The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Kensington Gazette, No. 2, December 14,
1853, by Charles Baker Strutt

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Title: The Kensington Gazette, No. 2, December 14, 1853

Author: Charles Baker Strutt

Release Date: October 22, 2019  [eBook #60552]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-646-US (US-ASCII)

DECEMBER 14, 1853***

Transcribed from the 14 December 1853 edition by David Price, email



For Kensington, Hammersmith, Bayswater, Notting Hill, Shepherd’s Bush, &c. &c.


No. 2.  Guaranteed Gratuitous Circulation, Four Thousand.—Published every Wednesday.  Dec. 14, 1853




Single Column, per line


Double Column, per line


A Reduction on a Series of Advertisements.

Kensington Parochial Institute.

A Lecture will be delivered in the Assembly Rooms, King’s Arms, High-street, Kensington, on Friday Evening, Dec. 16, by Sam. Sidney, Esq., on Hints, Anecdotes, and Axioms for Emigrants.—Tickets at the Doors, One Shilling each.  The Lecture commences at half-past eight o’clock.

Gough’s Orations,

illustrated by eminent artists.—Price 1d.  Sold at Strutt’s Printing-office, 16, Church-street Kensington.

“Mr. Gough is a well-adjusted mixture of the poet, orator, and dramatist: in fact, an English Gavazzi”.—British Banner.

“His audience were at one time excited to tears, and at another convulsed with laughter.”—Leeds Mercury.

“His descriptions are lost upon paper: he must be heard to be appreciated.”—Ladies’ Companion.


Who needs a good Great Coat to keep him warm,
From wet protected,—free from Winter’s storm,—
Who such a needful want desires to buy,
So cheap it can all bargains defy,
Should join, at once, the throngs who weekly go
To get their suits at Befford’s cheap Depot;
First-rate materials—first-rate work as well,
To all who doubt, delighted buyers tell—
In High-street, Kensington, but once enquire,
Where you can purchase Befford’s best attire;
Whose clothes fit easy, and are worn with grace,
Prompt comes the answer, Four, in Mayfield-place.
Let Befford once your patronage obtain,
He feels assured that you will call again.

The Cheapest & Best Great Coats, