Defiance                                  86
  Defiant                                   86â…›
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  Deformed                                  86½
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  Defrauded                                 86¾
  Defrauding                                86â…ž
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  Defunct                                   87â…›
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  Degree                                    87⅜
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  Deluded                                   87⅝
  Deluding                                  87¾
  Deluge                                    87â…ž
  Delusion                                  88
  Demand                                    88â…›
  Demean                                    88¼
  Demented                                  88⅜
  Demise                                    88½
  Democrat                                  88⅝
  Demolish                                  88¾
  Demolished                                88â…ž
  Denote                                    89
  Denoting                                  89â…›
  Denounce                                  89¼
  Densely                                   89⅜
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  Dentist                                   89⅝
  Dentistry                                 89¾
  Deny                                      89â…ž
  Depart                                    90
  Departed                                  90â…›
  Departing                                 90¼
  Deploy                                    90⅜
  Deplume                                   90½
  Deponent                                  90⅝
  Depot                                     90¾
  Deprave                                   90â…ž
  Depravity                                 91
  Depth                                     91â…›
  Deputy                                    91¼
  Derange                                   91⅜
  Design                                    91½
  Designed                                  91⅝
  Designate                                 91¾
  Desk                                      91â…ž
  Desolate                                  92
  Despair                                   92â…›
  Desperate                                 92¼
  Despotic                                  92⅜
  Despotism                                 92½
  Destiny                                   92⅝
  Destitute                                 92¾
  Detail                                    92â…ž
  Detailed                                  93
  Detailing                                 93â…›
  Detective                                 93¼
  Dethrone                                  93⅜
  Devastate                                 93½
  Develop                                   93⅝
  Deviate                                   93¾
  Devil                                     93â…ž
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  Deviltry                                  94â…›
  Devout                                    94¼
  Dewdrop                                   94⅜
  Diadem                                    94½
  Diagram                                   94⅝
  Dialect                                   94¾
  Dialogue                                  94â…ž
  Diameter                                  95
  Diamond                                   95â…›
  Diary                                     95¼
  Dictate                                   95⅜
  Dictator                                  95½
  Digest                                    95⅝
  Digested                                  95¾
  Digesting                                 95â…ž
  Dignified                                 96
  Dignity                                   96â…›
  Dilute                                    96¼
  Diluting                                  96⅜
  Dimension                                 96½
  Diminish                                  96⅝
  Dimity                                    96¾
  Dimple                                    96â…ž
  Dinner                                    97
  Diploma                                   97â…›
  Direful                                   97¼
  Dirge                                     97⅜
  Dirty                                     97½
  Disappear                                 97⅝
  Disarm                                    97¾
  Disarmed                                  97â…ž
  Disaster                                  98
  Disband                                   98â…›
  Disburse                                  98¼
  Discard                                   98⅜
  Discarded                                 98½
  Discharge                                 98⅝
  Disclose                                  98¾
  Discolor                                  98â…ž
  Discount                                  99
  Discover                                  99â…›
  Discuss                                   99¼
  Disgorge                                  99⅜
  Disguise                                  99½
  Disgrace                                  99⅝
  Disgust                                   99¾
  Disgusted                                 99â…ž
  Disgusting                               100
  Dishearten                               100â…›
  Dishonest                                100¼
  Dishonor                                 100⅜
  Dislike                                  100½
  Dislocate                                100⅝
  Dislodge                                 100¾
  Disloyal                                 100â…ž
  Dismal                                   101
  Dismally                                 101â…›
  Dismast                                  101¼
  Dismiss                                  101⅜
  Dismount                                 101½
  Disobey                                  101⅝
  Dispel                                   101¾
  Dispelled                                101â…ž
  Dispense                                 102
  Display                                  102â…›
  Displease                                102¼
  Dispose                                  102⅜
  Dispute                                  102½
  Dissipate                                102⅝
  Dissolve                                 102¾
  Distaff                                  102â…ž
  Distance                                 103
  Distant                                  103â…›
  Distill                                  103¼
  Distilled                                103⅜
  Distinct                                 103½
  Distinctly                               103⅝
  Distress                                 103¾
  Distribute                               103â…ž
  Distrust                                 104
  Disturb                                  104â…›
  Ditch                                    104¼
  Ditty                                    104⅜
  Divest                                   104½
  Divested                                 104⅝
  Divesting                                104¾
  Divine                                   104â…ž
  Divinely                                 105
  Divulge                                  105â…›
  Doctor                                   105¼
  Doctrine                                 105⅜
  Dogma                                    105½
  Dogmatic                                 105⅝
  Doleful                                  105¾
  Dolesome                                 105â…ž
  Dolphin                                  106
  Domain                                   106â…›
  Domestic                                 106¼
  Dormant                                  106⅜
  Dotage                                   106½
  Dotard                                   106⅝
  Doublet                                  106¾
  Doubloon                                 106â…ž
  Doubtful                                 107
  Doubtless                                107â…›
  Doughnut                                 107¼
  Downcast                                 107⅜
  Downfall                                 107½
  Draggle                                  107⅝
  Dragon                                   107¾
  Drama                                    107â…ž
  Dramatic                                 108
  Draught                                  108â…›
  Dream                                    108¼
  Dreamer                                  108⅜
  Dreaming                                 108½
  Dredge                                   108⅝
  Dredging                                 108¾
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  Drenched                                 109
  Drenching                                109â…›
  Dress                                    109¼
  Dressing                                 109⅜
  Dribble                                  109½
  Driblet                                  109⅝
  Droop                                    109¾
  Dropsy                                   109â…ž
  Drown                                     110
  Drowned                                   111
  Drowning                                  112
  Drowsy                                    113
  Druggist                                  114
  Drummer                                   115
  Drunkard                                  116
  Drunken                                   117
  Ducat                                     118
  Ducking                                   119
  Duly                                      120
  Dumpish                                   121
  Dumpling                                  122
  Dungeon                                   123
  Dupe                                      124
  Durable                                   125
  Durance                                   126
  Dusty                                     127
  Dutiful                                   128
  Dwarf                                     129
  Dwarfish                                  130
  Dwell                                     131
  Dwelling                                  132
  Dynasty                                   133
  Eagle                                     134
  Eagerly                                   135
  Earnest                                   136
  Earnestly                                 137
  Earth                                     138
  Earthen                                   139
  Earthly                                   140
  Easily                                    141
  Easter                                    142
  Eastern                                   143
  Eating                                    144
  Eatable                                   145
  Ebony                                     146
  Eden                                      147
  Edge                                      148
  Edible                                    149
  Edify                                     150
  Edition                                   151
  Editing                                   152
  Editor                                    153
  Educate                                   154
  Efface                                    155
  Effacing                                  156
  Effigy                                    157
  Egg                                       158
  Egotist                                   159
  Egress                                    160
  Elaborate                                 161
  Elastic                                   162
  Elbow                                     163
  Elder                                     164
  Elderly                                   165
  Eldest                                    166
  Elected                                   167
  Election                                  168
  Elegance                                  169
  Elegant                                   170
  Elegantly                                 171
  Element                                   172
  Elemental                                 173
  Elephant                                  174
  Elongate                                  175
  Eloquent                                  176
  Else                                      177
  Elude                                     178
  Eluding                                   179
  Emanate                                   180
  Embalm                                    181
  Embalmed                                  182
  Embark                                    183
  Embarked                                  184
  Embassy                                   185
  Embers                                    186
  Embellish                                 187
  Emblem                                    188
  Embody                                    189
  Embolden                                  190
  Embrace                                   191
  Emerald                                   192
  Emetic                                    193
  Eminent                                   194
  Empale                                    195
  Empaling                                  196
  Emphatic                                  197
  Empire                                    198
  Employ                                    199
  Employed                                  200
  Empress                                   201
  Empower                                   202
  Empty                                     203
  Emulate                                   204
  Enamel                                    205
  Enameled                                  206
  Encamp                                    207
  Encamped                                  208
  Enchant                                   209
  Enchanted                                 210
  Enclose                                   211
  Enclosing                                 212
  Enclosure                                 213
  Encounter                                 214
  Encumber                                  215
  Endanger                                  216
  Endear                                    217
  Ending                                    218
  Endless                                   219
  Endow                                     220
  Endowed                                   221
  Endowing                                  222
  Endure                                    223
  Enemy                                     224
  Energetic                                 225
  Energy                                    226
  Enfeeble                                  227
  Enforce                                   228
  Engage                                    229
  Engender                                  230
  Engine                                    231
  Engrave                                   232
  Engraving                                 233
  Engulf                                    234
  Engulfed                                  235
  Engulfing                                 236
  Enigma                                    237
  Enjoin                                    238
  Enlarge                                   239
  Enlarging                                 240
  Enlighten                                 241
  Enmity                                    242
  Enrage                                    243
  Enraging                                  244
  Enrapture                                 245
  Ensign                                    246
  Enslave                                   247
  Enslaving                                 248
  Entangle                                  249
  Entertain                                 250
  Enthrone                                  255
  Entitle                                   260
  Entomb                                    265
  Entombed                                  270
  Entrap                                    275
  Entrapped                                 280
  Entreaty                                  285
  Entry                                     290
  Entwine                                   295
  Envelope                                  300
  Envoy                                     305
  Epulet                                    310
  Epistle                                   315
  Epitaph                                   320
  Equator                                   325
  Equip                                     330
  Equipped                                  335
  Equitable                                 340
  Equity                                    345
  Escape                                    350
  Escaping                                  355
  Essay                                     360
  Establish                                 365
  Estate                                    370
  Esteem                                    375
  Esteemed                                  380
  Eternal                                   385
  Eternity                                  390
  Eulogy                                    395
  Eulogist                                  400
  Evidence                                  405
  Evil                                      410
  Exalt                                     415
  Exalted                                   420
  Exalting                                  425
  Example                                   430
  Excavate                                  435
  Excavating                                440
  Excel                                     445
  Excelled                                  450
  Excellent                                 455
  Excelling                                 460
  Exception                                 465
  Excite                                    470
  Exclaim                                   475
  Exclaimed                                 480
  Exclaiming                                485
  Exclude                                   490
  Excluding                                 495
  Exclusive                                 500
  Exculpate                                 505
  Excuse                                    510
  Excusing                                  515
  Exempt                                    520
  Exempted                                  525
  Exempting                                 530
  Exhaust                                   535
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  Exhibited                                 545
  Exhibiting                                550
  Exhume                                    555
  Exist                                     560
  Existed                                   565
  Existence                                 570
  Existing                                  575
  Exodus                                    580
  Expand                                    585
  Expanded                                  590
  Expanding                                 595
  Expansion                                 600
  Expectant                                 605
  Expedite                                  610
  Expel                                     615
  Expelled                                  620
  Expelling                                 625
  Expired                                   630
  Explained                                 635
  Explode                                   640
  Exploding                                 645
  Explosion                                 650
  Expose                                    655
  Exposing                                  660
  Exposure                                  665
  Expulsion                                 670
  External                                  675
  Extend                                    680
  Extended                                  685
  Extending                                 690
  Extensive                                 695
  Extract                                   700
  Extracted                                 705
  Extracting                                710
  Extreme                                   715
  Extremely                                 720
  Exultant                                  725
  Factor                                    730
  Facts                                     735
  Faculty                                   740
  Fagot                                     745
  Faintly                                   750
  Faintness                                 755
  Fairy                                     760
  Fairness                                  765
  Faith                                     770
  Faithful                                  775
  Faithfully                                780
  Faithless                                 785
  Falcon                                    790
  Fallen                                    795
  False                                     800
  Falsely                                   805
  Falsify                                   810
  Falsehood                                 815
  Falsetto                                  820
  Familiar                                  825
  Family                                    830
  Famine                                    835
  Famish                                    840
  Famished                                  845
  Famishing                                 850
  Famous                                    855
  Famously                                  860
  Fanatic                                   865
  Fanciful                                  870
  Fandango                                  875
  Farewell                                  880
  Farthing                                  885
  Fashion                                   890
  Fashioned                                 895
  Fast                                      900
  Fasten                                    905
  Fastened                                  910
  Fasting                                   915
  Fatality                                  920
  Father                                    925
  Fatherly                                  930
  Fathom                                    935
  Fatigue                                   940
  Fault                                     945
  Faultless                                 950
  Favor                                     955
  Fearful                                   960
  Fearless                                  965
  Feasible                                  970
  Feature                                   975
  Federal                                   980
  Feline                                    985
  Felony                                    990
  Female                                    995
  Fencing                                 1,000
  Fertile                                 1,050
  Fertility                               1,100
  Fervent                                 1,150
  Fervently                               1,200
  Festival                                1,250
  Festive                                 1,300
  Festoon                                 1,350
  Fetch                                   1,400
  Fetlock                                 1,450
  Fetus                                   1,500
  Fiddle                                  1,550
  Fidelity                                1,600
  Fidget                                  1,650
  Field                                   1,700
  Figure                                  1,750
  Filter                                  1,800
  Filth                                   1,850
  Filthy                                  1,900
  Final                                   1,950
  Finally                                 2,000
  Finance                                 2,100
  Finely                                  2,200
  Finger                                  2,300
  Firkin                                  2,400
  Fiscal                                  2,500
  Fishes                                  2,600
  Fishing                                 2,700
  Fixture                                 2,800
  Flabby                                  2,900
  Flagon                                  3,000
  Flagrant                                3,100
  Flagstaff                               3,200
  Flail                                   3,300
  Flame                                   3,400
  Flaming                                 3,500
  Flange                                  3,600
  Flannel                                 3,700
  Flashy                                  3,800
  Flatly                                  3,900
  Flatness                                4,000
  Flavor                                  4,100
  Flax                                    4,200
  Flaxen                                  4,300
  Flesh                                   4,400
  Flexible                                4,500
  Flicker                                 4,600
  Flighty                                 4,700
  Flimsy                                  4,800
  Flinch                                  4,900
  Flinching                               5,000
  Flirt                                   5,500
  Flirting                                6,000
  Flogging                                6,500
  Floral                                  7,000
  Flounder                                7,500
  Flounce                                 8,000
  Fluent                                  8,500
  Fluently                                9,000
  Flute                                   9,500
  Fluting                                10,000
  Flutter                                11,000
  Fly                                    12,000
  Focus                                  13,000
  Fodder                                 14,000
  Foggy                                  15,000
  Foliage                                16,000
  Fondly                                 17,000
  Fondness                               18,000
  Foolish                                19,000
  Footman                                20,000
  Footstep                               21,000
  Foppish                                22,000
  Forage                                 23,000
  Forehead                               24,000
  Forfeit                                25,000
  Forgave                                26,000
  Forgetful                              27,000
  Forgotten                              28,000
  Forlorn                                29,000
  Formula                                30,000
  Forsake                                31,000
  Fortress                               32,000
  Fortune                                33,000
  Forward                                34,000
  Fossil                                 35,000
  Founder                                36,000
  Foundling                              37,000
  Fountain                               38,000
  Fraction                               39,000
  Frankly                                40,000
  Fraud                                  41,000
  Freedom                                42,000
  Frequent                               43,000
  Fretful                                44,000
  Fretfully                              45,000
  Friendly                               46,000
  Friendship                             47,000
  Frightful                              48,000
  Frigid                                 49,000
  Frigidly                               50,000
  Fringe                                 51,000
  Friskly                                52,000
  Frolic                                 53,000
  Frost                                  54,000
  Frugal                                 55,000
  Frugally                               56,000
  Fruit                                  57,000
  Fruitful                               58,000
  Fugitive                               59,000
  Fulfill                                60,000
  Fulfilled                              61,000
  Fullness                               62,000
  Fungus                                 63,000
  Funeral                                64,000
  Furnace                                65,000
  Furlong                                66,000
  Furlough                               67,000
  Fuse                                   68,000
  Futile                                 69,000
  Gab                                    70,000
  Gable                                  71,000
  Gaff                                   72,000
  Gainful                                73,000
  Gainsay                                74,000
  Galaxy                                 75,000
  Gallop                                 76,000
  Gallows                                77,000
  Galvanic                               78,000
  Gambler                                79,000
  Gambling                               80,000
  Gambol                                 81,000
  Gamester                               82,000
  Gander                                 83,000
  Gargle                                 84,000
  Gargling                               85,000
  Garland                                86,000
  Garlic                                 87,000
  Garment                                88,000
  Garter                                 89,000
  Gateway                                90,000
  Gaudy                                  91,000
  Gauntlet                               92,000
  Gavel                                  93,000
  Gender                                 94,000
  General                                95,000
  Genteel                                96,000
  Gentle                                 97,000
  Geology                                98,000
  Gesture                                99,000
  Ghastly                               100,000
  Giggle                                105,000
  Gimlet                                110,000
  Ginger                                115,000
  Gingham                               120,000
  Girdle                                125,000
  Girl                                  130,000
  Glad                                  135,000
  Gladden                               140,000
  Gladly                                145,000
  Gland                                 150,000
  Glass                                 155,000
  Gleam                                 160,000
  Glen                                  165,000
  Glide                                 170,000
  Gliding                               175,000
  Glimpse                               180,000
  Glisten                               185,000
  Glitter                               190,000
  Globe                                 195,000
  Globular                              200,000
  Gloom                                 205,000
  Glory                                 210,000
  Glove                                 215,000
  Glutton                               220,000
  Goblin                                225,000
  Goblet                                230,000
  Goddess                               240,000
  Godly                                 250,000
  Golden                                260,000
  Goslin                                270,000
  Gospel                                275,000
  Gossip                                280,000
  Gothic                                290,000
  Govern                                300,000
  Governed                              325,000
  Governor                              350,000
  Grace                                 375,000
  Graceful                              400,000
  Grampus                               425,000
  Grandly                               450,000
  Grandee                               475,000
  Grandson                              500,000
  Grange                                550,000
  Granite                               600,000
  Granular                              650,000
  Graphic                               700,000
  Grapple                               750,000
  Grasp                                 800,000
  Grasped                               850,000
  Grasping                              900,000
  Grassy                                950,000
  Grateful                            1,000,000
  Gratefully                          1,250,000
  Gratified                           1,500,000
  Gratify                             1,750,000
  Gratitude                           2,000,000
  Gratis                              2,500,000
  Gravity                             3,000,000
  Gravy                               3,500,000
  Greatly                             4,000,000
  Greatness                           4,500,000
  Greedy                              5,000,000
  Greedily                            5,500,000
  Greediness                          6,000,000
  Greeting                            6,500,000
  Griddle                             7,000,000
  Grimace                             7,500,000
  Grimly                              8,000,000
  Gristle                             8,500,000
  Gritty                              9,000,000
  Groom                               9,500,000
  Grotto                             10,000,000


  Ground                                  2 50
  Groundless                              2 52½
  Group                                   2 55
  Grouped                                 2 57½
  Grouping                                2 60
  Growl                                   2 62½
  Growler                                 2 65
  Growling                                2 67½
  Growth                                  2 70
  Grub                                    2 72½
  Grubbing                                2 75
  Grudge                                  2 77½
  Grudging                                2 80
  Gruel                                   2 82½
  Gruff                                   2 85
  Gruffly                                 2 87½
  Grumble                                 2 90
  Grumbling                               2 92½
  Guano                                   2 95
  Guard                                   2 97½
  Guarded                                 3 00
  Guarding                                3 02½
  Guardian                                3 05
  Gudgeon                                 3 07½
  Guest                                   3 10
  Guide                                   3 12½
  Guiding                                 3 15
  Guilty                                  3 17½
  Guiltless                               3 20
  Guitar                                  3 22½
  Gulf                                    3 25
  Gulfed                                  3 27½
  Gulping                                 3 30
  Gumption                                3 32½
  Gusto                                   3 35
  Gymnast                                 3 37½
  Gypsum                                  3 40
  Habit                                   3 42½
  Habitual                                3 45
  Hackney                                 3 47½
  Haggard                                 3 50
  Haggle                                  3 52½
  Halibut                                 3 55
  Halter                                  3 57½
  Hamlet                                  3 60
  Handcuff                                3 62½
  Handsome                                3 65
  Handspike                               3 67½
  Hanging                                 3 70
  Hangman                                 3 72½
  Hanker                                  3 75
  Happy                                   3 77½
  Hapless                                 3 80
  Happily                                 3 82½
  Harangue                                3 85
  Harass                                  3 87½
  Harden                                  3 90
  Hardihood                               3 92½
  Hardship                                3 95
  Hardware                                3 97½
  Harlot                                  4 00
  Harm                                    4 02½
  Harmful                                 4 05
  Harmless                                4 07½
  Harmony                                 4 10
  Harness                                 4 12½
  Harnessed                               4 15
  Harpoon                                 4 17½
  Harpooned                               4 20
  Harsh                                   4 22½
  Harshly                                 4 25
  Hasty                                   4 27½
  Hatchet                                 4 30
  Hatchway                                4 32½
  Hateful                                 4 35
  Hatefully                               4 37½
  Hatred                                  4 40
  Haunt                                   4 42½
  Haunted                                 4 45
  Haunting                                4 47½
  Havoc                                   4 50
  Hawk                                    4 52½
  Hawthorn                                4 55
  Hazard                                  4 57½
  Headache                                4 60
  Headland                                4 62½
  Headless                                4 65
  Headlong                                4 67½
  Headstall                               4 70
  Headway                                 4 72½
  Health                                  4 75
  Healthful                               4 77½
  Heartburn                               4 80
  Hearth                                  4 82½
  Heartily                                4 85
  Heathen                                 4 87½
  Heathenish                              4 90
  Heaven                                  4 92½
  Heavenly                                4 95
  Hebrew                                  4 97½
  Hector                                  5 00
  Heedful                                 5 02½
  Heighten                                5 05
  Helen                                   5 07½
  Helmet                                  5 10
  Help                                    5 12½
  Helped                                  5 15
  Helping                                 5 17½
  Henbane                                 5 20
  Herald                                  5 22½
  Herbage                                 5 25
  Hereby                                  5 27½
  Herself                                 5 30
  Hesitate                                5 32½
  Hidden                                  5 35
  Hide                                    5 37½
  Hideous                                 5 40
  Highness                                5 42½
  Highland                                5 45
  Highlander                              5 47½
  Highly                                  5 50
  Highway                                 5 52½
  Hilarity                                5 55
  Hillock                                 5 57½
  Himself                                 5 60
  Hindmost                                5 62½
  Hindrance                               5 65
  Hindoo                                  5 67½
  History                                 5 70
  Hoarse                                  5 72½
  Hoarsely                                5 75
  Hoggish                                 5 77½
  Hoggishly                               5 80
  Holiday                                 5 82½
  Holiness                                5 85
  Holy                                    5 87½
  Homage                                  5 90
  Holster                                 5 92½
  Homeless                                5 95
  Homely                                  5 97½
  Homesick                                6 00
  Homespun                                6 02½
  Homestead                               6 05
  Homeward                                6 07½
  Hominy                                  6 10
  Honest                                  6 12½
  Honestly                                6 15
  Honey                                   6 17½
  Hooded                                  6 20
  Hope                                    6 22½
  Hopeful                                 6 25
  Hopeless                                6 27½
  Horde                                   6 30
  Hornpipe                                6 32½
  Horrible                                6 35
  Horrid                                  6 37½
  Horridly                                6 40
  Hospital                                6 42½
  Hostile                                 6 45
  Hostility                               6 47½
  Hostler                                 6 50
  Hostess                                 6 52½
  Hotel                                   6 55
  Hourly                                  6 57½
  Hovel                                   6 60
  Huge                                    6 62½
  Hugely                                  6 65
  Human                                   6 67½
  Humanly                                 6 70
  Humble                                  6 72½
  Humbug                                  6 75
  Humility                                6 77½
  Hunger                                  6 80
  Hungry                                  6 82½
  Hunter                                  6 85
  Hurdle                                  6 87½
  Hurrah                                  6 90
  Husband                                 6 92½
  Husky                                   6 95
  Hydrant                                 6 97½
  Hydraulic                               7 00
  Hyena                                   7 02½
  Hymn                                    7 05
  Hydrogen                                7 07½
  Ibex                                    7 10
  Ideal                                   7 12½
  Identity                                7 15
  Identical                               7 17½
  Idiot                                   7 20
  Idle                                    7 22½
  Idleness                                7 25
  Idolatry                                7 27½
  Ignite                                  7 30
  Igniting                                7 32½
  Ignoble                                 7 35
  Ignorant                                7 37½
  Ignore                                  7 40
  Illegal                                 7 42½
  Illness                                 7 45
  Image                                   7 47½
  Imagine                                 7 50
  Imbibe                                  7 52½
  Imbibing                                7 55
  Imbed                                   7 57½
  Imbedded                                7 60
  Imbitter                                7 62½
  Imitate                                 7 65
  Immerge                                 7 67½
  Immodest                                7 70
  Immoral                                 7 72½
  Impartial                               7 75
  Impart                                  7 77½
  Imparted                                7 80
  Impatient                               7 82½
  Impeach                                 7 85
  Impeached                               7 87½
  Impede                                  7 90
  Impel                                   7 92½
  Imperfect                               7 95
  Impetus                                 7 97½
  Implement                               8 00
  Implicate                               8 02½
  Implore                                 8 05
  Imploring                               8 07½
  Imply                                   8 10
  Impolite                                8 12½
  Impose                                  8 15
  Imposing                                8 17½
  Imposter                                8 20
  Impotent                                8 22½
  Impound                                 8 25
  Imprint                                 8 27½
  Improper                                8 30
  Improve                                 8 32½
  Impudent                                8 35
  Impulse                                 8 37½
  Impulsive                               8 40
  Incident                                8 42½
  Incline                                 8 45
  Inclining                               8 47½
  Include                                 8 50
  Inclusive                               8 52½
  Income                                  8 55
  Incrust                                 8 57½
  Incubate                                8 60
  Incubus                                 8 62½
  Indebted                                8 65
  Indelible                               8 67½
  Indent                                  8 70
  Index                                   8 72½
  India                                   8 75
  Indicate                                8 77½
  Indict                                  8 80
  Indicted                                8 82½
  Indigence                               8 85
  Indigent                                8 87½
  Indignant                               8 90
  Indigo                                  8 92½
  Indolent                                8 95
  Indulge                                 8 97½
  Industry                                9 00
  Inebriate                               9 02½
  Infallible                              9 05
  Infamous                                9 07½
  Infamy                                  9 10
  Infant                                  9 12½
  Infantry                                9 15
  Infatuate                               9 17½
  Infection                               9 20
  Infernal                                9 22½
  Infidel                                 9 25
  Infinite                                9 27½
  Infirm                                  9 30
  Inflamed                                9 32½
  Inflate                                 9 35
  Inflating                               9 37½
  Inflict                                 9 40
  Inflicted                               9 42½
  Infliction                              9 45
  Inflicting                              9 47½
  Influence                               9 50
  Informal                                9 52½
  Infringe                                9 55
  Ingot                                   9 57½
  Ingraft                                 9 60
  Ingrain                                 9 62½
  Inhabit                                 9 65
  Inhabited                               9 67½
  Inhale                                  9 70
  Inhaling                                9 72½
  Inhuman                                 9 75
  Inject                                  9 77½
  Injected                                9 80
  Injection                               9 82½
  Inky                                    9 85
  Inkling                                 9 87½
  Inland                                  9 90
  Inlet                                   9 92½
  Inmate                                  9 95
  Inmost                                  9 97½
  Innocent                               10 00
  Inquest                                10 02½
  Insane                                 10 05
  Insanity                               10 07½
  Inside                                 10 10
  Insight                                10 12½
  Insipid                                10 15
  Insist                                 10 17½
  Insisted                               10 20
  Insisting                              10 22½
  Insolence                              10 25
  Inspire                                10 27½
  Install                                10 30
  Installed                              10 32½
  Installing                             10 35
  Instead                                10 37½
  Instep                                 10 40
  Instigate                              10 42½
  Insulate                               10 45
  Insult                                 10 47½
  Insulted                               10 50
  Insulting                              10 52½
  Insurgent                              10 55
  Intellect                              10 57½
  Intend                                 10 60
  Intestate                              10 62½
  Inthrall                               10 65
  Intimate                               10 67½
  Intoxicate                             10 70
  Intrench                               10 72½
  Intrenched                             10 75
  Intrigue                               10 77½
  Introduce                              10 80
  Intrude                                10 82½
  Intruding                              10 85
  Intrust                                10 87½
  Intrusted                              10 90
  Invade                                 10 92½
  Invading                               10 95
  Invalid                                10 97½
  Invasion                               11 00
  Invent                                 11 02½
  Invented                               11 05
  Inventing                              11 07½
  Invoke                                 11 10
  Invoking                               11 12½
  Involve                                11 15
  Involving                              11 17½
  Inward                                 11 20
  Inwardly                               11 22½
  Isthmus                                11 25
  Issue                                  11 27½
  Italian                                11 30
  Italic                                 11 32½
  Itch                                   11 35
  Item                                   11 37½
  Itself                                 11 40
  Jabber                                 11 42½
  Jacket                                 11 45
  Jail                                   11 47½
  Jailer                                 11 50
  Jalap                                  11 52½
  Janitor                                11 55
  Jasper                                 11 57½
  Jaunt                                  11 60
  Jaunting                               11 62½
  Javelin                                11 65
  Jealous                                11 67½
  Jester                                 11 70
  Jesting                                11 72½
  Jesuit                                 11 75
  Jew                                    11 77½
  Jewel                                  11 80
  Jewelry                                11 82½
  Jewess                                 11 85
  Jewish                                 11 87½
  Jockey                                 11 90
  Jocular                                11 92½
  Joke                                   11 95
  Joking                                 11 97½
  Jolly                                  12 00
  Jostle                                 12 02½
  Jostling                               12 05
  Journal                                12 07½
  Journey                                12 10
  Joy                                    12 12½
  Joyful                                 12 15
  Joyfully                               12 17½
  Jubilant                               12 20
  Jubilee                                12 22½
  Judge                                  12 25
  Judging                                12 27½
  Judgment                               12 30
  Judicial                               12 32½
  Juggler                                12 35
  Jugular                                12 37½
  Junction                               12 40
  Jungle                                 12 42½
  Juniper                                12 45
  Jury                                   12 47½
  Just                                   12 50
  Justice                                12 52½
  Justify                                12 55
  Justly                                 12 57½
  Justness                               12 60
  Juvenile                               12 62½
  Label                                  12 65
  Labeled                                12 67½
  Labor                                  12 70
  Lace                                   12 72½
  Lackey                                 12 75
  Ladder                                 12 77½
  Ladle                                  12 80
  Lady                                   12 82½
  Laggard                                12 85
  Lamb                                   12 87½
  Lament                                 12 90
  Lamented                               12 92½
  Lamenting                              12 95
  Landlord                               12 97½
  Landmark                               13 00
  Landscape                              13 02½
  Language                               13 05
  Languid                                13 07½
  Languish                               13 10
  Languished                             13 12½
  Languor                                13 15
  Lantern                                13 17½
  Lapstone                               13 20
  Lapse                                  13 22½
  Larboard                               13 25
  Lashed                                 13 27½
  Lasso                                  13 30
  Lastly                                 13 32½
  Lasting                                13 35
  Lately                                 13 37½
  Lateral                                13 40
  Latent                                 13 42½
  Latch                                  13 45
  Latched                                13 47½
  Latching                               13 50
  Lathe                                  13 52½
  Latin                                  13 55
  Latitude                               13 57½
  Laugh                                  13 60
  Laughing                               13 62½
  Laughter                               13 65
  Launch                                 13 67½
  Launched                               13 70
  Launching                              13 72½
  Laundry                                13 75
  Laundress                              13 77½
  Laurel                                 13 80
  Lava                                   13 82½
  Lavender                               13 85
  Lavish                                 13 87½
  Lawful                                 13 90
  Lawfully                               13 92½
  Lawless                                13 95
  Lawsuit                                13 97½
  Lawyer                                 14 00
  Laxative                               14 02½
  Layman                                 14 05
  Lazily                                 14 07½
  Lazy                                   14 10
  Lead                                   14 12½
  Leader                                 14 15
  Leading                                14 17½
  League                                 14 20
  Leaky                                  14 22½
  Leaking                                14 25
  Leakage                                14 27½
  Leather                                14 30
  Leave                                  14 32½
  Leaving                                14 35
  Lecture                                14 37½
  Ledger                                 14 40
  Leeway                                 14 42½
  Leg                                    14 45
  Legal                                  14 47½
  Legally                                14 50
  Legacy                                 14 52½
  Legation                               14 55
  Legend                                 14 57½
  Legging                                14 60
  Leghorn                                14 62½
  Legible                                14 65
  Legion                                 14 67½
  Legislate                              14 70
  Leisure                                14 72½
  Lemon                                  14 75
  Length                                 14 77½
  Lengthen                               14 80
  Leopard                                14 82½
  Leper                                  14 85
  Leprous                                14 87½
  Lesson                                 14 90
  Lettuce                                14 92½
  Level                                  14 95
  Levity                                 14 97½
  Liable                                 15 00
  Liberal                                15 02½
  Libertine                              15 05
  Liberty                                15 07½
  Library                                15 10
  Librate                                15 12½
  Lifelike                               15 15
  Ligament                               15 17½
  Ligature                               15 20
  Lighter                                15 22½
  Lightning                              15 25
  Likewise                               15 27½
  Likeness                               15 30
  Lilac                                  15 32½
  Limbo                                  15 35
  Limestone                              15 37½
  Limpid                                 15 40
  Limpsy                                 15 42½
  Linchpin                               15 45
  Lineage                                15 47½
  Linen                                  15 50
  Liniment                               15 52½
  Liquid                                 15 55
  Liquor                                 15 57½
  Listen                                 15 60
  Listened                               15 62½
  Listless                               15 65
  Litany                                 15 67½
  Literal                                15 70
  Literally                              15 72½
  Litigate                               15 75
  Livelong                               15 77½
  Livery                                 15 80
  Lizard                                 15 82½
  Loaf                                   15 85
  Loafer                                 15 87½
  Loathe                                 15 90
  Loathing                               15 92½
  Loaves                                 15 95
  Lobby                                  15 97½
  Lobster                                16 00
  Locality                               16 02½
  Location                               16 05
  Locating                               16 07½
  Locust                                 16 10
  Lodge                                  16 12½
  Lodging                                16 15
  Lofty                                  16 17½
  Loftily                                16 20
  Logic                                  16 22½
  Logical                                16 25
  Lonesome                               16 27½
  Longitude                              16 30
  Loop                                   16 32½
  Looped                                 16 35
  Looping                                16 37½
  Lordly                                 16 40
  Lordship                               16 42½
  Lotion                                 16 45
  Lottery                                16 47½
  Lotus                                  16 50
  Lounge                                 16 52½
  Lounging                               16 55
  Lovely                                 16 57½
  Loveliness                             16 60
  Lovesick                               16 62½
  Loving                                 16 65
  Loyal                                  16 67½
  Loyally                                16 70
  Lubber                                 16 72½
  Lubberly                               16 75
  Lucifer                                16 77½
  Luckily                                16 80
  Luckless                               16 82½
  Luggage                                16 85
  Lugger                                 16 87½
  Lullaby                                16 90
  Lumber                                 16 92½
  Lunar                                  16 95
  Lunatic                                16 97½
  Luncheon                               17 00
  Lunge                                  17 02½
  Lustral                                17 05
  Lustily                                17 07½
  Lustrous                               17 10
  Luxury                                 17 12½
  Lynx                                   17 15
  Machine                                17 17½
  Machinist                              17 20
  Mackerel                               17 22½
  Madam                                  17 25
  Madly                                  17 27½
  Madness                                17 30
  Madonna                                17 32½
  Magazine                               17 35
  Maggot                                 17 37½
  Magistrate                             17 40
  Magnate                                17 42½
  Magnet                                 17 45
  Magnetism                              17 47½
  Magnetic                               17 50
  Magnify                                17 52½
  Magpie                                 17 55
  Magnolia                               17 57½
  Mahogany                               17 60
  Maiden                                 17 62½
  Maidenly                               17 65
  Mail                                   17 67½
  Maintain                               17 70
  Majesty                                17 72½
  Major                                  17 75
  Majority                               17 77½
  Malady                                 17 80
  Malignant                              17 82½
  Manacle                                17 85
  Manage                                 17 87½
  Managing                               17 90
  Mandate                                17 92½
  Manful                                 17 95
  Manfully                               17 97½
  Manhood                                18 00
  Maniac                                 18 02½
  Manifest                               18 05
  Manifestly                             18 07½
  Manifold                               18 10
  Mankind                                18 12½
  Manly                                  18 15
  Mannerly                               18 17½
  Mansion                                18 20
  Mantle                                 18 22½
  Manual                                 18 25
  Manure                                 18 27½
  Maple                                  18 30
  Marble                                 18 32½
  Marketed                               18 35
  Marketing                              18 37½
  Marksman                               18 40
  Marquis                                18 42½
  Marsh                                  18 45
  Marshal                                18 47½
  Martially                              18 50
  Masculine                              18 52½
  Mason                                  18 55
  Masonic                                18 57½
  Masonry                                18 60
  Massive                                18 62½
  Massively                              18 65
  Master                                 18 67½
  Masterly                               18 70
  Masticate                              18 72½
  Mastiff                                18 75
  Mastodon                               18 77½
  Maternal                               18 80
  Matron                                 18 82½
  Matronly                               18 85
  Mattress                               18 87½
  Maxim                                  18 90
  Meadow                                 18 92½
  Meagrely                               18 95
  Measles                                18 97½
  Measure                                19 00
  Mechanic                               19 02½
  Medal                                  19 05
  Medallion                              19 07½
  Meddler                                19 10
  Medical                                19 12½
  Medicine                               19 15
  Meditate                               19 17½
  Medley                                 19 20
  Meeting                                19 22½
  Mellow                                 19 25
  Melody                                 19 27½
  Member                                 19 30
  Membrane                               19 32½
  Memento                                19 35
  Memory                                 19 37½
  Menace                                 19 40
  Mendicant                              19 42½
  Mental                                 19 45
  Mentally                               19 47½
  Mention                                19 50
  Merchant                               19 52½
  Merit                                  19 55
  Mermaid                                19 57½
  Merrily                                19 60
  Merry                                  19 62½
  Messenger                              19 65
  Metallic                               19 67½
  Method                                 19 70
  Methodist                              19 72½
  Middy                                  19 75
  Midland                                19 77½
  Midst                                  19 80
  Midway                                 19 82½
  Midwife                                19 85
  Mightily                               19 87½
  Mighty                                 19 90
  Migrate                                19 92½
  Milch                                  19 95
  Mildew                                 19 97½
  Mildewed                               20 00
  Mildly                                 20 02½
  Mildness                               20 05
  Mileage                                20 07½
  Military                               20 10
  Militia                                20 12½
  Milky                                  20 15
  Milliner                               20 17½
  Mimic                                  20 20
  Mimical                                20 22½
  Mineral                                20 25
  Minister                               20 27½
  Ministry                               20 30
  Minstrel                               20 32½
  Minus                                  20 35
  Minute                                 20 37½
  Minutely                               20 40
  Miracle                                20 42½
  Mirthful                               20 45
  Mischief                               20 47½
  Misdeed                                20 50
  Miser                                  20 52½
  Miserly                                20 55
  Mishap                                 20 57½
  Mislay                                 20 60
  Mislead                                20 62½
  Misleading                             20 65
  Misplace                               20 67½
  Misprint                               20 70
  Miss                                   20 72½
  Missive                                20 75
  Mission                                20 77½
  Missionary                             20 80
  Mistress                               20 82½
  Mistrust                               20 85
  Misty                                  20 87½
  Misuse                                 20 90
  Misusage                               20 92½
  Misusing                               20 95
  Mix                                    20 97½
  Mixture                                21 00
  Mobbed                                 21 02½
  Model                                  21 05
  Modelled                               21 07½
  Modelling                              21 10
  Modern                                 21 12½
  Modest                                 21 15
  Modesty                                21 17½
  Modify                                 21 20
  Mohair                                 21 22½
  Moist                                  21 25
  Moisten                                21 27½
  Moistened                              21 30
  Moisture                               21 32½
  Molar                                  21 35
  Moldy                                  21 37½
  Molested                               21 40
  Molesting                              21 42½
  Moment                                 21 45
  Momentary                              21 47½
  Monarch                                21 50
  Mongrel                                21 52½
  Monitor                                21 55
  Monkey                                 21 57½
  Monogram                               21 60
  Monotone                               21 62½
  Monster                                21 65
  Monthly                                21 67½
  Monument                               21 70
  Moody                                  21 72½
  Moral                                  21 75
  Morally                                21 77½
  Morbid                                 21 80
  Morbidly                               21 82½
  Morsel                                 21 85
  Mortal                                 21 87½
  Mortally                               21 90
  Mortar                                 21 92½
  Mortgage                               21 95
  Mortify                                21 97½
  Mother                                 22 00
  Motherly                               22 02½
  Motto                                  22 05
  Mourn                                  22 07½
  Mourner                                22 10
  Mourning                               22 12½
  Mournful                               22 15
  Mouthful                               22 17½
  Movement                               22 20
  Muddle                                 22 22½
  Muddy                                  22 25
  Muffin                                 22 27½
  Muffler                                22 30
  Mulatto                                22 32½
  Mulish                                 22 35
  Multiple                               22 37½
  Murder                                 22 40
  Muscle                                 22 42½
  Muscular                               22 45
  Muse                                   22 47½
  Museum                                 22 50
  Musical                                22 52½
  Muslin                                 22 55
  Mustard                                22 57½
  Mutilate                               22 60
  Mutinous                               22 62½
  Mutiny                                 22 65
  Mutton                                 22 67½
  Mutual                                 22 70
  Muzzle                                 22 72½
  Muzzling                               22 75
  Mystery                                22 77½
  Mystic                                 22 80
  Mystify                                22 82½
  Nabob                                  22 85
  Namesake                               22 87½
  Nankeen                                22 90
  Napkin                                 22 92½
  Narrow                                 22 95
  Narrowly                               22 97½
  Nasal                                  23 00
  Nature                                 23 02½
  Natural                                23 05
  Navy                                   23 07½
  Navigate                               23 10
  Nebula                                 23 12½
  Neck                                   23 15
  Necklace                               23 17½
  Nectar                                 23 20
  Needful                                23 22½
  Negative                               23 25
  Neglect                                23 27½
  Neglectful                             23 30
  Negligent                              23 32½
  Negro                                  23 35
  Negress                                23 37½
  Neighbor                               23 40
  Neighborly                             23 42½
  Nephew                                 23 45
  Nervous                                23 47½
  Nervously                              23 50
  Nestle                                 23 52½
  Nestling                               23 55
  Neutral                                23 57½
  Neutrally                              23 60
  Nibble                                 23 62½
  Nibbling                               23 65
  Nickel                                 23 67½
  Niggard                                23 70
  Niggardly                              23 72½
  Nightcap                               23 75
  Nightmare                              23 77½
  Nimble                                 23 80
  Nitrate                                23 82½
  Nitrogen                               23 85
  Nitrous                                23 87½
  Nobility                               23 90
  Nobly                                  23 92½
  Nobleman                               23 95
  Nobody                                 23 97½
  Nocturnal                              24 00
  Nominate                               24 02½
  Nonsense                               24 05
  Normal                                 24 07½
  Nosegay                                24 10
  Nostril                                24 12½
  Notably                                24 15
  Notary                                 24 17½
  Nourish                                24 20
  Nourished                              24 22½
  Nourishing                             24 25
  Novel                                  24 27½
  Novelist                               24 30
  Novelty                                24 32½
  Nude                                   24 35
  Nudity                                 24 37½
  Nugget                                 24 40
  Nuisance                               24 42½
  Nullify                                24 45
  Nurture                                24 47½
  Nutmeg                                 24 50
  Nutriment                              24 52½
  Oakum                                  24 55
  Obdurate                               24 57½
  Obedient                               24 60
  Obediently                             24 62½
  Obelisk                                24 65
  Obituary                               24 67½
  Obligate                               24 70
  Obligation                             24 72½
  Obligating                             24 75
  Oblige                                 24 77½
  Oblique                                24 80
  Oblong                                 24 82½
  Obnoxious                              24 85
  Obscure                                24 87½
  Obstacle                               24 90
  Obstinate                              24 92½
  Obtuse                                 24 95
  Obvious                                24 97½
  Occupant                               25 00
  Occupy                                 25 02½
  Octagon                                25 05
  Oculist                                25 07½
  Odor                                   25 10
  Offal                                  25 12½
  Offense                                25 15
  Offensive                              25 17½
  Offset                                 25 20
  Offspring                              25 22½
  Olden                                  25 25
  Omega                                  25 27½
  Omnibus                                25 30
  Omission                               25 32½
  Omit                                   25 35
  Onset                                  25 37½
  Onslaught                              25 40
  Onward                                 25 42½
  Openly                                 25 45
  Opera                                  25 47½
  Optional                               25 50
  Opulence                               25 52½
  Opulent                                25 55
  Oracle                                 25 57½
  Orange                                 25 60
  Oration                                25 62½
  Orator                                 25 65
  Orbit                                  25 67½
  Orchard                                25 70
  Ordain                                 25 72½
  Ordained                               25 75
  Ordaining                              25 77½
  Ordeal                                 25 80
  Orderly                                25 82½
  Ordinance                              25 85
  Organ                                  25 87½
  Organic                                25 90
  Organist                               25 92½
  Origin                                 25 95
  Ornament                               25 97½
  Orthodox                               26 00
  Ostrich                                26 02½
  Ottoman                                26 05
  Outbreak                               26 07½
  Outburst                               26 10
  Outcast                                26 12½
  Outdo                                  26 15
  Outfit                                 26 17½
  Outgrow                                26 20
  Outlaw                                 26 22½
  Outlay                                 26 25
  Outline                                26 27½
  Outlook                                26 30
  Outpost                                26 32½
  Outrage                                26 35
  Outrageous                             26 37½
  Outside                                26 40
  Outskirt                               26 42½
  Outspread                              26 45
  Outstrip                               26 47½
  Outward                                26 50
  Overcome                               26 52½
  Overflow                               26 55
  Oxide                                  26 57½
  Oxidate                                26 60
  Oxygen                                 26 62½
  Package                                26 65
  Packet                                 26 67½
  Paddle                                 26 70
  Paddling                               26 72½
  Padlock                                26 75
  Pagan                                  26 77½
  Paganism                               26 80
  Pageant                                26 82½
  Painful                                26 85
  Painfully                              26 87½
  Painless                               26 90
  Painter                                26 92½
  Painting                               26 95
  Palace                                 26 97½
  Paladin                                27 00
  Palatable                              27 02½
  Palatial                               27 05
  Palatine                               27 07½
  Palaver                                27 10
  Palfry                                 27 12½
  Palisade                               27 15
  Palmetto                               27 17½
  Palmy                                  27 20
  Palpable                               27 22½
  Palpitate                              27 25
  Palsy                                  27 27½
  Paltry                                 27 30
  Pamphlet                               27 32½
  Pancake                                27 35
  Pander                                 27 37½
  Panther                                27 40
  Papal                                  27 42½
  Paper                                  27 45
  Papist                                 27 47½
  Papistry                               27 50
  Parade                                 27 52½
  Parading                               27 55
  Paradise                               27 57½
  Paradox                                27 60
  Paragon                                27 62½
  Parapet                                27 65
  Parasol                                27 67½
  Parboil                                27 70
  Parboiled                              27 72½
  Parchment                              27 75
  Pardon                                 27 77½
  Pardoned                               27 80
  Pardoning                              27 82½
  Parent                                 27 85
  Parentage                              27 90
  Parental                               27 87½
  Parish                                 27 92½
  Parliament                             27 95
  Parlor                                 27 97½
  Parody                                 28 00
  Parquet                                28 02½
  Parsnip                                28 05
  Partake                                28 07½
  Partaking                              28 10
  Partial                                28 12½
  Partially                              28 15
  Particle                               28 17½
  Partisan                               28 20
  Partner                                28 22½
  Partridge                              28 25
  Passage                                28 27½
  Passing                                28 30
  Passed                                 28 32½
  Passenger                              28 35
  Passion                                28 37½
  Passively                              28 40
  Passport                               28 42½
  Password                               28 45
  Pasteboard                             28 47½
  Pastime                                28 50
  Pastry                                 28 52½
  Pasture                                28 55
  Pasturage                              28 57½
  Pasturing                              28 60
  Patent                                 28 62½
  Paternal                               28 65
  Paternity                              28 67½
  Pathetic                               28 70
  Path                                   28 72½
  Pathway                                28 75
  Pathos                                 28 77½
  Patrol                                 28 80
  Patrolled                              28 82½
  Patrolling                             28 85
  Patronage                              28 87½
  Pattern                                28 90
  Pauper                                 28 92½
  Pause                                  28 95
  Pausing                                28 97½
  Pavement                               29 00
  Pavilion                               29 02½
  Pawn                                   29 05
  Pawned                                 29 07½
  Pawning                                29 10
  Payment                                29 12½
  Peaceful                               29 15
  Peacock                                29 17½
  Pearl                                  29 20
  Peasant                                29 22½
  Pebble                                 29 25
  Pedagogue                              29 27½
  Peddler                                29 30
  Peddling                               29 32½
  Pedestal                               29 35
  Pedestrian                             29 37½
  Pedigree                               29 40
  Pediment                               29 42½
  Peerless                               29 45
  Pelican                                29 47½
  Pelf                                   29 50
  Peltry                                 29 52½
  Penal                                  29 55
  Penalty                                29 57½
  Penance                                29 60
  Pencil                                 29 62½
  Pendant                                29 65
  Pending                                29 67½
  Pendulum                               29 70
  Penetrate                              29 72½
  Penguin                                29 75
  Penitence                              29 77½
  Penitent                               29 80
  Penman                                 29 82½
  Penniless                              29 85
  Penny                                  29 87½
  Pension                                29 90
  Pensioner                              29 92½
  Pentagon                               29 95
  Penticost                              29 97½
  Pepper                                 30 00


  Perdition                                1st.
  Perfect                                   2d.
  Perfection                                3d.
  Perfidy                                  4th.
  Perform                                  5th.
  Perfume                                  6th.
  Perfumery                                7th.
  Permit                                   8th.
  Perplex                                  9th.
  Perplexed                               10th.
  Perplexing                              11th.
  Persecute                               12th.
  Persecuting                             13th.
  Personal                                14th.
  Pertinent                               15th.
  Pestilence                              16th.
  Petition                                17th.
  Petrify                                 18th.
  Petrified                               19th.
  Petticoat                               20th.
  Petulant                                21st.
  Phantom                                  22d.
  Phœnix                                   23d.
  Phial                                   24th.
  Photograph                              25th.
  Phrase                                  26th.
  Pickaxe                                 27th.
  Picketed                                28th.
  Picketing                               29th.
  Pickling                                30th.
  Picnic                                  31st.



  Picture        Market opens steady and firm at yesterday's closing
  Pigment        Market firm.
  Pigmy          Market a shade firmer.
  Pilaster       Market firmer, but not quotably higher.
  Pilfer         Market firmer, with indications of an advance.
  Pilgrim        Market firm, but unchanged.
  Pilgrimage     Market firm, good shipping demand.
  Pillow         Market firm, good shipping and speculative demand.
  Pillowed       Market firm, owing to light receipts.
  Pilot          Market firm, with upward tendency.
  Piloting       Market firmer on better foreign advices.
  Pimple         Market firm at full quotations.
  Pippin         Market firm at the advance.
  Pistol         Market very firm.
  Pitcher        Market very firm, with strong upward tendency.
  Pitfall        Market very firm, notwithstanding the heavy receipts.
  Pitiful        Market firmer; prices a shade higher.
  Pitifully      Market firmer in anticipation of light receipts.
  Pitiless       Market in seller's favor.
  Pitman         Market active.
  Pity           Market very active.
  Placard        Market active at the advance.
  Plague         Market active, and still advancing.
  Plainly        Market active, but holders sell freely.
  Plaintiff      Market active and excited, and prices higher.
  Plaintive      Market steadier, with firm feeling.
  Plantain       Market steady.
  Plantation     Market is improving.
  Plaster        Market is strong.
  Plate          Market is very strong.
  Plating        Market is advancing rapidly.
  Platform       Market has advanced.
  Platinum       Market advancing owing to local speculation.
  Platoon        Market excited, and so unsettled accurate quotations
                   cannot be given.
  Plausible      Market is very sensitive.
  Play           The market has been largely oversold.
  Playful        Market is cornered.
  Playfully      Holders are very firm.
  Playmate       Holders are firmer in their views and are not disposed to
                   sell freely even at the advance.
  Plaything      Holders are asking higher prices.
  Plead          Holders are now asking ____
  Pleader        Demand is chiefly to fill short contracts.
  Pleasant       Demand is purely speculative.
  Please         Buyers are giving a decided preference for future
  Pleasing       Buyers at last quotations, but holders demand an advance.
  Pleasure       More buyers than sellers.
  Plebian        Short sellers are buying freely.
  Pledge         Everything offered is being taken.
  Pledging       More disposition to buy.
  Plentiful      Everything on the market has been taken.
  Plenty         Good enquiry and few sellers.
  Pliable        Good enquiry.
  Plow           Active demand for immediate delivery.
  Pluck          Unfavorable weather is causing a firmer feeling.
  Plucked        Receipts continue large, but do not exceed the demand and
                   prices rule firm.
  Plucking       Under influence of firm advices from New York, this market
                   has stiffened.
  Plumage        Eastern and foreign advices being decidedly more
                   favorable, speculators bought freely.
  Plumb          Strong efforts are being made to advance prices.
  Plumber        The advance caused by reported heavy failure.
  Plumply        The advance caused by reported damage to crops.
  Plunder        The advance caused by local manipulation.
  Plunge         Canadians buying largely causes the advance.
  Plunging       Large purchases being made for future delivery.
  Plural         Large purchases being made for shipment.
  Poach          General tendency upward, owing to confidence in prices.
  Polar          The stock is mostly in second hands, and is firmly held.
  Polish         Packers buying freely.
  Polished       The greater part of the stock being in few hands, the
                   short sellers find it very difficult to cover.
  Polishing      Demand is chiefly on Eastern orders.
  Polite         The recent decline has caused an active demand for
  Politely       Good shipping demand.
  Politeness     Good demand.
  Political      Speculation is encouraged by the easy money market.
  Polka          At one time sales were made as high as ____
  Pollute        Strong feeling; indications of better market to-morrow.
  Polluting      Closes steady and firm at quotations.
  Pollution      Closes very firm with buyers at quotations.
  Pomade         Opened dull, but closed with a better demand.
  Pomp           Closed much firmer.
  Pontiff        Held firmly at the close at ____

  Pontoon        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Poodle         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Popular        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Populate       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Portable       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Portico        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Portion        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Portrait       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Position       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Possess        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Possible       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Postal         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Postman        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Postpone       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Potash         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Potato         .  .  .  .  .  .



  Poultry        Market inactive.
  Poverty        Market quiet, prices nominal.
  Powder         Market very quiet, scarcely anything doing.
  Powdered       Market unchanged.
  Practice       Demand checked, but prices nominally unchanged.
  Practical      Foreign advices have checked business.
  Praise         Little inquiry, but prices steady.
  Prancing       Shippers holding off.
  Prattle        Shippers holding off, there being no margin for shipment.
  Pray           Market dull, but holders unwilling to make concessions.
  Preach         Holders not pressing their stock on the market.
  Preacher       Quotations nominal, no disposition to operate.
  Preaching      Demand of an entirely retail character.
  Predestine     Nothing doing.
  Predict        Market inactive, buyers and sellers apart.
  Predicted      Packers disposed to let their stocks accumulate rather
                   than sell at a decline.
  Preface        Market very tame.
  Prefer         Very quiet at unchanged prices.
  Prefix         No life in the market.
  Prefixed       Closes very quiet.

  Prefixing      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prelude        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prepare        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Present        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presented      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presenting     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Preside        .  .  .  .  .  .

  President      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presiding      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presume        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presuming      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Presumption    .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pretend        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pretended      .  .  .  .  .  .


  _Prank_        _Leaders buying looks like higher prices._
  _Prankish_     _Local support being given should do better._
  _Prattling_    _New York buying freely in this market._
  _Prayer_       _St. Louis buying freely in this market._
  _Praying_      _Northwest buying freely in this market._
  _Preamble_     _Foreigners buying freely in this market._
  _Precaution_   _Chicago buying freely in this market._
  _Precede_      _Country buying freely in this market._
  _Precedence_   _Shippers buying freely in this market._
  _Preceding_    _Elevator men buying freely in this market._
  _Precentor_    _Firmer on large shipments from here._
  _Precept_      _Firmer on large clearances seaboard._
  _Preceptor_    _Cash demand a bullish feature._
  _Precious_     _Light receipts making shorts nervous._
  _Preciously_   _Frost reports scaring in shorts._
  _Precise_      _Dry weather causing firmer feeling._
  _Precisely_    _Dry weather and hot winds causes advance._
  _Precision_    _Market oversold locally, look for reaction._
  _Preclude_     _Continued cold weather advancing market._
  _Precluding_   _Continued, wet weather advancing market._
  _Preclusion_   _Crowd so bullish bear news has little effect._
  _Predatory_    _Bulls talk higher prices but too timid to follow up
                   their conviction._
  _Predicant_    _Bears talk lower prices but lack the nerve to follow
                   their conviction._
  _Predicate_    _Bulls seem to have lost courage._
  _Prejudice_    _Character of buying too much by scalpers chancing an
  _Prelacy_      _Character of selling too much by scalpers chancing an
  _Prelate_      _Good investment buying; ought to do better._
  _Premature_    _Looks as if market bulled to sell on._
  _Premises_     _Higher cables would advance market quickly._
  _Preparable_   _Crowd bearish and short, any bull news will start
  _Prepayment_   _Market of a negative character, without guiding
  _Prepay_       _Cables conflicting look as if manipulated from this
  _Prepaying_    _Leaders selling looks like lower prices._
  _Preponder_    _New York selling freely in this market._
  _Prepossess_   _St. Louis selling freely in this market._
  _Prepotent_    _Northwest selling freely in this market._
  _Presbyter_    _Foreigners selling freely in this market._
  _Prescribe_    _Chicago selling freely in this market._
  _Presence_     _Country selling freely in this market._
  _Presently_    _Elevator men selling freely in this market._
  _Press_        _Receivers selling freely in this market._
  _Pressing_     _Crowd so bearish bull news has little effect._
  _Presto_       _Bears seem to have lost courage._
  _Pressed_      _Will require fresh buying to sustain prices._
  _Pressman_     _Holders realizing freely market lacks support._
  _Prestige_     _Lower cables would cause decline._
  _Pretension_   _Crowd bullish and long, any bear news will start
  _Prettily_     _Lower cables a damper on the market._
  _Prevalent_    _Estimated cars wheat for to-morrow._
  _Prevention_   _Estimated cars corn for to-morrow._
  _Priest_       _Estimated cars oats for to-morrow._
  _Priestess_    _Estimated live hogs for to-morrow._
  _Priestly_     _Visible supply wheat increases._
  _Priesthood_   _Visible supply com increases._
  _Prigged_      _Visible supply oats increases._
  _Prigging_     _Visible supply wheal decreases._
  _Priggish_     _Visible supply corn decreases._
  _Primacy_      _Visible supply oats decreases._
  _Primal_       _To-day's clearances seaboard wheat _____
  _Priming_      _To-day's clearances seaboard corn _____
  _Primeval_     _To-day's clearances seaboard oats _____
  _Primative_    _____ boat loads taken at seaboard for export._
  _Primness_     _____ taken here for export._
  _Primrose_     _____ taken here for shipment._
  _Princely_     _____ cash wheat worked here._



  Pretending     Market dull.
  Pretense       Market dull, but not quotably lower.
  Pretext        Market dull and irregular.
  Prevail        Market dull and declining.
  Prevailed      Market dull; holders anxious to realize.
  Prevailing     Market is a shade lower.
  Pride          Market weak; transactions small.
  Princess       Market tending downward.
  Principle      Market is declining.
  Privation      Market is declining rapidly.
  Probable       Market is dull at the decline.
  Probate        Market generally is easier.
  Probation      Market is heavy and a good deal unsettled.
  Probe          Market heavy.
  Probing        Market very heavy.
  Problem        Market very dull.
  Proclaim       Market rather worse.
  Proclaimed     Market completely unsettled.
  Proclaiming    Market depressed and so unsettled accurate quotations
                   can't be given.
  Prodigal       Market in a panic.
  Prodigy        Market has declined.
  Produce        Market moderately active at the decline.
  Producing      Market active at the decline.
  Profane        Market is very fluctuating.
  Profanely      Market in buyer's favor.
  Profess        Demand moderate.
  Professed      Demand very moderate.
  Profession     Demand for shipment very moderate.
  Profile        Demand for local trade moderate.
  Profound       Scarcely any demand for local trade.
  Profoundly     Supply exceeds the demand and prices have declined.
  Progress       Holders pressing their stock on the market.
  Prohibit       More disposition to sell.
  Prohibited     New York advices have had a depressing effect on the
  Prohibiting    Foreign advices have had a depressing effect on the
  Project        Decline in Eastern markets has reduced prices here.
  Projectile     Very few purchases being made on Eastern orders.
  Prolific       Advance in freights has caused decline here.
  Prologue       The decline caused by reported heavy failure.
  Prolong        Large buyers have withdrawn from th market.
  Promenade      Buyers holding off for lower prices.
  Prominent      Packers buying very moderately.
  Promise        Packers not buying.
  Promising      Packers holding off for lower prices.
  Promote        Very few shippers in the market.
  Promoting      There are no shippers in the market.
  Promotion      Speculators less anxious to buy for future delivery.
  Prompt         Prospects of large receipts depress the market.
  Promptly       Closeness in the money market has a depressing effect on
                   the market.
  Prompting      Heavy stock depresses the market.
  Pronoun        Heavy receipts depress the market.
  Pronounce      Fine weather depresses the market.
  Proof          More disposition to sell but not to force sales.
  Propel         Buyers waiting for the bottom.
  Propelled      Large sales at lower prices.
  Propelling     Receivers free sellers for future delivery.
  Properly       No improvement in condition of market to-day.
  Prophet        Strong efforts being made to reduce prices.
  Proportion     To force sales would have to accept lower prices.
  Proposal       Difficult to sell much at quotations.
  Propose        Bears have the advantage and are hammering the market.
  Proposing      Sellers at last quotations but buyers demand a reduction.
  Prospect       A combination is formed to break the market.
  Prosecute      Everybody disposed to sell.
  Prosper        At one time sales were made as low as ____
  Prostrate      Free sellers, indications of a lower market to-morrow.
  Prostrating    Closes weak.
  Protege        Closes very weak.
  Protract       Closes very weak with sellers at quotations.
  Protracted     Opened firm but closed weak.

  Protracting    .  .  .  .  .  .

  Proverb        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Provide        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Providence     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Providing      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Provoke        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Provoking      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prowl          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prowler        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prowling       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Prudence       Market opens this morning.
  Prudent        Market opens on 'Change.
  Prudently      Market opens this afternoon.
  Prudish        Market opens.
  Puberty        Market closes this noon.
  Public         Market closes this afternoon board.
  Publican       Market closes, final close.
  Publicly       Market closed on the call.
  Publish        Market closed on the evening board.
  Published      Market closed last night.


  Publishing     Beerbohm quotes Liverpool, Wheat.
  Pudding        Beerbohm quotes Liverpool, Corn.
  Puffing        Beerbohm quotes Liverpool.
  Pugilist       Beerbohm quotes London, Wheat.
  Pulley         Beerbohm quotes London, Corn.
  Pulpit         Beerbohm quotes Mark Lane, Wheat.
  Pulse          Beerbohm quotes Mark Lane, Corn.
  Pumpkin        Beerbohm quotes cargoes off coast, Wheat.
  Punctual       Beerbohm quotes cargoes off coast, Corn.
  Pungent        Beerbohm quotes cargoes on passage, Wheat.
  Punish         Beerbohm quotes cargoes on passage, Corn.
  Punished       Beerbohm quotes floating cargoes, Wheat.
  Punishing      Beerbohm quotes floating cargoes, Corn.
  Punishment     Beerbohm quotes California Wheat.
  Punster        Beerbohm quotes Flour.
  Pupil          Beerbohm quotes English country markets.
  Purely         Beerbohm quotes French markets.
  Purgative      Beerbohm quotes weather in England.
  Purgatory      Beerbohm quotes.
  Purge          Private cables quote Wheat.
  Purging        Private cables quote Corn.
  Purify         Private cables quote weather in England.
  Purloin        Private cables quote.
  Purloined      Public (or ticker) quotes Wheat.
  Purple         Public (or ticker) quotes Corn.
  Purport        Public (or ticker) quotes Flour.
  Purpose        Public (or ticker) quotes California Wheat.
  Purposely      Public (or ticker) quotes weather in England.
  Pursue         Public (or ticker) quotes.
  Pursuit        Private cables are conflicting.

  Pustule        Penny higher.
  Puzzle         One to two pence higher.
  Quadrant       Two pence higher.
  Quadrille      Two to three pence higher.
  Quadruped      Three pence higher.
  Quaff          Three to four pence higher.
  Quaffing       Three to six pence higher.
  Quail          Four to six pence higher.
  Quaint         Six pence higher.
  Quaintly       Six to nine pence higher.
  Quake          Six pence to shilling higher.
  Quaking        Nine pence higher.
  Qualify        Nine pence to shilling higher.
  Quarrel        Shilling higher.
  Quarrelled     Shilling to shilling six pence higher.

  Quarry         Penny lower.
  Quarter        One to two pence lower.
  Quartered      Two pence lower.
  Quartette      Two to three pence lower.
  Quartz         Three pence lower.
  Queen          Three to four pence lower.
  Queenly        Three to six pence lower.
  Quell          Four to six pence lower.
  Quelled        Six pence lower.
  Quelling       Six to nine pence lower.
  Quench         Six pence to shilling lower.
  Quenched       Nine pence lower.
  Quenching      Nine pence to shilling lower.
  Question       Shilling lower.
  Questioned     Shilling to shilling sixpence lower.

  Quietly        Holiday, no market.

  Quince         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Quinine        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Quintal        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Quiver         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Quivered       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Rabbit         Receipts are large.
  Rabble         Receipts are very large.
  Radiance       Receipts are increasing.
  Radiant        Receipts are light.
  Radiate        Receipts are very light.
  Radical        Receipts are diminishing.
  Radish         Receipts are light, owing to bad condition of the roads
                   in the country.
  Radius         Receipts are light, owing to detention of trains.
  Ragged         No receipts.
  Raging         Receipts of Flour to-day ____ bbls.
  Rainbow        Receipts of Flour for last six days ____ bbls.
  Rakish         Receipts of Wheat to-day ____ bush.
  Ramble         Receipts of Wheat for last six days ____ bush.
  Rambling       Receipts of Corn to-day ____ bush.
  Rampart        Receipts of Corn for last six days ____ bush.
  Ranch          Receipts of Oats to-day ____ bush.
  Random         Receipts of Oats for last six days ____ bush.
  Range          Receipts of Rye to-day ____ bush.
  Ransack        Receipts of Rye for last six days ____ bush.
  Ransacked      Receipts of Barley to-day ____ bush.
  Ransomed       Receipts of Barley for last six days ____ bush.
  Rape           Receipts of Wheat to-day by canal ____ bush.
  Rapid          Receipts of Corn to-day by canal ____ bush.
  Rapidly        Receipts of Oats to-day by canal ____ bush.
  Rapture        Receipts of Live Hogs to-day ____
  Rarely         Receipts of Live Hogs for last six days ____
  Rascal         Receipts of Dressed Hogs to-day ____
  Rascally       Receipts of Dressed Hogs for last six days ____
  Rashly         Receipts of Mess Pork to-day ____ bbls.
  Ratify         Receipts of Mess Pork for last six days ____ bbls.
  Ratio          Receipts of Lard to-day ____ tierces.
  Rattan         Receipts of Lard for last six days ____ tierces.
  Ravine         Receipts of ____ to-day ____
  Ravish         Receipts of ____ for last six days ____
  Ravished       Cars of Wheat posted for to-morrow.
  Ravishing      Cars of Corn posted for to-morrow.
  Read           Cars of Oats posted for to-morrow.
  Reader         Cars of Rye posted for to-morrow.
  Reading        Cars of Barley posted for to-morrow.

  Readable       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Readily        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Realm          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rebel          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rebellion      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rebound        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rebounded      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Rebuff         Shipments are light.
  Rebuke         Shipments are very light.
  Rebuking       Shipments are diminishing.
  Rebus          Shipments are large.
  Recall         Shipments are very large.
  Recalled       Shipments are increasing.
  Recalling      No shipments.
  Reckless       Shipments of Flour to-day ____ bbls.
  Recommend      Shipments of Flour for last six days ____ bbls.
  Redeem         Shipments of Wheat to-day ____ bush.
  Redeemed       Shipments of Wheat for last six days ____ bu.
  Redeeming      Shipments of Corn to-day ____ bush.
  Redemption     Shipments of Corn for last six days ____ bu.
  Reduction      Shipments of Oats to-day ____ bush.
  Refine         Shipments of Oats for last six days ____ bush.
  Refining       Shipments of Rye to-day ____ bush.
  Refinement     Shipments of Rye for last six days ____ bush.
  Refit          Shipments of Barley to-day ____ bush.
  Refrain        Shipments of Barley for last six days days ____ bush.
  Refresh        Shipments of Live Hogs to-day ____
  Refreshed      Shipments of Live Hogs for last six days ____
  Refreshing     Shipments of Dressed Hogs to-day ____
  Refuge         Shipments of Dressed Hogs for last six days ____
  Refund         Shipments of Mess Pork to-day ____ bbls.
  Refunded       Shipments of Mess Pork for last six days ____ bbls.
  Refunding      Shipments of Lard to-day ____ tierces.
  Regal          Shipments of Lard for last six days days ____ tierces.
  Regalia        Shipments of ____ to-day ____
  Regard         Shipments of ____ for last six days ____
  Regarded       Charters to-day Wheat ____ bush.
  Regiment       Charters to-day Corn ____ bush.
  Region         Charters to-day Oats ____ bush.
  Register       No charters to-day.

  Regret         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Regretted      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Regulate       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rehearse       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rehearsal      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Rehearsing     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Relate         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Relating       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Relation       Stock in store Flour ____ bbls.
  Relax          Stock in store Wheat ____ bush.
  Relaxed        Stock in store Corn ____ bush.
  Relaxing       Stock in store Oats ____ bush.
  Relent         Stock in store Rye ____ bush.
  Relented       Stock in store Barley ____ bush.
  Relenting      Stock in store Mess Pork ____ bbls.
  Reliable       Stock in store Lard ____ tierces.
  Reliance       Stock in store ____
  Relic          Stock is estimated at ____
  Religion       Stock of all grades about ____
  Relish         Stock is large.
  Relished       Stock is very large.
  Relishing      Stock is accumulating rapidly.
  Reluctant      Stock is diminishing rapidly.
  Rely           Stock is small.
  Remains        Stock is entirely exhausted.
  Remark         Corresponding time last year.
  Remarked       Corresponding week last year.
  Remarking      Up to corresponding time last year.

  Remarkable     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remedy         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remember       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remnant        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remodel        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remodeled      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Remorse        .  .  .  .  .  .



  Remote         Buy immediately.
  Remotely       Buy as soon as possible.
  Remove         Buy at opening of the market.
  Renegade       Buy at about ____
  Renew          Buy at not exceeding ____
  Renewed        Buy in store.
  Renovate       Buy afloat.
  Renown         Buy aboard cars.
  Renowned       Buy buyer's option.
  Rental         Buy seller's option.
  Renting        Buy and ship.
  Repair         Buy and ship immediately.
  Repaired       Buy and ship as soon as possible.
  Repairing      Buy and ship by first opportunity.
  Repentance     Buy and ship for account of ____
  Repented       Buy and ship if you can lay down here at ____
  Repenting      Buy and ship if you can lay down in in ____ at ____
  Replenish      Buy immediately and ship when you can engage freight
                   at ____
  Replenished    Buy and hold for further orders.
  Reporter       Buy at not over quotations in letter.
  Reporting      Buy at prices you name.
  Represent      Buy at prices you name or a shade higher.
  Reprint        Buy when prices have declined to ____
  Reprinted      Buy to arrive.
  Reprinting     Buy a small cargo.
  Reproach       Buy a medium sized cargo.
  Reproached     Buy a large cargo.
  Reproaching    Buy when cheap lots offer.
  Reptile        Buy in my short.
  Republic       Buy if no material change.
  Republish      Buy if you can hold on margin.
  Repudiate      Buy for immediate delivery.
  Repugnant      Buy if you can draw part on time.
  Repulse        Buy if you can draw half on time.
  Repulsing      Buy if you can draw at ____ days.
  Repulsive      Buy if quality is choice.
  Repute         Buy on the best terms.
  Require        Buy to-day at the best prices you can.
  Requisite      Buy if foreign advices higher.
  Rescue         Buy according to your judgment.
  Resemble       Buy all you can contract for the season.
  Resembling     Buy part if you cannot get all.
  Resentful      Buy in when you can without loss including all charges.
  Reside         Buy in when profit can be had over all charges.
  Residence      Buy if you can ship.
  Residing       Buy if you can ship immediately.
  Resolute       Buy if you can ship in bulk by railroad.
  Resolutely     Buy at country points, freights being equal to Chicago
  Resolution     Buy car lots daily without exciting prices.
  Resist         Buy fresh receipts if you can so as to save extra
  Resistance     Buy if strictly prime.
  Resisted       Buy in favorite houses.
  Resisting      Buy for account of of ____
  Resolve        Buy for my account.
  Resolving      Buy at ____, freights to be equal to Chicago rates.
  Resound        Buy delivery any point same freight as from Chicago
                   to ____
  Resounded      Keep on buying.
  Resounding     Keep on buying; how much have you bought?
  Respected      Get refusal of ____ at lowest price until we can answer
                   by telegraph.
  Respectful     If you cannot buy at our limits, telegraph the best you
                   can do.
  Respond        If you cannot get all to-day complete order to-morrow.
  Responded      Buy ____ order in force until countermanded.
  Responding     Buy ____ order in force to-day only.

  Response       Can you buy?
  Restless       Can you buy buyer's option?
  Restrain       Can you buy in store?
  Restrained     Can you buy afloat?
  Restraining    Can you buy freely?
  Restrict       Can you buy to arrive?
  Restricted     Can you buy for immediate delivery?
  Restricting    Can you buy for future delivery?
  Restriction    Can you buy and lay down here at ____?
  Result         Can you buy for future lower than for present delivery?
  Resulted       Can you buy and hold on margin?
  Resulting      Can you buy aboard cars?
  Retire         At what price can you buy?
  Retiring       At what price can you buy for present delivery?
  Retreat        At what price can you buy for future delivery?
  Retreated      If not bought await further orders.
  Retrench       If not bought, telegraph the best price you can buy at.
  Retrenched     Is there any prospect of buying?
  Return         Have you bought?
  Returned       How much have you bought?
  Reveal         Quote expense of holding ____ in your city ____ days
                   including all charges.
  Revealed       Quote cost free on board.
  Revealing      Quote cost free on board not including commission.
  Revelation     Quote price ____ laid down in ____
  Revelry        Stop buying; how much have you bought?
  Revenge        Stop buying until you receive our letter dated ____
  Revenging      Stop buying unless prices lower.
  Revengeful     Stop buying until further orders.
  Revenue        Order to buy is hereby countermanded.
  Revile         Do not buy on order contained in our letter dated ____
  Reviling       Don't buy at over ____
  Revisal        Do not buy to arrive.

  Revoke         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Revoking       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Revolt         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Revolted       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Revolting      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Revolution     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Ribbon         .  .  .  .  .  .



  Riddance       Have bought.
  Ridge          Have bought in store.
  Ridicule       Have bought afloat.
  Rifle          Have bought to arrive.
  Rifling        Have bought at your limits.
  Rigger         Have bought for immediate delivery.
  Rigging        Have bought for your account.
  Righteous      Have bought for account of ____
  Rigid          Have bought and are shipping.
  Rigidly        Have bought subject to inspection.
  Rigidness      Have bought at ____ freight to be equal to Chicago rates.
  Rigor          Have bought aboard cars.
  Ringlet        We are buying slowly.
  Rinse          Had bought before your despatch reached us.
  Ripen          Had bought before your letter reached us.
  Ripened        Can buy.
  Ripple         Can buy at ____
  Rippling       Can buy buyer's option.
  Risky          Can buy in store.
  Risking        Can buy afloat.
  Ritual         Can buy to arrive.
  Rivalry        Can buy freely.
  Rivulet        Can buy for immediate delivery.
  Robe           Can buy aboard cars.
  Robber         Can buy at prices you name.
  Robin          Can buy for future lower than for present delivery.
  Robust         Can buy and hold here on margin.
  Robustly       Can buy free on board including all charges.
  Rogue          Have refusal for ____ hours.
  Roguish        With order in hand think could buy at ____
  Roman          Can buy and hold with ____ dollars margin.
  Romance        Can buy for future delivery with ____ dollars margin.
  Romantic       Can get no refusal, but think direct offer of ____ would
  Romp           Can buy ____ to cost not exceeding ____ laid down in ____
  Romping        We are offered but cannot get refusal.
  Roomy          We are offered subject to your immediate reply by
  Rooster        We expect to buy at your limits.
  Rosebud        We expect to be able to fill your order soon.
  Rosette        Think we can buy.
  Rotate         Think we can buy at about ____
  Rough          Might possibly buy at ____
  Roughly        We are trying to buy.
  Roughness      Difficult to buy much without advancing prices.
  Roulette       Cannot buy.
  Routine        Cannot buy aboard cars.
  Rover          Cannot buy buyer's option.
  Royal          Cannot buy in store.
  Rubbish        Cannot buy afloat.
  Ruby           Cannot buy to arrive.
  Rudder         Cannot buy freely.
  Rudely         Cannot buy for immediate delivery.
  Rudeness       Cannot buy for future delivery.
  Rudiment       Cannot buy at prices you name.
  Ruff           Cannot buy for future lower than for present delivery.
  Ruffian        Cannot buy and bold here on margin.
  Ruler          Cannot buy at your limits.
  Rural          Cannot buy under ____
  Russet         Cannot buy now, but consider order open.
  Rustic         Cannot buy except for cash.
  Rusticate      None offering in the market.
  Ruthless       Little trading in buyer's option; difficult to buy.
  Sabbath        Have not bought.
  Sachem         Shall we buy?
  Sacrament      How much shall we buy?
  Sacred         Shall we buy more?
  Sacredly       Name the highest price you will pay, and if we can do
                   better will give you the benefit.
  Saddle         Is your order to buy still in force?

  Saddling       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sadly          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sadness        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Safeguard      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Saffron        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Saintly        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Salad          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Salesman       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Saline         .  .  .  .  .  .



  Salivate       Sell immediately.
  Salivated      Sell as soon as possible.
  Salmon         Sell on opening of the market.
  Saloon         Sell at about ____
  Salutary       Sell at not under ____
  Salutation     Sell in store.
  Salute         Sell afloat.
  Saluting       Sell aboard cars.
  Salvage        Sell buyer's option.
  Salvation      Sell seller's option.
  Salver         Sell at not under quotations in letter.
  Sample         Sell at prices you name.
  Sampling       Sell at prices you name or a shade lower.
  Sanative       Sell if foreign advices lower.
  Sanction       Sell to arrive.
  Sanctity       Sell out my long.
  Sandal         Sell if no material change.
  Sandwich       Sell if you cannot ship immediately.
  Sandy          Sell if you can without loss; otherwise, ship.
  Sanguine       Sell at a clear profit of ____
  Sanitary       Sell when a profit can be had over all charges.
  Sapling        Sell when prices have advanced to ____
  Sarcasm        Sell subject to inspection.
  Sarcastic      Sell at cost or a small loss.
  Sardonic       Sell on the best terms.
  Satan          Sell for immediate delivery.
  Satanic        Sell at best offer.
  Satelite       Sell to-day at the best price you can get.
  Satire         Sell according to your judgment.
  Satisfied      Sell out when you can without loss including all charges.
  Satisfy        Sell on present excitement at best prices you can get.
  Saturn         Sell part if you cannot sell all.
  Sauce          Sell for account of ____
  Sausage        Sell for my account.
  Savage         Sell at ____  freights to fee equal to Chicago rates.
  Savagely       Keep on selling.
  Savant         Keep on selling; how much have you sold?
  Saxon          If you cannot sell all to-day, sell the balance
  Scabbard       Sell ____  order in force to-day only.
  Scaffold       Sell ____  order in force until countermanded.
  Scald          Can you sell?
  Scalded        Can you sell afloat?
  Scalding       Can you sell to arrive?
  Scamper        Can you sell freely?
  Scantling      Can you sell for future delivery?
  Scarf          Can you sell for immediate delivery?
  Scarlet        Can you sell for future higher than for present delivery?
  Scepter        Can you sell at a profit?
  Scholar        Can you sell without loss?
  Scholarly      Can you sell aboard cars?
  School         Can you sell at ____  freights being equal to Chicago
  Schooling      At what price can you sell?
  Scorn          At what price can you sell for present delivery?
  Scornful       At what price can you sell for future delivery?
  Scornfully     At what price can you sell to arrive?
  Scotch         At what price can you sell afloat?
  Scoundrel      If not sold await further orders.
  Scourge        If you cannot sell at limits, telegraph best you can do.
  Scowl          If not sold, telegraph best price you can get.
  Scowling       Is there any prospect of selling?
  Scramble       Have you sold?
  Scrape         How much have you sold?
  Scraping       Stop selling; how much have you sold?
  Scrub          Stop selling until you receive our letter dated ____
  Scrubbed       Stop selling until further orders.
  Scrubbing      Our order to sell is hereby countermanded.
  Scruple        Do not sell on order contained in our letter dated ____
  Scrupulous     Don't sell at under ____
  Sculptor       Don't sell to arrive.

  Sculpture      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Scuttle        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Scuttling      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Seaman         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Seamless       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Seamstress     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Search         .  .  .  .  .  .



  Season         Have sold.
  Seasoned       Have sold in store.
  Seasoning      Have sold afloat.
  Seclude        Have sold at your limits.
  Secluding      Have sold to arrive.
  Seclusion      Have sold for your account.
  Section        Have sold for account of ____
  Secure         Have sold for immediate delivery.
  Securely       Have sold seller's option.
  Sedate         Have sold buyer's option.
  Sedately       Have sold subject to inspection.
  Sedative       Have sold at ____ freight to be equal to Chicago rates.
  Seedling       Have sold aboard cars.
  Seemly         We are selling slowly.
  Segment        Had sold before your despatch reached us.
  Seldom         Had sold before your letter reached us.

  Select         Can sell.
  Selected       Can sell afloat.
  Selecting      Can sell to arrive.
  Selfish        Can sell freely.
  Selfishly      Can sell for future delivery.
  Seminal        Can sell for immediate delivery.
  Seminary       Can sell at ____
  Semitone       Can sell in store.
  Senate         Can sell for future higher than for present delivery.
  Senator        Can sell at ____ freights being equal to Chicago rates.
  Sensation      Can sell for future delivery with ____ dollars margin.
  Senseless      We are offered ____, subject to your immediate reply by

  Sensible       Cannot sell.
  Sensual        Cannot sell afloat.
  Sensually      Cannot sell to arrive.
  Sentence       Cannot sell freely.
  Sentiment      Cannot sell for future delivery.
  Sentinel       Cannot sell at prices you name.
  Sentry         Cannot sell for future higher than for present delivery.
  Separate       Cannot sell at your limits.
  Separation     Cannot sell at over ____
  Sequel         Cannot sell now, but consider order open.
  Sequence       Cannot sell for cash.
  Serenade       Cannot sell except at a loss.
  Sermon         The best offer is ____
  Serpent        Difficult to sell much except at a decline.
  Serpentine     Have not sold.
  Session        Shall we sell?
  Settler        Shall we sell more?
  Severe         Expect to sell at your limits soon.
  Severely       Will probably be able to sell.
  Sextant        We are trying to sell.
  Sexton         Think we can sell.
  Sexual         Think we can sell at about ____
  Shabby         Might possibly sell at ____
  Shabbily       Name lowest price you will sell at, and if we can get more
                   will give you the benefit thereof.
  Shackle        How much shall we sell?
  Shackling      Is your order to sell still in force?

  Shadow         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shadowed       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shagged        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shaggy         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shaker         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shallow        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shame          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shameful       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shameless      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shampoo        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shanty         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shape          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shapeless      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Shapely        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Sharp          We advance limits ____
  Sharpen        We reduce limits ____
  Sharpened      Consider order open until countermanded.
  Shaving        Consider order open until to-morrow.
  Shawl          Consider order open ____ days.
  Sheaf          Consider order open this week.
  Shears         All previous orders are hereby countermanded.
  Sheath         This order is on the way by mail; do not execute it
  Shelf          Prefer not to execute discretionary orders.
  Shell          Please give positive instructions.
  Shelter        Have executed your order.
  Sheltered      Have you executed our order?
  Shepherd       Is your order still open?
  Shield         Will advise by mail for whose account this order is sent.
  Shielded       Whatever you do will be satisfactory.
  Shielding      Do not act on order contained in letter dated ____
  Shiftless      We confirm what has been done.
  Shine          Do the best you can.
  Shining        Every advance of ____
  Shingle        Every decline of ____
  Shingling      If market rallies to ____
  Shocked        If market breaks to ____
  Shocking       If you do not hear from us to the contrary.
  Shorten        Please send account purchase and sales and account
  Shortly        Think more orders can be obtained provided those you have
                   are executed satisfactorily.
  Shoulder       At what difference can you change our ____ to ____
  Shoveled       Can change your ____ to ____ at ____ cents difference.
  Shower         It is satisfactory.
  Showing        It is not satisfactory.
  Shrimp         Is it satisfactory?
  Shrink         Can get ____ cents difference for changing your ____
                   to ____
  Shroud         Will follow instructions.
  Shrug          Prefer not to act upon your judgment.
  Shrugging      Have done as you requested.
  Shudder        Cannot make the suggested arrangement.
  Shuffle        Have not sufficient data to form an opinion.
  Shuffling      In accordance with your instructions.
  Shun           The best that could be done.
  Shunned        Have we authority to ____
  Shy            Offer is under consideration.
  Shyly          We refer you to our letter of ____
  Shyness        We refer you to our despatch of ____
  Sickle         We consider all orders open until countermanded.
  Sickly         Particulars by mail.
  Sickness       Documents go forward by mail.
  Sideboard      We send account purchase, account sales and account
                   current this day.
  Sigh           Subject to winter storage of four cents.
  Sighing        Subject to your immediate reply by telegraph.
  Sightless      Will leave here ____
  Signal         No session of the Board to-morrow.
  Signally       Subject to inspection.
  Signified      Send full explanations.

  Signify        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silence        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silent         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silently       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silk           .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silken         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silly          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Silver         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Simpleton      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Simplify       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Simply         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinew          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinful         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinfully       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinfulness     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Singular       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinister       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sinless        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Siphon         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sister         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sisterly       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Situate        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Situation      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Skating        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Skeleton       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Skeptic        Ship immediately.
  Sketch         Ship as soon as possible.
  Sketched       Ship by ____
  Sketching      Ship via ____
  Skillful       Ship by sail.
  Skinflint      Ship by steam.
  Skirmish       Ship by steam and rail.
  Skirmished     Ship by all rail.
  Skittish       Ship by rail in bulk.
  Skulk          Ship by steam if not much difference in rates.
  Slander        Ship by sail in preference to steam.
  Slandered      Ship by the quickest route.
  Slang          Ship by the cheapest route.
  Slaughter      Ship by the route you think best.
  Slaver         Ship by vessel that does not lighter through the Welland
  Slavish        Ship when you can engage freight at ____
  Sledge         Ship if good prospect shipment getting through promptly.
  Sleeper        Ship before any more extra storage accrues.
  Sleeping       Ship before close of navigation.
  Sleigh         Ship rather than store.
  Sleighing      Ship as before.
  Slide          Ship, getting time freight contract.
  Sliding        Ship, getting time freight contract, if possible.
  Slight         Ship, getting through freight contract.
  Slightly       Ship, getting through freight contract, if possible.
  Slipper        Complete cargo and ship at once.
  Sliver         Hurry forward shipments.
  Slobber        Have written you shipping instructions.
  Slobbered      Will send shipping instructions by mail.
  Slothful       If you have not shipped hold for further instructions.
  Sluggard       Hold for lower freights.
  Sluggish       Hold for shipment on opening of navigation.
  Slumber        Stop shipping.

  Slumbered      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Slumbering     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Slush          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smart          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smartly        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smartness      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smile          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smiling        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smoke          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Smoking        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Smolder        Can you ship immediately?
  Smooth         Can you ship by ____?
  Smoothly       Can you ship via ____?
  Smother        Can you ship by rail in bulk?
  Smuggle        Can you ship before freights advance?
  Smuggling      Can you ship less than a full cargo?
  Smutty         Can you get a time freight contract?
  Snatch         Can you get a through freight contract?
  Snatched       Can you ship before close of navigation?
  Snatching      Have you shipped?
  Snuffers       How much have you shipped?
  Soak           When can you ship?
  Soaked         What is the difference between steam and sail rates?
  Soaking        At what rate can you engage freight to ____?
  Sober          Quote lowest freights by sail to ____
  Soberly        Quote lowest freights by steam to ____
  Soda           Quote lowest freights steam and rail to ____
  Soften         Quote lowest freights all rail to ____
  Softened       Quote lowest freights via ____
  Softly         Quote lowest freights by ____
  Softness       Quote freight per 100 lbs. on Dressed Hogs to ____
  Sojourn        Quote time freight per 100 lbs. on Dressed Hogs to ____
  Sojourned      Quote lowest freight per 100 lbs. to ____
  Solace         Quote freight on 4th class per 100 lbs. to ____
  Solar          Quote freight per bushel on Wheat to ____
  Soldier        Quote freight per bushel on Corn to ____
  Soldierly      Quote freight per bushel on Oats to ____
  Solemn         What is the rate of freight?

  Solemnly       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solid          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solidity       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solitary       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solitude       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Soluble        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solution       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Solvent        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Songster       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Songstress     Have shipped.
  Sonnet         Have shipped by ____
  Soothe         Have shipped via ____
  Soothing       Have shipped by sail.
  Sorrow         Have shipped by steam.
  Sound          Have shipped by steam and rail.
  Sounder        Have shipped by all rail.
  Sounding       Have shipped by rail in bulk.
  Soundly        Have shipped as before.
  Sourly         Have shipped, getting time freight contract.
  Sourness       Have shipped, getting through freight contract.
  South          Shipped yesterday.
  Southern       Shipped to-day.
  Spa            Shipping to-day.
  Space          We are shipping.
  Spangles       Will ship immediately.
  Spaniel        Will ship as soon as possible.
  Spanish        Will ship as directed.
  Spanker        Expect to ship to-morrow.
  Sparkle        Expect to ship in a few days.
  Sparkling      Expect to ship this week.
  Spartan        Have engaged freight.
  Spasm          Have chartered to arrive.
  Spasmodic      Have been delayed in shipping by unfavorable weather.
  Spawn          Have been delayed in shipping by scarcity of cars.
  Spawned        Will ship as soon as can engage freight.
  Spawning       Will ship as soon as can procure cars.
  Speak          Shall we ship exactly the quantity ordered, or as near it
                   as we can?
  Speaker        This is the nearest sized vessel we could get.
  Speaking       Please give shipping instructions.
  Special        Can ship immediately.
  Specific       Can ship by ____
  Specimen       Can ship via ____
  Spectacle      Can ship by rail in bulk.
  Spectator      Can ship before freights advance.
  Speech         Can ship less than a full cargo.
  Speechless     Can get a time freight contract.
  Speedy         Can get a through freight contract.
  Speedily       Can ship before close of navigation.
  Spend          Can ship by steam same rate as by sail.
  Spending       Can charter to arrive at ____
  Sphinx         The difference between steam and sail rates is ____
  Spider         Can engage freight.
  Spigot         Cannot ship immediately.
  Spike          Cannot ship at present, but will as soon as possible.
  Spinage        Cannot ship by ____
  Spinal         Cannot ship via ____
  Spindle        Cannot ship by rail in bulk.
  Spindling      Cannot ship before freights advance.
  Spinster       Cannot ship less than a full cargo.
  Spirit         Cannot ship before close of navigation.
  Spiteful       Cannot ship by vessel that does not lighter through the
                   Welland Canal.
  Spitefully     Cannot ship as before.
  Spittle        Cannot get a time freight contract.
  Spittoon       Cannot get a through freight contract.
  Splash         Time guaranteed.
  Splashed       The prospect for shipments getting through promptly is
  Splashing      The prospect for shipments getting through promptly is
  Spleen         No suitable vessels now offering.
  Splendid       Very few vessels now offering.
  Splendor       No grain vessel in port unengaged.
  Splint         Vessels are scarce and firmly held.
  Splinter       Vessels are more plenty.
  Splutter       Vessels are plenty.
  Spoil          Quite a fleet expected with the next change of wind.
  Spoken         The recent difficulty in regard to shipping no longer
  Sponge         Freights tending upward.
  Sponging       Freights steady and firm.
  Sportful       Freights unchanged.
  Spotless       Freights tending downward.
  Sprain         Freights dull.
  Sprained       Prospect of freights advancing soon.
  Sprawl         Expect an advance in freights next week.
  Sprawling      Lake freights have advanced.
  Spray          Rail freights have advanced.
  Spread         Prospect of freights declining soon.
  Spreading      Expect a decline in freights next week.
  Sprightly      Lake freights have declined.
  Sprinkle       Rail freights have declined.

  Sprinkling     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sprout         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sprouted       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sprouting      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Spruce         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Sprucely       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Spunky         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Spurn          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Spurned        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Spurning       .  .  .  .  .  .


  _Squalid_      _We bid you._
  _Squalidly_    _We bid you net track Chicago._
  _Squandered_   _We bid you net track Chicago local rate freight._
  _Squashing_    _We bid you net your track._
  _Squatter_     _We bid you net track _____
  _Squaw_        _We bid you Miss. River basis._
  _Squelch_      _We bid you ____ f. o. b. Miss. River basis._
  _Squelched_    _We quote present market track Chicago._
  _Squelching_   _Quote us present market track Chicago._
  _Squirmed_     _We accept your bid._
  _Squirming_    _We accept your bid of ____ net track Chicago._
  _Stabbed_      _We accept your bid of ____ net track Chicago, local
                   rate freight._
  _Stagger_      _We accept your bid of ____ net our track._
  _Staggered_    _We accept your bid of ____ net track._
  _Staging_      _We accept your bid of ____ Miss. Rive basis._
  _Stagnantly_   _We accept your bid of ____ f. o. b. Miss. River basis._
  _Stagnation_   _We accept your offer and confirm purchase subject to
                   immediate acceptance by wire._
  _Stakes_       _We can net you _____
  _Stalk_        _Purchases subject to market difference on day of arrival
                   if other than grade purchased._
  _Stalked_      _Reply must reach us by 11 A. M. to-day._
  _Stalking_     _Reply must reach us by 12 M. to-day._
  _Stalkless_    _Reply must reach us by 1 P. M. to-day._
  _Stalwart_     _Reply must reach us by 2 P. M. to-day._
  _Stamina_      _Reply must reach us by 9 A. M. to-morrow._
  _Stammered_    _Reply must reach us by 9:30 A. M. to-morrow._
  _Stammering_   _Reply must reach us by 10 A. M. to-morrow._
  _Stamp_        _Reply must reach us by ____ to-day._
  _Stamped_      _Reply must reach us by ____ to-morrow._
  _Stamping_     _Reply must reach us by opening next business day._
  _Stampede_     _Open all day._
  _Stampeding_   _Open to-day and to-morrow._
  _Standish_     _Your acceptance too late; cannot confirm._
  _Starboard_    _No bid obtainable to arrive._
  _Statistics_   _Cannot sell without sample._
  _Statuette_    _Prompt acceptance can sell to arrive._
  _Statutes_     _Do utmost to get acceptance but if unworkable make lowest
  _Staunch_      _Unable to execute limited order, market barely touched
                   your price._
  _Stemmed_      _Does your last order cancel previous orders?_
  _Stemming_     _Be as quick as possible._
  _Stepping_     _Delay could not be avoided._
  _Stigmatic_    _Do nothing in the matter until you get our letter._
  _Stigmatize_   _Telegram should have read._
  _Stiletto_     _Hold for full directions by mail._
  _Stillness_    _Send sample of ____ by first mail._
  _Stilts_       _Send a good sized sample._
  _Stimulant_    _Not much inquiry for _____
  _Stimulate_    _There is a great scarcity of _____
  _Stimulus_     _Please send necessary papers at once._
  _Stinted_      _Road says will furnish empty cars promptly._
  _Stinting_     _Road says cannot furnish empty cars promptly._
  _Stipulate_    _Ship to our order New York care South Chicago via E. J. &
                   E. Ry. shipment Lake and Rail for export._
  _Stirring_     _Ship to our order New York, notify us Chicago to be
                   inspected and weighed Chicago, shipment Rail and Lake
                   for export._
  _Stirrup_      _Bill to our order New York via West Chicago E. J. & E.
                   Ry. and South Chicago Lake and Rail for export care
  _Stitch_       _Bill to our order New York via South Chicago Lake and
                   Rail for export care _____
  _Stitched_     _Bill to our order New York, notify us Chicago to be
                   inspected and weighed at Chicago._
  _Stitching_    _Bill to our order New York via E. J. & E. Ry. South
                   Chicago care _____
  _Stooping_     _Bill to our order New York via E. J. & E. Ry. South
                   Chicago shipment Rail and Lake care _____
  _Stooped_      _Will you extend time on our shipment ____ days?_
  _Stopper_      _We extend time on your shipment ____ days._
  _Storm_        _Shipment Lake and Rail._
  _Stormed_      _Shipment Lake and Rail for export._
  _Storming_     _Shipment Lake and Canal._
  _Stormless_    _Ship to our order Chicago._
  _Stoutness_    _Bill to our order Chicago._
  _Stowage_      _Bill to our order _____
  _Stowing_      _Ship to our order _____
  _Straddle_     _Shipment ____ days from your station._
  _Straddled_    _To load during winter in vessels._
  _Straddling_   _Canal rates including Buffalo charges._
  _Straight_     _Not to be held for inspection._
  _Straighten_   _Chicago weights and inspection._
  _Stratagem_    _New York weights and inspection._
  _Stratified_   _Buffalo weights and inspection._
  _Stratum_      _Illinois weights and inspection._
  _Streak_       _____ weights and inspection._
  _Streaked_     _Chicago certificate of weight and inspection to be
  _Streamlet_    _C. I. F. Kingston._
  _Striking_     _C. I. F. Buffalo._
  _Strip_        _C. I. F. Erie._
  _Stripped_     _C. I. F. Buffalo or Erie buyer's option._
  _Stripping_    _C. I. F. Fairport._
  _Strutted_     _Buyer paying tolls._
  _Strutting_    _Seller paying tolls._

  _Stubble_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Stucco_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Studding_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Stuffy_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Stultified_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Stultify_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Stumpage_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Subaltern_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Sublet_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Subsoil_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Substance_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Substitute_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Subterfuge_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Subvert_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Succeeded_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Succor_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Succulent_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Succumb_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Suffered_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Suffering_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Sufflate_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Suffocated_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Suggested_    .  .  .  .  .  .


  Sputter      | Squinting    | Stand        | Buffalo, N. Y.
  Squabble     | Squirm       | Standard     | Cape Vincent, N. Y.
  Squabbling   | Squirrel     | Standing     | Chicago, Ill.
  Squadron     | Stab         | Stanza       | Cleveland, O.
  Squall       | Stabbing     | Staple       | Collingwood, Ont.
  Squalling    | Stability    | Starch       | Detroit, Mich.
  Squander     | Stable       | Starched     | Erie, Pa.
  Square       | Staff        | Starching    | Goderich, Ont.
  Squarely     | Stage        | Star         | Kingston, Ont.
  Squash       | Stagnant     | Starless     | Montreal, P. Q.
  Squashed     | Stagnate     | Starlight    | Ogdensburg, N. Y.
  Squeal       | Stained      | Startle      | Oswego, N. Y.
  Squealed     | Stainless    | Startling    | Pt. Colborne, Ont.
  Squealing    | Stallion     | Starve       | Toronto, Ont.
  Squint       | Stammer      | Starving     | ____


  Stately      | Stifling     | Strengthen   | Buffalo, N. Y.
  Statement    | Stigma       | Stretch      | Cape Vincent, N. Y.
  Statesman    | Stipend      | Stretched    | Chicago, Ill.
  Station      | Stockade     | Stretching   | Cleveland, O.
  Stationed    | Stomach      | Stricken     | Collingwood, Ont.
  Statue       | Strand       | Strict       | Detroit, Mich.
  Steadfast    | Stranded     | Strictly     | Erie, Pa.
  Stealing     | Stranding    | Stricture    | Goderich, Ont.
  Stealth      | Strange      | Strife       | Kingston, Ont.
  Steel        | Strangle     | Strike       | Montreal, P. Q.
  Stench       | Strata       | Stringent    | Ogdensburg, N. Y.
  Stencil      | Strategy     | Stripling    | Oswego, N. Y.
  Sternly      | Stray        | Stroll       | Pt. Colborne, Ont.
  Steward      | Straying     | Strolled     | Toronto, Ont.
  Stifle       | Strength     | Strolling    | ____


  Struck       | Stumble      | Stutter      | Albany, N. Y.
  Struggle     | Stumbling    | Style        | Baltimore, Md.
  Struggling   | Stupefy      | Stylish      | Boston, Mass.
  Stubborn     | Stupid       | Subdue       | Boston Points.
  Stubbornly   | Stupidly     | Subduing     | New York.
  Student      | Stupor       | Subject      | Philadelphia.
  Studio       | Sturdily     | Subjected    | Portland, Me.
  Studious     | Sturgeon     | Subjection   | ____


  Sublime      | Suffer       | Superbly     | Albany, N. Y.
  Sublimely    | Suffix       | Supine       | Augusta, Ga.
  Submerge     | Suffocate    | Supinely     | Baltimore, Md.
  Submit       | Suffrage     | Supper       | Boston, Mass.
  Submitted    | Sugar        | Supplant     | Boston Points.
  Submitting   | Suggest      | Supplanted   | Charleston, S. C.
  Subside      | Sulky        | Supple       | Chicago, Ill.
  Subsiding    | Sullenly     | Supply       | Cincinnati, O.
  Subsist      | Sulphate     | Support      | Detroit, Mich.
  Subsisted    | Sulphur      | Supported    | Indianapolis, Ind.
  Subsisting   | Sultan       | Supporting   | Louisville, Ky.
  Subtle       | Sultry       | Suppress     | Memphis, Tenn.
  Subtract     | Summit       | Suppressed   | Mobile, Ala.
  Subtracted   | Summons      | Sustain      | New Orleans, La.
  Suburban     | Sunlight     | Sustained    | New York.
  Suburbs      | Sunbeam      | Sustaining   | Philadelphia.
  Success      | Sunrise      | Swaddle      | Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Suckling     | Sunset       | Swaddling    | Portland, Me.
  Suction      | Sunshine     | Swagger      | St. Louis, Mo.
  Sudden       | Sunstroke    | Swallow      | San Francisco, Cal.
  Suddenly     | Superb       | Swallowed    | ____


  Swamp          Freights per 100 lbs. to Antwerp via ____
  Swamped        Freights per 100 lbs. to Belfast via ____
  Sweeping       Freights per 100 lbs. to Bremen via ____
  Sweeten        Freights per 100 lbs. to Bristol via ____
  Sweetly        Freights per 100 lbs. to Bristol via ____
  Swept          Freights per 100 lbs. to Hamburg via ____
  Swiftly        Freights per 100 lbs. to Havre via ____
  Swiftness      Freights per 100 lbs. to Liverpool via ____
  Swim           Freights per 100 lbs. to London via ____
  Swimming       Freights per 100 lbs. to ____ via ____

  Swindle        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Swindling      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Swing          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Swinging       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Swiss          .  .  .  .  .  .



  Switch         Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
  Switched       Canada Southern Railroad.
  Switching      Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad.
  Swollen        Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad.
  Swooned        Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad.
  Swoop          Chicago & Northwestern Railroad.
  Sylph          Chicago, Danville & Vincennes Railroad.
  Sylvan         Grand Trunk Railway
  Symbol         Great Western Railroad.
  Symbolic       Illinois Central Railroad.
  Sympathy       Kansas Pacific Railroad.
  Symptom        Michigan Central Railroad.
  Synagogue      Michigan Southern & Lake Shore Railroad
  Synod          Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad.
  Syntax         New York Central Railroad.
  System         New York & Erie Railroad.
  Tableau        Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railroad.
  Tablet         Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad.
  Tactics        Pan Handle Railroad.
  Tactile        Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
  Tadpole        Union Pacific Railroad.
  Taking         Vermont Central Railroad.

  _Supercede_    _Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe._
  _Suppose_      _Boston & Albany._
  _Supposing_    _Boston & Maine._
  _Supreme_      _Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern._
  _Supremely_    _Burlington Route._
  _Surety_       _Canadian Pacific._
  _Surf_         _Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul._
  _Surface_      _Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha._
  _Surfeit_      _Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville._
  _Surfeiting_   _Chicago & Great Western._
  _Surgeful_     _Chicago & West Michigan._
  _Surgeon_      _Chicago & Eastern Illinois._
  _Surgery_      _Chicago & Erie._
  _Surgical_     _Chicago & Grand Trunk._
  _Surloin_      _Chicago, Hamilton & Dayton._
  _Surmise_      _Chicago Terminal Transfer._
  _Surpass_      _Chicago, Hammond & Western._
  _Surpassed_    _Chicago, Lake Shore & Eastern._
  _Surpassing_   _Chicago & Western Indiana._
  _Surplice_     _Cotton Belt Route._
  _Surplus_      _Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific._
  _Surprisal_    _Cleveland, Belt & Terminal._
  _Surprised_    _Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis._
  _Surprising_   _Delaware, Lackawanna & Western._
  _Surrender_    _Delaware & Hudson._
  _Surrendered_  _Denver & Rio Grande._
  _Surrounding_  _Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic._
  _Survey_       _Elgin, Joliet & Eastern._
  _Surveyed_     _Fitchburg._
  _Surveying_    _Flint & Pere Marquette._
  _Surveyor_     _Grand Rapids & Indiana._
  _Survive_      _Great Northern._
  _Survival_     _Indiana, Illinois & Iowa._
  _Surviving_    _Iowa Central._
  _Suspect_      _Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf._
  _Suspecting_   _Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western._
  _Suspense_     _Lake Erie & Western._
  _Suspicion_    _Lehigh Valley._
  _Sustenance_   _Louisville & Nashville._
  _Swab_         _Maine Central._
  _Swabbed_      _Memphis Route._
  _Swabbing_     _Minneapolis & St. Louis._
  _Swarm_        _Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie._
  _Sweep_        _Missouri, Kansas & Texas._
  _Sweetened_    _Missouri Pacific._
  _Swelter_      _Mobile & Ohio._
  _Sweltered_    _Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis._
  _Sweltering_   _New York, Chicago & St. Louis._
  _Swipe_        _New York, New Haven & Hartford._
  _Swivel_       _New York, Ontario & Western._
  _Swoon_        _Ohio Central._
  _Swooning_     _Northern Pacific._
  _Swooped_      _Omaha & St. Louis._
  _Sword_        _Philadelphia & Reading._
  _Symbolism_    _Plant System._
  _Symbolize_    _Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg._
  _Symmetry_     _Southern Railway._
  _Symphony_     _Southern Pacific._
  _Syncopist_    _St. Louis Southwestern._
  _Synodic_      _St. Louis & San Francisco._
  _Synopsis_     _Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan._
  _Synoptic_     _Texas & Pacific._
  _Tabaret_      _Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City._
  _Tabby_        _Texas Central._
  _Tabernacle_   _Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf._
  _Tabling_      _Vandalia Line._
  _Taboo_        _Wabash._
  _Tabular_      _West Shore._
  _Tabulate_     _Wisconsin Central._


  Talent         Blue Line.
  Talented       Black Line.
  Talisman       Diamond Line.
  Talkative      Empire Line.
  Talking        Erie & Pacific Despatch.
  Talon          Erie & North Shore Line.
  Tangent        Fast Freight Line.
  Tangible       Green Line.
  Tangle         Globe Line.
  Tangling       Kankakee Line.
  Tansy          National Line.
  Tape           National Despatch.
  Tapestry       Red Line.
  Tardily        South Shore Line.
  Tardy          Star Union Line.
  Target         Union Star Line.
  Tariff         White Line.

  _Tackle_       _Canadian Pacific Despatch._
  _Tackling_     _Canada Southern Line._
  _Tailless_     _Central States Despatch._
  _Tailor_       _Commercial Express._
  _Talmud_       _Erie Despatch._
  _Tamed_        _Great Eastern Line._
  _Tannery_      _Hoosac Tunnel Line._
  _Tandem_       _Inter State Despatch._
  _Tantrum_      _Kanawha Despatch._
  _Tapering_     _Lackawanna Line._
  _Tardiness_    _Lehigh & Wabash Despatch._
  _Tarnish_      _Merchants Despatch._
  _Tarpum_       _Nickel Plate._
  _Tarried_      _Ontario Despatch._
  _Tarry_        _Provision Dealers Despatch._
  _Tarsus_       _Reading Despatch._
  _Tartaric_     _Southern Despatch._
  _Tassel_       _Traders Despatch._
  _Tattling_     _West Shore Line._


  Tartar         Anchor Line.
  Tartly         Northern Transportation Co.
  Tartness       Sarnia Line.
  Task           Union Steamboat Co.
  Taste          Western Transportation Co.

  _Taught_       _Lackawanna Transportation Co._
  _Taxless_      _Lehigh Valley Transportation Co._
  _Teamless_     _Minneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo St. Co._
  _Teasing_      _Ogdensburg Transportation Co._
  _Teasel_       _Owen Line._
  _Tempered_     _Western Transit Co._

  _Temperance_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Temporal_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tenable_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tenantry_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tenantless_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tenderloin_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tenderness_   .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tennis_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Terrapin_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Terrible_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Terrify_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Testing_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Testate_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Thanked_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Thanking_     .  .  .  .  .  .


  Tasteful       Allan Line.
  Tasteless      American Line.
  Tattoo         Anchor Line.
  Tavern         Bremen Line.
  Tax            Cunard Line via Boston.
  Taxable        Cunard Line via New York.
  Taxation       Guion Line.
  Taxed          Hamburg Line.
  Taxing         Havre Line.
  Teach          Inman Line.
  Teacher        National Line.
  Teaching       Red Star Line.
  Teamster       State Line.
  Teapot         White Star Line.

  _Tedious_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tediously_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Teeth_        .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Teething_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Temper_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Temperate_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tempest_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Templar_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Temple_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tempt_        .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tempted_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Tempting_     .  .  .  .  .  .


  Tenant         Draw at sight.
  Tenderly       Draw at sight with bill of lading attached.
  Tendon         Draw on demand.
  Tendril        Draw on demand with bill of lading attached.
  Tenement       Draw payable with New York Exchange.
  Tenor          Draw as before.
  Tension        Draw on us.
  Tepid          Draw for what margin you require.
  Tepidly        Draw at one day.
  Terminus       Draw at five days.
  Testament      Draw at ten days.
  Testator       Draw at fifteen days.
  Testified      Draw at twenty days.
  Testify        Draw at thirty days.
  Testimony      Draw at forty-five days.
  Textile        Draw at sixty days.
  Texture        Draw at ninety days.
  Thankful       At what rate can you draw?
  Thankfully     Can you negotiate time drafts?
  Thankless      Have remitted.
  Thatch         Have remitted currency.
  Thatched       Have remitted New York Exchange.
  Thatching      Have remitted Chicago Exchange.
  Thawed         Have remitted by mail.
  Thawing        Have remitted by express.
  Theater        Have deposited margin with ____
  Thebes         We are remitting margins.
  Theme          Will remit immediately.
  Theology       Will remit to-morrow.
  Thereby        Will remit in a few days.
  Therefore      Will remit New York Exchange.
  Thick          Will remit Chicago Exchange.
  Thicket        Will remit currency.
  Thickly        Will remit necessary funds.
  Thief          Can you wait for a remittance?
  Thievish       What margin do you require?
  Thigh          Retain margin until you hear from us.

  Thimble        Have drawn at sight.
  Thirsty        Have drawn at sight with bill lading attached.
  Thirstful      Have drawn on demand.
  Thistle        Have drawn on demand with bill lading attached.
  Thorny         Have drawn payable with New York Exchange.
  Thought        Have drawn as before.
  Thoughtful     Have drawn for ____ dollars margin.
  Thrall         Have drawn at one day.
  Thrash         Have drawn at five days.
  Thrashed       Have drawn at ten days.
  Thrashing      Have drawn at fifteen days.
  Threat         Have drawn at twenty days.
  Threaten       Have drawn at thirty days.
  Threatened     Have drawn at forty-five days.
  Threshold      Have drawn at sixty days.
  Thrifty        Have drawn at ninety days.
  Throb          Will you remit or shall we draw?
  Throbbing      How shall we draw?
  Throng         Can draw at ____
  Throttle       A remittance will do if it reaches us ____
  Thrust         You can remit New York Exchange or we will draw.
  Thumb          Can draw as desired.
  Thumping       Will telegraph you if want more margin.
  Thunder        Can make advances with ____ per cent. margin.
  Thwart         How have you remitted?
  Thwarted       Have you remitted?
  Ticket         Cannot draw as directed.
  Ticklish       Cannot negotiate time paper.
  Tidal          Cannot draw time drafts against shipments.
  Tidily         Cannot act without margin in hand.
  Tidings        Cannot wait for a remittance, seller demands cash, must
  Tiger          Cannot make advances now, but hope to do so soon.

  _Tiller_       _Please remit ____ dollars._
  _Tilling_      _Please deposit ____ dollars._
  _Tillable_     _Please send ____ dollars by first express._
  _Tillage_      _Deposit ____ dollars to our credit and have Bank wire
  _Tillman_      _Unless you deposit ____ dollars to our credit and have
                   Bank wire us at once shall close your trades._
  _Timbal_       _Have deposited ____ dollars to your credit._
  _Timeful_      _Your credit balance._
  _Timeless_     _Your debit balance._
  _Timerous_     _Please leave more margin in future drafts against
  _Tinged_       _You must leave margin to cover shortage and misgrading._
  _Tinkered_     _Your draft excessive. Deposit ____ dollars to our credit,
                   have Bank wire us and we will honor your draft._
  _Tinkering_    _Please remit to our New York house for our credit ____
  _Tinsmith_     _Your draft seems excessive, wire weights at once._
  _Tinware_      _Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on wheat._
  _Tippet_       _Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on corn._
  _Tippling_     _Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on oats._
  _Tireless_     _Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on _____
  _Tiresome_     _Draft with bill of lading when loaded._
  _Titantic_     _Draft with bill of lading when navigation opens._
  _Tithes_       _Please send bill of lading at once._
  _Title_        _Bill of lading forwarded _____
  _Titmouse_     _Bill of lading not yet received._
  _Toadstool_    _We must receive bill of lading by opening market._
  _Tobacco_      _Draft when loaded, shipment opening navigation._

  Tigress        Must draw for margin, payable on demand.
  Timely         Must draw for ____ dollars margin.
  Timid          Must draw at sight.
  Timidly        Must draw on demand.
  Tincture       Banks will not advance on property, must have currency to
  Tinkling       Margin of ____ per cent. on all property bought or sold,
                   margin to be kept good.
  Tinsel         Unless you remit additional margin immediately we must
                   cover your sales.
  Tipple         Unless you remit additional margin immediately we must
                   sell your property.
  Tipsy          Market advancing; your margin nearly exhausted; shall we
                   draw for additional margin or cover your sales?
  Tissue         Market declining; your margin nearly exhausted; shall we
                   draw for additional margin or sell your property?
  Titbit         Your margin exhausted; have closed all your trades.
  Toast          Have closed your trades; you may draw for ____ dollars.
  Toasted        We hold subject to your order ____ dollars.
  Toasting       Have deposited proceeds with ____
  Toddy          Money market easy.
  Toilet         Money market tight.
  Toilsome       Sight exchange ____ per cent. premium.
  Tomato         Sight exchange par.
  Tombstone      Sight exchange ____ per cent. discount.

  Tongue         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Tonnage        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Tooth          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Toothless      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Topaz          .  .  .  .  .  .


  Tophet         Keep fully insured in good offices.
  Topic          Effect marine insurance.
  Torment        At what rate can you insure?
  Tormented      Have effected insurance.
  Tormenting     We will insure.
  Torpedo        We can insure at ____
  Torpid         Shall we insure here?
  Torture        Insured here in our open policy.
  Total          Have not insured; consider you have insured in your open
  Totally        Including marine insurance.
  Towards        Marine insurance ____ cents per $100.

  Township       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Track          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Tracked        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Tracking       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Trackless      Telegraph when you buy.
  Trader         Telegraph when you sell.
  Tradition      Telegraph when you ship.
  Traduce        Telegraph when you draw.
  Traducing      Telegraph when you remit.
  Traffic        Telegraph when you do anything.
  Tragedian      Telegraph when ____ stops advancing.
  Tragedy        Telegraph when ____ stops declining.
  Tragic         Telegraph when you are offered any bargains.
  Tragical       Telegraph receipts for to-day.
  Traitor        Telegraph cars posted for to-morrow.
  Tramp          Telegraph shipments for to-day.
  Trample        Telegraph your stock.
  Tranquil       Telegraph best offer.
  Transact       Telegraph fully and often.
  Transfer       Telegraph promptly what progress.
  Transfix       Telegraph immediately if satisfactory.
  Transfixed     Telegraph price, quality, and brand.
  Transform      Telegraph price, quality, and quantity.
  Transgress     Telegraph any important change.
  Transit        Telegraph shipping instructions.
  Translate      Telegraph quotations.
  Transmit       Telegraph state of your market.
  Transpire      Telegraph to-morrow early.
  Transplant     Telegraph frequently and keep us well posted.
  Transport      Telegraph closing prices of ____
  Trap           Telegraph closing prices of ____, night despatch.
  Trapped        Telegraph daily with quotations, until further advised.
  Trapping       Telegraph market daily, by night despatch.
  Travel         Telegraph in cipher.
  Traveler       Telegraph in plain language.
  Traveling      Answer by telegraph.
  Tread          Answer by telegraph immediately.
  Treadle        Answer by night despatch.
  Treason        We do not understand your despatch.
  Treasure       We telegraphed you, but have no reply.
  Treating       Your despatch received after market closed; will act next
                   session unless otherwise instructed.
  Treatment      Your order by telegraph received at ____

  Treaty         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Tremble        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Trembling      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Trespass       The seeding this spring is backward.
  Trespassed     The weather is unfavorable for the growing crops.
  Trial          The weather continues unfavorable.
  Triangle       Up to this time very little has been done, the ground
                   being too wet.
  Tribunal       Late frosts said to have done much injury.
  Tribute        Reported damage to crops by ____
  Trifle         Crops have been injured by the late rains.
  Trifling       Crops have been injured by the severe drought.
  Trigger        Should wet weather continue the harvest will be very
  Trinity        The seeding this spring progressing favorably
  Trinket        The weather is favorable for the growing crops.
  Triplet        Accounts of the crops very encouraging.
  Tripod         Indications of an early harvest.
  Triumph        Harvesting in this section will probably begin next week.
  Trombone       Harvesting is now progressing in this section.
  Trodden        ____ in this section has been mostly secured in good
  Trouble        Samples exhibited of the new crop look ____
  Trowel         Quality of the new crop is superior to last year's.
  Trudge         Quality of the new crop is inferior to last year's.
  Trudging       Quality of the new crop as good as expected.
  Truly          The new crop, it is estimated, will average ____ bushels
                   per acre.
  Trumpet        The yield, both as to quality and quantity, is very
  Trundle        Prospects of an early crop.
  Truss          Prospects of a late crop.
  Trustee        Prospects of an average crop.
  Trustful       Prospects above an average crop.
  Ugly           Prospects below an average crop.
  Ugliness       Little of the new crop arriving.
  Ultimate       The proportion of the new crop in arrivals is ____
  Ultra          The new crop now arriving freely.
  Umbrage        First samples of the new crop exhibited here to-day.
  Umbrella       Condition of the new crop arriving is excellent.
  Umpire         Weather is fine.
  Unaware        Weather is hot and forcing.
  Unbelief       Weather is unsettled.
  Unbend         Weather showery.
  Unbended       Weather is stormy.
  Unbending      Weather wet and cold.
  Unbolt         Weather is cold for this time of the year.
  Unbolted       Weather is warm for this time of the year.
  Unbolting      Severe thunder storms prevailing.
  Unborn         Weather more settled.
  Unbosom        Weather is spring-like.
  Unbridle       Weather is brilliant.
  Unbuckle       Frost seems breaking up.
  Unbutton       Incessant rains still prevail.
  Unchain        Hard frost last night.
  Unclasp        Light frost last night.
  Uncle          Weather is warm and pleasant.
  Unclean        Heavy rains in this section of the country.

  Uncover        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Undaunted      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Undergo        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Undone         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Undress        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Uneasy         The Hogs arriving are very heavy in weight.
  Unequal        The Hogs arriving are heavier than usual.
  Unrobe         The Hogs arriving are mostly light in weight.
  Unroll         Very few of the Hogs now arriving are heavy enough for
                   Mess Pork.
  Unruly         The Hogs now arriving will average about ____ lbs. net.
  Unsaddle       Dressed Hogs arriving are too soft to ship.
  Unseen         Dressed Hogs arriving are in good condition.
  Unsettle       Dressed Hogs arriving are in fair shipping condition.
  Unsightly      The Hogs now arriving are heavier than those received
                   earlier in the season.
  Unstable       The Hogs now arriving are not as heavy as those received
                   earlier in the season.
  Unspotted      The weather is cold and favorable for packing operations.
  Untimely       The weather is unfavorable for packing operations.
  Untold         The Hogs thus far received will average about ____ lbs.
  Untrue         The cutting is principally into ____
  Untruth        The packing to the present time is about ____
  Untwist        The packing season is expected to be short.
  Unwell         The packers expect to stop cutting for the season ____
  Unwind         The packing season may now be considered closed.
  Unwise         The number of Hogs packed amount to ____
  Unworthy       Packers will not guarantee any foreign inspection.

  Upbraid        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Upcast         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Upheave        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Uphill         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Uphold         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Upholding      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Upland                             6:00 A. M.
  Uplift                             7:00 A. M.
  Upright                            7:30 A. M.
  Upset                              8:00 A. M.
  Upsetting                          8:15 A. M.
  Upshot                             8:30 A. M.
  Upside                             8:45 A. M.
  Upstart                            9:00 A. M.
  Urbane                             9:15 A. M.
  Urgent                             9:30 A. M.
  Usage                              9:45 A. M.
  Useful                            10:00 A. M.
  Useless                           10:15 A. M.
  Usher                             10:30 A. M.
  Usurp                             10:45 A. M.
  Utensil                           11:00 A. M.
  Utility                           11:15 A. M.
  Utmost                            11:30 A. M.
  Utter                             11:45 A. M.
  Utterly                           12:00 M.
  Vacant                            12:15 P. M.
  Vacantly                          12:30 P. M.
  Vacate                            12:45 P. M.
  Vacating                           1:00 P. M.
  Vacation                           1:15 P. M.
  Vagabond                           1:30 P. M.
  Vagrant                            1:45 P. M.
  Valentine                          2:00 P. M.
  Valet                              2:15 P. M.
  Valiant                            2:30 P. M.
  Validity                           2:45 P. M.
  Valuable                           3:00 P. M.
  Value                              3:15 P. M.
  Vampire                            3:30 P. M.
  Vandyke                            3:45 P. M.
  Vanguard                           4:00 P. M.
  Vanilla                            4:15 P. M.
  Vanish                             4:30 P. M.
  Vanished                           4:45 P. M.
  Vanity                             5:00 P. M.
  Vanquish                           5:15 P. M.
  Vapor                              5:30 P. M.
  Vastly                             6:00 P. M.
  Vegetate                           6:30 P. M.
  Vegetation                         7:00 P. M.
  Vehement                           7:30 P. M.
  Velvet                             8:00 P. M.
  Vengeful                           8:30 P. M.
  Vengeance                          9:00 P. M.
  Venom                              9:30 P. M.
  Ventilate                         10:00 P. M.
  Verdant                           10:30 P. M.


  Vesper         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vestment       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vestry         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Veto           .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vexed          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vexation       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Viaduct        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vial           .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vibrate        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vibration      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vibrating      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Victim         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Victuals       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vigilant       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vignette       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Village        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Villa          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Villain        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Virtue         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Virtuous       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Visage         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Visably        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Visit          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vital          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vitally        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vixen          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vocal          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vocalist       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Volcano        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Volume         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vomit          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vomited        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vomiting       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vortex         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vulcanize      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vulgar         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vulgarly       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Vulture        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Waddle         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Waddling       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wafer          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Waffle         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wager          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wagon          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Waist          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Waiter         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wakeful        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Walrus         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wampum         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wanton         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Wardrobe       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warfare        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warlike        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warped         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warping        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warrant        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Warranty       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wabbly_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wafted_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wagging_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waggish_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waggishly_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wagonette_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wagtail_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wainscot_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waistband_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waitress_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waken_        .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wakened_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wakening_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Waldgrave_    .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Walk_         .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Walked_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Walking_      .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Wallop_       .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Walloped_     .  .  .  .  .  .

  _Walloping_    .  .  .  .  .  .






Telegraphic Cipher.



Grain & Feed Journals Consolidated




In adding a Supplement to THE ROBINSON TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER, no other change
whatever has been made.

All but the supplement being printed from the same plates as the former
Revised Edition.

The supplement will supply to a great extent phrases, etc., that changes in
business methods and new Grades, Railroads, etc., have been called into use
since the last revision.

The additions by themselves, rather than scattered through the code, will
avoid danger of using a code word for the additions, with one who has not
as yet received a copy with the supplement.

With the present arrangement it will at times be necessary to look in two
places, for a phrase or code word, the extra turn of a leaf.

Many users of the code having written their own phrases on the blank lines,
or pasted phrases over the printed ones they do not care for, but using the
"Code" word for the phrase covered up. Any change in the original book
would cause confusion, loss and lack of confidence.

You have probably found phrases not needed by you, and failed to find some
you do want; to supply this need, write them in the blank lines. A few
minutes time will do it.

To attempt to put in one Code the matter to meet all wants, _the size would
kill its usefulness_.

Time is too valuable these days of rush, to use a dollar's worth hunting
through a big code to save a few cents in Telegraph Tolls.

Better use two code words, combining the phrases of each, for even then you
will seldom fail to get your Telegram inside ten words.


Very few realize the liability of error by the receiving operator in
receiving cipher or code words by sound, where the connecting words are no

The missing or adding of a single dot or dash, the misjudgment of a
"space", may change the entire meaning.

It is therefore _vital_ that the code words should be selected with the
utmost care, and by one fully competent to judge of their fitness.

I studied nearly a year selecting a list of words I considered safe to use,
analyzing every one from a telegraphic standpoint, as well as from their
liability of being _misread_ from manuscript. In many cases several words
equally safe, if but one used. Cutting out the words from Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary till I had between five and six thousand I considered
safe to use as "code words."

Every word added, the danger of error increases, and the more words added
the ratio of danger increasing in proportion.

In this selection I gave the benefit of fifteen years' personal experience
as an operator and manager, over three years as operator and cipher clerk
for the United States Government, and ten of the fifteen as telegraph
manager on the Chicago Board of Trade.

In the majority of codes the cipher words are virtually copied as they come
out of a dictionary. Many words so little in use that the sending operator
for fear of sending one wrong asks to have the words rewritten, thus
causing delay that may cost as much as _if sent wrong_.

During the past thirty-five years THE ROBINSON TELEGRAPHIC CIPHER has been,
and is still in use in nearly every city and town in the United States and
Canada having a telegraph office. Thousands using it, yet the errors in
transmitting its code words are less even than in messages in plain
English. In fact virtually _nil_.

Its record speaks for itself.




    Basis,                                              25

    Breadstuffs, (Barley),                              15

    Breadstuffs, (Buckwheat),                           18

    Breadstuffs, (Corn),                                12

    Breadstuffs, (Flour),                               17

    Breadstuffs, (Mill Feed),                           16

    Breadstuffs, (Hay and Straw),                    18-19

    Breadstuffs, (Oats),                             13-14

    Breadstuffs, (Rye),                                 14

    Breadstuffs, (Seeds),                               18

    Breadstuffs, (Wheat),                             9-11

    Buying and Selling,                              22-23

    Condition and Quality,                           20-21

    Foreign Advices,                                    26

    Indemnities,                                     28-29

    Miscellaneous,                                      27

    Railroads and Rail Routes,                         5-6

    Shipping and Freights,                              24

    Transportation Lines (Lake Lines),                   7

    Transportation Lines (Ocean, Coast Lines),           8

    Transportation Lines (Ocean Lines),                  8

    Transportation Lines (R. R. Freight Lines),          7

    U. S. Government Standards,                         30


  Babbler        Ann Arbor.
  Babbling       Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic.
  Babyish        Atlantic Coast Line.
  Baccarat       Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic.
  Baccate        Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg.
  Bacillus       Canadian Northern.
  Bacteria       Central of Georgia.
  Backbone       Central R. R. of New Jersey.
  Badly          Central Vermont.
  Badness        Chesapeake and Ohio.
  Bagatelle      Chicago and Alton.
  Bagpipe        Chicago and Illinois Western.
  Bailiwick      Chicago Great Western.
  Bailment       Chicago, Indiana and Southern.
  Bakery         Chicago Junction.
  Baking         Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound.
  Balconet       Chicago Union Transfer.
  Balefully      Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton.
  Ballastic      Colorado and Southern.
  Balloonist     Colorado Midland.
  Balmy          Erie.
  Balustrade     Florida East Coast.
  Bandana        Frisco Lines.
  Bandbox        Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio.
  Banded         Gulf Air Line.
  Bandelet       Hocking Valley.
  Bandoleer      Houston and Texas Central.
  Bandoline      Houston, East and West Texas.
  Bandsaw        Illinois Terminal.
  Baneful        Indiana Harbor Belt.
  Banefully      International and Great Northern.
  Banished       Kansas City Southern.
  Banishing      Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf.
  Banjo          National Railway of Mexico.
  Banking        Norfolk and Western.
  Banter         New Orleans Great Northern.
  Bantering      New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago.
  Baptistry      Northwestern Pacific.
  Baptized       Oregon Short Line.
  Barbarian      Oregon-Washington R. R. and Navigat'n Co.
  Barbaric       Pennsylvania.
  Barbarism      Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
  Barbecue       Pere Marquette.
  Barbette       Pittsburg and Lake Erie.
  Barbican       Quebec Central.
  Bardism        Queen and Crescent Route.
  Barbatine      Rio Grande and Western.
  Barnacle       Rutland.
  Barology       Star and Crescent Route.
  Baronage       Sunset Route.
  Baronial       Seaboard Air Line.
  Baroscope      St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern.
  Barque         Texas Midland.
  Barracan       Toledo, St. Louis and Western.
  Barricade      Western Maryland.
  Barrister      Western Virginia.
  Basaltic       West New Jersey and Sea Shore.
  Bascule        Wheeling and Lake Erie.
  Basket         Yazoo and Mississippi Valley.
  Bassinet       Western Pacific.

  Beatify        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beatitude      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beckon         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Becloud        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Becoming       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bedraggle      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bedrench       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beehive        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beetle         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beginning      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Behavior       Ashville Line.
  Belch          Blue Ridge Despatch.
  Belittle       Cumberland Gap Despatch.
  Belladonna     Grand Trunk Despatch.
  Bellows        Jersey Central, Lake Shore Despatch.
  Belvedere      Jersey Central Mich. Central Despatch.
  Benefactor     Lake Shore, Lackawanna Line.
  Benefice       Lake Shore, Lehigh Valley Route.
  Benighted      Lackawanna Grand Trunk Line.
  Benzine        Michigan Central Lackawanna Line.
  Bereave        Michigan Central Lehigh Valley Route.
  Bergamot       Norfolk and Western Despatch.
  Bermuda        Wabash Erie Despatch.
  Bertha         Wabash O. and W. Route.

  Beseech        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Beset          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bespeak        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bestial        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Billows        Ann Arbor Line.
  Binding        Algoma Central Steamship Line.
  Binocular      Canadian Atlantic Transit Co.
  Biologist      Canadian Lake Line.
  Biology        Canadian Pacific S. S. Lines.
  Bishopric      Chicago and Duluth Transportation Co.
  Bisque         Erie and Western Transportation Co.
  Bittern        Merchants Montreal Line.
  Bivalve        Mutual Transit Co.
  Blacken        Merchants Union Line.
  Blackish       Northern Michigan Transportation Co.
  Blameful       Northern Transportation Co.
  Blazon         Pere Marquette Line.
  Blinker        Rutland Transit Co.
  Bloater        U. S. and Dominion Transportation Co.

  Blooded        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Blossom        Atlantic Transport Line.
  Blundered      Canadian Pacific S. S. Line.
  Blustered      Cosmopolitan Line.
  Boarding       Dominion Line.
  Bobolink       Great Northern S. S. Line.
  Bobtail        Head Line.
  Bodice         Neptune Line.
  Bogus          Pacific Mail S. S. Co.
  Boldly         Philadelphia Trans-Atlantic Line.
  Bombast        Scandinavian American Line.
  Bonanza        United States Shipping Co.
  Bonifice       Virginia Line.


  Bonnet         Clyde Line.
  Boodle         Mallory Steamship Co.
  Booklet        Metropolitan S. S. Co.
  Boomer         Morgan Line.
  Bootless       Munson S. S. Line.
  Booty          Old Dominion Line.
  Borough        Southern Pacific S. S. Line.
  Botanic        Ward Line Route.
  Bouquet        United Steamship Co.

  Bovine         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bowery         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bowline        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Boyhood        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Brag           .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bragged        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Bragging       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Branchlet      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Brashly        .  .  .  .  .  .



  Bravely        Chicago Contract Wheat.
  Brazen         No. 3 Chicago Spring Wheat.
  Brevity        No. 4 Chicago Spring Wheat.
  Bridegroom     Rejected Chicago Spring Wheat.
  Brigand        Sample Grade Chicago Spring Wheat.

  Brighten       No. 3 Milwaukee Spring Wheat.
  Broaden        No. 4 Milwaukee Spring Wheat.
  Brogue         Rejected Milwaukee Spring Wheat.
  Bromide        Sample Grade Milwaukee Spring Wheat.

  Bronco         No. 1 Duluth Spring Wheat.
  Brooklet       No. 2 Duluth Spring Wheat.
  Brougham       No. 3 Duluth Spring Wheat.
  Buddhist       No. 4 Duluth Spring Wheat.
  Budget         Rejected Duluth Spring Wheat.
  Building       Sample Grade Duluth Spring Wheat.

  Bulkhead       No. 3 Northwestern Spring Wheat.
  Bulrush        No. 4 Northwestern Spring Wheat.
  Bulwark        Rejected Northwestern Spring Wheat.
  Bungalow       Sample Grade Northwestern Spring Wheat.

  Burgess        No. 3 Minnesota Spring Wheat.
  Burgundy       No. 4 Minnesota Spring Wheat.
  Burmese        Rejected Minnesota Spring Wheat.
  Bushman        Sample Grade Minnesota Spring Wheat.

  Buttercup      No. 3 Northern Spring Wheat.
  Cabalism       No. 4 Northern Spring Wheat.
  Cabaret        Rejected Northern Spring Wheat.
  Cackle         Sample Grade Northern Spring Wheat.

  Caddy          No. 4 White Spring Wheat.
  Cadenza        Rejected White Spring Wheat.
  Calamus        Sample Grade White Spring Wheat.
  Calcine        Sample Grade Spring Wheat.
  Calliope       No. 1 Hard Spring Wheat.

  Calvanist      No. 1 Durum Wheat.
  Candle         No. 2 Durum Wheat.
  Candy          No. 3 Durum Wheat.
  Canister       No. 4 Durum Wheat.
  Cankerous      Rejected Durum Wheat.
  Cantata        Sample Grade Durum Wheat.

  Canteen        No. 1 Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Canticle       No. 2 Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Capias         No. 3 Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Capillary      No. 4 Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Carburet       Rejected Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Careen         Sample Grade Velvet Chaff Wheat.
  Caressed       Mixed Velvet Chaff Wheat.

  Caressing      No. 4 Hard Winter Wheat.
  Carnation      Rejected Hard Winter Wheat.
  Caroline       Sample Grade Hard Winter Wheat.
  Cartilage      Rejected White Winter Wheat.
  Casino         Sample Grade White Winter Wheat.

  Cassock        Rejected Red Winter Wheat.
  Castanet       Sample Grade Red Winter Wheat.

  Catalpa        No. 1 Pacific Coast Red Wheat.
  Cataract       No. 2 Pacific Coast Red Wheat.
  Cavalcade      No. 3 Pacific Coast Red Wheat.
  Cayman         No. 4 Pacific Coast Red Wheat.
  Celibacy       Rejected Pacific Coast Red Wheat.
  Centaur        Sample Grade Pacific Coast Red Wheat.

  Cephus         No. 1 Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chainless      No. 2 Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chaldean       No. 3 Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chalice        No. 4 Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chalk          Rejected Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chamois        Sample Grade Pacific Coast White Wheat.
  Chancery       Pacific Coast Mixed Wheat.

  Changeless     No. 1 Mixed Wheat.
  Chaotic        No. 2 Mixed Wheat.
  Chariot        No. 3 Mixed Wheat.
  Charmful       No. 4 Mixed Wheat.
  Charmless      Rejected Mixed Wheat.
  Cheerless      Sample Grade Mixed Wheat.
  Chemise        Straight Country Run Wheat.


  Chicane        No. 1 Alberta Red Winter Wheat.
  Chicanery      No. 2 Alberta Red Winter Wheat.
  Chiefdom       No. 3 Alberta Red Winter Wheat.
  Chiefless      Sample Grade Alberta Red Winter Wheat.

  Chigger        No. 1 Manitoba Hard Wheat.
  Chillness      No. 1 Manitoba Northern Wheat.
  Choral         No. 2 Manitoba Northern Wheat.
  Chlorine       No. 3 Manitoba Northern Wheat.
  Choppy         Sample Grade Manitoba Northern Wheat.

  Chromo         No. 4 Extra Wheat.
  Churchly       No. 5 Extra Wheat.
  Circus         No. 6 Extra Wheat.
  Civility       Feed Wheat.
  Clamped        No. 2 Feed Wheat.
  Clannish       No. 4 Winter Wheat.
  Clasp          Scoured Manitoba Wheat.
  Clasped        Sample Manitoba Wheat.

  Clasping       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Claymore       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Clematis       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Clemency       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Climatic       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Cloven         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Cobalt         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Collodion      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Colonel        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Coloring       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Colossus       No. 4 White Corn.
  Columbine      Rejected White Corn.
  Compiling      Sample Grade White Corn.
  Composite      No. 4 Yellow Corn.
  Conception     Rejected Yellow Corn.
  Concrete       Sample Grade Yellow Corn.

  Condor         No. 1 Mixed Corn.
  Condusive      No. 2 Mixed Corn.
  Confab         No. 3 Mixed Corn.
  Confusing      No. 4 Mixed Corn.
  Conquer        Rejected Mixed Corn.
  Consort        Sample Grade Mixed Corn.
  Contralto      Mixed Corn.

  Contrary       Old Corn.
  Cordage        Old Ear Corn.
  Cordial        New Ear Corn.
  Corduroy       Good Feeder Corn.
  Corona         Common Feeder Corn.
  Corrugate      St. Charles Red Top Corn.

  Cough          Kiln Dried Corn.
  Coughing       Kiln Dried Corn, testing ____ per cent. moisture or less.
  Coverlet       Testing ____ per cent. moisture or less.
  Creation       White Kaffir Corn.
  Cremated       Red Caffir Corn.
  Cremating      Milo-Maize.

  Cremation      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Cribbage       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Croak          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Croaked        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Croaking       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Crowded        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Crucible       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Crucifix       Standard White Oats.
  Culvert        No. 4 White Oats.
  Cumulate       Rejected White Oats.
  Cupidity       Sample Grade White Oats.

  Cuspidor       No. 1 Yellow Oats.
  Dado           No. 2 Yellow Oats.
  Dagger         No. 3 Yellow Oats.
  Dahlia         No. 4 Yellow Oats.
  Damson         Rejected Yellow Oats.
  Dandy          Sample Grade Yellow Oats.

  Datum          No. 1 Mixed Oats.
  Daybreak       No. 2 Mixed Oats.
  Deadened       No. 3 Mixed Oats.
  Debutant       No. 4 Mixed Oats.
  Decalogue      Rejected Mixed Oats.
  Decorate       Sample Grade Mixed Oats.

  Decorum        No. 1 Red or Rust Proof Oats.
  Decoy          No. 2 Red or Rust Proof Oats.
  Deepen         No. 3 Red or Rust Proof Oats.
  Deepened       No. 4 Red or Rust Proof Oats.
  Deface         Rejected Red or Rust Proof Oats.
  Defeated       Sample Grade Red or Rust Proof Oats.

  Demerit        No. 3 White Clipped Oats.
  Denude         No. 4 White Clipped Oats.
  Dependent      Rejected White Clipped Oats.
  Deployed       Sample Grade White Clipped Oats.

  Desecrate      No. 1 Red Clipped Oats.
  Desperado      No. 2 Red Clipped Oats.
  Despise        No. 3 Red Clipped Oats.
  Despoil        No. 4 Red Clipped Oats.
  Despond        Rejected Red Clipped Oats.
  Devoted        Sample Grade Red Clipped Oats.

  Devoutly       Red Clipped Oats ____ lbs.

  Diabolic       Testing ____ lbs. or over.

  Diagnosis      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Diaper         Extra 1 Canadian Western Oats.
  Dicker         No. 1 Canadian Western Oats.
  Dickering      No. 2 Canadian Western Oats.
  Dictation      No. 3 Canadian Western Oats.
  Dictum         Sample Grade Canadian Western Oats.

  Diffuse        No. 1 Canadian Mixed Oats.
  Diffusely      No. 2 Canadian Mixed Oats.
  Digress        No. 3 Canadian Mixed Oats.

  Dilation       No. 1 Canadian Black Oats.
  Dilatory       No. 2 Canadian Black Oats.
  Dilemna        Rejected Canadian Black Oats.
  Dinghy         Sample Grade Canadian Black Oats.

  Diplomacy      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Dipper         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Director       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Disable        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Disabuse       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Disciple       No. 4 Rye.
  Disclaim       Sample Grade Rye.
  Discourse      Choice Rye by Sample.
  Disdain        Eastern Canadian Rye.
  Disdained      Western Canadian Rye.
  Disfavor       Manitoba Rye.

  Disfigure      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Disinfect      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Disown         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Disowned       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Displace       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Disrupt        Extra No. 3 Barley.
  Dissolute      No. 1 Winter Barley.
  Dissonant      No. 2 Winter Barley.
  Distantly      No. 3 Winter Barley.
  Distracted     No. 4 Winter Barley.
  Disturbed      Rejected Winter Barley.
  Divulging      Sample Grade Winter Barley.
  Dogstar        No. 4 Scotch Barley.
  Dolefully      Rejected Scotch Barley.
  Domicile       Sample Grade Scotch Barley.
  Domino         Purified Barley.

  Doom           No. 1 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.
  Doomed         No. 2 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.
  Dormitory      No. 3 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.
  Dormouse       No. 4 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.
  Dorsal         Rejected Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.
  Dowager        Sample Grade Bay Brewing Mixed Barley.

  Drudgey        No. 1 Chevalier Mixed Barley.
  Drugged        No. 2 Chevalier Mixed Barley.
  Dugout         No. 3 Chevalier Mixed Barley.
  Dulcimer       No. 4 Chevalier Mixed Barley.
  Dummy          Rejected Chevalier Mixed Barley.
  Dynamo         Sample Grade Chevalier Mixed Barley.

  Easterly       No. 4 Bay Brewing Barley.
  Eastward       Rejected Bay Brewing Barley.
  Educator       Sample Grade Bay Brewing Barley.
  Elocution      No. 4 Chevalier Barley.
  Emersion       Rejected Chevalier Barley.
  Emigrant       Sample Grade Chevalier Barley.
  Emotion        No. 1 Feed Barley.
  Emperor        Choice Malting Barley.
  Emphasis       Fair Malting Barley.
  Emulsion       Common Malting Barley.

  Enduring       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Endwise        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Enthuse        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Eventful       Mill run Winter Wheat Bran in Bulk.
  Evergreen      Mill run Winter Wheat Bran in Sacks.
  Executor       Mill run Spring Wheat Bran in Bulk.
  Executrix      Mill run Spring Wheat Bran in Sacks.
  Exemplar       Mixed Bran in Bulk.
  Expansive      Mixed Bran in Sacks.
  Expressly      Utah Bran in 80 lb. Bags.
  Exquisite      Utah Bran in 90 lb. Bags.
  Fabric         Utah Bran in 100 lb. Bags.
  Fabricate      Utah Bran in irregular sized Bags.

  Fallacy        Choice Yellow Corn Meal in Bulk.
  Fantastic      Choice Yellow Corn Meal in Sacks.
  Fatalism       Fair Yellow Corn Meal in Bulk.
  Femanine       Fair Yellow Corn Meal in Sacks.
  Femoral        Choice White Corn Meal in Bulk.
  Festivity      Choice White Corn Meal in Sacks.
  Fibrous        Fair White Corn Meal in Bulk.
  Fiction        Fair White Corn Meal in Sacks.
  Flamingo       Mixed Corn Meal in Bulk.
  Flatten        Mixed Corn Meal in Sacks.
  Flippant       Buckwheat Midlings in Bulk.
  Florest        Buckwheat Midlings in 100 lb. Sacks.
  Flowers        Gluten Feed in Bulk.
  Flunkey        Gluten Feed in Sacks.
  Forbear        Cotton Seed Oil Cake in Bulk.
  Forbidden      Cotton Seed Oil Cake in Sacks.
  Forcible       Choice Mixed Screenings.
  Forecast       Fair Mixed Screenings.
  Forego         Car Sweepings.
  Foremost       Mill Sweepings.
  Forestry       Flax Screenings.
  Forgiving      In 80 lb. Sacks.
  Forsooth       In 90 lb. Sacks.
  Foulness       In 100 lb. Sacks.
  Fragile        In 140 lb. Sacks.
  Fragment       In ____ lb. Sacks.

  Frantic        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Fraternal      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Frontlet       Special Patent Flour.
  Fulcrum        Patent Flour.
  Furniture      Straight ____ Flour.
  Fusible        Clear ____ Flour.
  Gadfly         Second Clear ____ Flour.
  Gallant        Low Grade ____ Flour.
  Gallipot       Equal to ____ Flour.
  Gallivant      Minnesota Spring Wheat Flour.
  Gangway        Northwestern Spring Wheat Flour.
  Garbage        Manitoba Spring Wheat Flour.
  Gardiner       Hard Spring Wheat Flour.
  Garnish        White Winter Wheat Flour.
  Garrison       Hard Winter Wheat Flour.
  Gastric        Pacific Coast White Wheat Flour.
  Gelatine       Pacific Coast Red Wheat Flour.
  Gentility      Winter Wheat Flour.
  Geodesy        Spring Wheat Flour.
  Geometry       Southwestern Flour.
  Ghetto         Export Flour.
  Ghost          City Mills Flour.
  Gibbet         Country Mills Flour.

  Gladsome       Fancy White Rye Flour.
  Glanders       Standard Rye Flour.
  Glimmer        City Mills Rye Flour.
  Glorify        Country Mills Rye Flour.
  Glorious       Dark Rye Flour.
  Glossary       X X Rye Flour.
  Goggles        X X X Rye Flour.
  Gondola        Fancy Buckwheat Flour.
  Gossamer       White Corn Flour.
  Gourd          Red Dog Flour.
  Graft          Wheat Graham Flour.
  Grafted        Rye Graham Flour.

  Grafting       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Grammer        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Granule        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Grapnel        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Gravel         No. 2 Flax Seed.
  Griffin        No 2 Northwestern Flax Seed.
  Gullible       Rejected Northwestern Flax Seed.
  Gunnery        No. 1 Manitoba Flax Seed.
  Gunshot        No. 2 Manitoba Flax Seed.
  Gunwale        Rejected Manitoba Flax Seed.
  Gusset         Choice Flax Seed by Sample.
  Gutteral       Fair Flax Seed by Sample.
  Hagler         Brome Grass Seed.
  Hailstone      Orchard Grass Seed.
  Halberd        Blue Grass Seed.
  Hammer         Red Top Grass Seed.
  Hammock        Lawn Grass Seed.
  Hamper         Alsyke Seed.
  Handful        Alfalfa Seed.
  Harem          Cane Seed.
  Harken         Rape Seed.


  Harlequin      Choice Buckwheat.
  Hartshorn      Sound Milling Japanese Buckwheat.
  Hawser         Sound Milling Silver Hull Buckwheat.
  Headsman       Sound Milling Mixed Buckwheat.

  Heartless      .  .  .  .  .  .


  Hectic         Rejected Timothy Hay.
  Heirloom       Sample Grade Timothy Hay.
  Hellebore      Choice Clover Hay.
  Helpmate       No. 3 Clover Hay.
  Hemlock        Rejected Clover Hay.
  Henchman       Sample Grade Clover Hay.
  Heptagon       Choice Clover Mixed Hay.
  Heraldry       No. 3 Clover Mixed Hay.
  Hermit         Rejected Clover Mixed Hay.
  Hibernal       Sample Grade Clover Mixed Hay
  Hickory        Rejected Prairie Hay.
  Hireling       Choice Upland Hay.
  Hobble         No. 1 Upland Hay.
  Hockey         No. 2 Upland Hay.
  Homicide       No. 3 Upland Hay.
  Hoodlum        Rejected Upland Hay.
  Hoodwink       Sample Grade Upland Hay.
  Hosanna        Choice Marsh Hay.
  Hostage        No. 1 Marsh Hay.
  Hotbed         No. 2 Marsh Hay.
  Hothouse       No. 3 Marsh Hay.
  Household      Rejected Marsh Hay.
  Hubbub         Sample Grade Marsh Hay.
  Hurtful        Threshed Timothy Hay.
  Hyphen         Packing Hay.
  Imbecile       Cattle Hay.
  Immune         Choice Alfalfa Hay.
  Importune      Fair Alfalfa Hay.
  Impunity       Common Alfalfa Hay.
  Indicator      Sample Grade Alfalfa Hay.
  Indispose      Choice Johnson Grass.
  Inflation      Good Johnson Grass.
  Insoluble      Common Johnson Grass.
  Institute      Choice Oat Straw.
  Insular        Fair Oat Straw.
  Integral       Sample Grade Oat Straw.
  Intensely      Choice Rye Straw.
  Interline      Fair Rye Straw.
  Interlope      Sample Grade Rye Straw.
  Intermix       Choice Barley Straw.
  Intervene      Fair Barley Straw.
  Intestine      Sample Grade Barley Straw.

  Intonate       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Jasmine        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Jeweler        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Jimmy          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Jingling       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Kennel         What is the condition?
  Kerchief       What is the condition of grain in store?
  Kledive        Is there danger of grain in store going out of condition?
  Kidnap         Is there danger of heating?
  Kindness       Is ____ suitable for seed?
  Kindly         Has ____ been treated?
  Kindred        Will you guarantee?
  Kingdom        Condition on arrival.
  Kinsman        Condition in store.
  Kitchen        Condition when loaded.
  Kitten         Condition in transit.
  Kittenish      Condition when shipped.
  Knapsack       Grain in store.
  Knead          Grain in transit.
  Kneaded        In good condition.
  Kneading       In fair condition.
  Knife          In poor condition.
  Knight         Liable to get out of condition.
  Knightly       Has been turned and improving.
  Knitting       Has been treated.
  Knot           Slightly mixed with ____
  Knout          Badly mixed with ____
  Knuckle        Think no danger of heating.
  Knuckling      Think no danger grain in store.
  Kodak          Free from willful mixture.
  Labeling       Better than sample.
  Labored        Fully equal to sample.
  Laboring       Not equal to sample.
  Laborious      Better than last.
  Laconic        As good as last.
  Ladrone        Poorer than last.
  Lagoon         Has not been treated.
  Lambkin        Not properly loaded.
  Lampoon        Unfit for Export.
  Lamprey        Unfit for shipping.
  Lancelot       Unfit for milling.
  Landlady       Not as represented.
  Languidly      Not suitable for our purpose.
  Landsman       Not suitable for your purpose.
  Lapel          Not suitable for seed.
  Lapidary       Not according to contract.
  Lapsable       If cleaned might grade.
  Larceny        Is suitable for seed.
  Largely        If quality is.
  Largeness      Quality is to be.
  Larkspur       Quality is not.
  Larrup         Satisfaction in every way.
  Lassitude      According to contract.
  Lavatory       Suitable for our purpose.
  Lavishly       Suitable for your purpose.
  Lawlessly      We will guarantee.
  Laxity         To arrive in good condition.
  Laziness       To arrive cool and sweet.
  Leaflet        We cannot guarantee.
  Learn          Official weights.
  Learned        Official grades.
  Learning       Official weights and grades.
  Leaseholds     Weights at this end.
  Leathern       Weights at that end.

  Leavened       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Lecturing      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Leeward        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Legalism       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Legality       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Legendary      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Legislator     .  .  .  .  .  .

  Leisurely      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Lemonade       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Lenient        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Leniently      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Lenten         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Lentils        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Levant         Give us refusal.
  Leverage       We give you refusal.
  Lewdly         Including all charges.
  Lewdness       Cannot give refusal.
  Libation       If foreign advices steady.
  Libelous       If foreign advices higher.
  Liberator      If foreign advices lower.
  Libretto       If you think best.
  Lifeboat       At ____ above your limit.
  Limpidly       At ____ under your limit.
  Lingo          At no premium or discount on.
  Linguist       At no premium or discount over.
  Liquefy        At no premium or discount under.
  Listening      Advance price all grades Wheat.
  Literary       Advance price on all grades Corn.
  Lithium        Advance price on all grades Oats.
  Liturgy        Advance price on ____
  Loathful       Reduce price on all grades Wheat.
  Lobbyist       Reduce price on all grades Corn.
  Lobelia        Reduce price on all grades Oats.
  Localism       Reduce price on ____
  Lodgment       Think now good time to buy.
  Loftiness      Impossible to buy any cheaper.
  Logwood        Expect to be able fill your offers.
  Longing        Have refusal for to-day.
  Lookout        Have refusal until ____
  Loophole       Have given close figures.
  Loosen         Too scarce to offer.
  Loosened       We are working on your offer.
  Lovable        Samples mailed you are still unsold.
  Lukewarm       Work on balance samples.
  Lunacy         Sell subject to being unsold on receipt your telegram.
  Lurch          Sell only to parties who will pay Drafts promptly.
  Lurched        Sell if necessary to compete.
  Lurching       You ought to be able to sell.
  Lustfully      This is a close price.
  Lynch          Can sell elsewhere to better advantage.
  Macaroni       Sell any of the samples.
  Madcap         Prices named good till tomorrow.
  Madrigal       Think can sell more at same price.
  Magdalen       Sell more at same price.
  Magenta        Sell at best advantage.
  Magic          Quote everything as last quoted.
  Magical        The lowest we can quote is ____
  Magically      Cannot offer at same price.
  Magnesia       Cannot replace at prices offered.
  Magneto        Continue working on samples at last prices given.
  Magnitude      Offer at prices named in letter.
  Mainmast       Withdraw all quotations.
  Malapert       Market too excited to make sales.
  Malaria        Have no Wheat to offer.
  Malay          Have no Corn to offer.
  Malefactor     Have no Oats to offer.
  Malice         Have no ____ to offer.
  Malicious      Samples all sold.
  Malign         Samples all sold except ____
  Maltese        Have sold following samples.
  Maltreat       Have on hand unsold ____
  Mamaluke       Your order by wire is filled.
  Mammal         Your order by mail is filled.
  Mammoth        All sales subject to delay in transfer.
  Manakin        Subject to our confirmation by wire.
  Mandamus       Subject to reply by wire.
  Mandarin       Subject to reply by cable.

  Mandatory      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mandolin       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mandrake       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mandrel        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mangle         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mangrove       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Manicure       .  .  .  .  .  .


  Marriage       To be shipped to ____
  Marvel         To be shipped from ____
  Marvelous      By water in bulk.
  Mascot         In even weight packages.
  Matinee        If can get cars.
  Matrix         Vessel to load ____
  Mature         Shipment within ____ days.
  Maturely       Shipment within ____ weeks.
  Mayor          Shipment first ____ days in.
  Mayoralty      Shipment last ____ days in.
  Meander        Roads crowded cannot ship promptly.
  Medulla        Property shipped some days ago.
  Medusa         Getting very prompt shipments now.
  Melodeon       Cannot ship large or small cars, must take cars as they
  Melodist       We are tracing all shipments.
  Melon          Cannot ship route you name as property is already bought
  Melotype       Too late to change billing.
  Memorial       Shipments to be scattered.
  Mendacity      Ship to ____ for export.
  Menthol        Wire shipping instructions.
  Merciful       Can you ship to ____ for export.
  Merciless      Can you scatter shipments.
  Mercury        Can ship to ____ for export.
  Meringo        Can scatter shipments.
  Merriment      Cannot ship to ____ for export.
  Metabolic      Cannot scatter shipments.
  Metaphor       Will forward papers to-day.
  Microbe        Freights per bushel from ____
  Midriff        Freights per barrel from ____
  Mikado         Freights per 100 lbs. from ____
  Militant       Freights per bushel to ____
  Milking        Freights per barrel to ____
  Millstone      Freights per 100 lbs. to ____

  Mimicry        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mindful        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Miniature      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Minnow         .  .  .  .  .  .


  Miscarry       Basis on track here.
  Mischance      Basis on track there.
  Miscreant      Basis on track ____
  Miserable      Basis F. O. B. Boat here.
  Misfit         Basis F. O. B. Boat there.
  Missal         Basis F. O. B. Boat ____
  Mitigate       Basis C. I. F. here.
  Mittimus       Basis C. I. F. there.
  Mobilize       Basis C. I. F. ____
  Mockery        Basis in store here.
  Moderate       Basis in store there.
  Moderator      Basis in store ____
  Modulate       Boston points.
  Modiste        Georgian Bay Ports.
  Mogul          Group one Texas.
  Molecule       Group two Texas.
  Molest         Group three Texas.
  Mollify        Group four Texas.
  Momentous      Group five Texas.
  Momentum       Group six Texas.
  Monarchy       Minnesota Transfer.

  Monestery      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monastic       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monkhood       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monkish        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monograph      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monolith       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Monologue      .  .  .  .  .  .


As code words are primarily to save expense, when one word will express the
meaning, I leave that for you to write in your despatch in plain english
instead of using a code word for it.


  Moonstone      Broomhall quotes Liverpool Wheat.
  Moralist       Broomhall quotes Liverpool Corn.
  Mordant        Broomhall quotes London Wheat.
  Morgue         Broomhall quotes London Corn.
  Mormon         Broomhall quotes Mark Lane Wheat.
  Morphia        Broomhall quotes Mark Lane Corn.
  Morphine       Broomhall quotes English country markets.
  Mortuary       Broomhall quotes Paris Wheat.
  Mosaic         Broomhall quotes French country markets.
  Moslem         Broomhall quotes Antwerp Wheat.
  Mosquito       Broomhall quotes Odessa Wheat.
  Mountain       Broomhall quotes cargoes off coast Wheat.
  Mounted        Broomhall quotes cargoes off coast Corn.
  Movable        Broomhall quotes Argentina market.
  Mucilage       Broomhall quotes weather in England.
  Mulberry       Broomhall quotes weather in France.
  Multiplex      Broomhall quotes weather on Continent.
  Multitude      Broomhall quotes weather in Argentina.
  Mumble         Broomhall quotes weather in Russia.
  Mummy          Broomhall quotes weather in Australia.
  Mumps          Broomhall quotes weather in India.
  Murmur         Broomhall quotes Buenos Aires Wheat.
  Muscatel       Broomhall quotes Berlin Wheat.
  Mushroom       Broomhall quotes Budapest Wheat.
  Music          Broomhall quotes ____
  Musket         Stocks in ____ large.
  Musketry       Stocks in ____ increasing.
  Muskox         Stocks in ____ decreasing.
  Muskrat        Stocks in ____ small.
  Mustang        Heavy shipments from ____
  Mutely         Light shipments from ____
  Muteness       Prospects large crops.
  Mutiscope      Crop prospects poor.

  Myth           .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mythology      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mystified      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Mythologist    .  .  .  .  .  .


  Naked          Draft returned refused.
  Nakedly        Bank wires Draft refused.
  Nakedness      Bank has no advice of payment Draft.
  Nameless       Draft was drawn.
  Namely         Cannot draw Drafts payable on arrival.
  Narcotic       Send Draft to ____
  Narrate        Have Bank present Draft again.
  Narrating      Draw on us for difference.
  Nativity       Pay Draft if not right will adjust difference.
  Nattily        Your draft is paid.
  Naughty        Will honor your Draft on us.
  Nausea         Draw at sight with all documents attached.
  Nautical       Draw on demand with all documents attached
  Navigator      Must pay for property.
  Nebulous       Referring to your letter of ____
  Nepotism       Referring to our letter of ____
  Nickname       Referring to your wire of ____
  Nicotine       Referring to our wire of ____
  Nimbus         Referring to your contract of ____
  Nobleness      Referring to our contract of ____

  Nocturne       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nodular        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nodule         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nomad          .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nomadic        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nonplus        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nostrum        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Novice         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Noxious        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Numeral        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Nuptual        .  .  .  .  .  .


  Oath           Quote Ups and Downs on Wheat.
  Oblate         Quote Ups and Downs on Corn.
  Oblation       Quote Ups and Downs on Oats.
  Obscurely      Buy Ups on ____ Wheat.
  Obtrude        Buy Ups on ____ Corn.
  Obtusely       Buy Ups on ____ Oats.
  Octave         Buy Downs on ____ Wheat.
  Octopus        Buy Downs on ____ Corn.
  Oddity         Buy Downs on ____ Oats.
  Olivet         Sell Ups on ____ Wheat.
  Olympic        Sell Ups on ____ Corn.
  Omelet         Sell Ups on ____ Oats.
  Onwardly       Sell Downs on ____ Wheat.
  Opossum        Sell Downs on ____ Corn.
  Opponent       Sell Downs on ____ Oats.
  Opposite       Have Bought Ups on ____ Wheat.
  Oppress        Have Bought Ups on ____ Corn.
  Oppressed      Have Bought Ups on ____ Oats.
  Optimist       Have Bought Downs on ____ Wheat.
  Orphan         Have Bought Downs on ____ Corn.
  Orphanage      Have Bought Downs on ____ Oats.
  Ovation        Have Sold Ups on ____ Wheat.
  Overture       Have Sold Ups on ____ Corn.
  Pacify         Have Sold Ups on ____ Oats.
  Padrone        Have Sold Downs on ____ Wheat.
  Pagoda         Have Sold Downs on ____ Corn.
  Pajamas        Have Sold Downs on ____ Oats.
  Palmist        Expiring this week.
  Palmistry      Expiring next week.
  Panoply        Expiring this month.
  Pansy          Good till the end of ____
  Pantaloon      This order open until ____
  Papacy         Ups in strong demand indicates large short interest.
  Parable        Downs in strong demand indicates large long interest.
  Parabola       Very moderate demand for Ups.
  Parachute      Very moderate demand for Downs.
  Parasite       Owing to small offerings do not think can execute your
                   Indemnity order.
  Parlance       Owing to slack demand do not think can execute your
                   Indemnity order.
  Passive        Very heavy trading in Ups.
  Passover       Very heavy trading in Downs.
  Pastoral       Very little doing in Ups and Downs.

  Patience       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Patiently      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Patriot        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Peaceable      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pectoral       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Peculate       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pedantic       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pediform       .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pedometer      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Peevish        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Peevishly      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pelvic         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pendulous      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pensive        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pensively      .  .  .  .  .  .

  Penumbra       .  .  .  .  .  .

  People         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Pepsin         .  .  .  .  .  .

  Perception     .  .  .  .  .  .



  Rabid          Dark Northern Spring Wheat.
  Rabboni        Northern Spring Wheat.
  Raccoon        Red Spring Wheat.
  Racket         Red Spring Humpback Wheat.

  Radiator       Amber Durum Wheat.
  Radium         Durum Wheat.
  Rafter         Red Durum Wheat.

  Rafting        Dark Hard Winter Wheat.
  Raftsman       Hard Winter Wheat.
  Rally          Yellow Hard Winter Wheat.

  Ramify         Red Winter Wheat.
  Rampage        Red Walla Wheat.
  Ramrod         Soft Red Wheat.

  Ramus          Hard White Wheat.
  Rascality      Soft White Wheat.

  Rattler        White Club Wheat.
  Raven          Sample Wheat.
  Ravenous       Mixed Wheat.
  Readiness      Smutty Wheat.
  Realism        Treated Wheat.
  Reality        Percentage of Moisture.
  Reap           Number 1.
  Reaped         Number 2.
  Reaping        Number 3.
  Reasoning      Number 4.
  Rebuttal       Number 5.
  Recant         Number 2 or better.
  Reception      Number 3 or better.
  Recess         Number 4 or better.
  Recital        As good as number 2.
  Recite         As good as number 3.
  Reckoning      As good as number 4.

  Reclaim        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Recluse        .  .  .  .  .  .

  Recollect      .  .  .  .  .  .

End of Project Gutenberg's Robinson Telegraphic Cipher, by S. L. Robinson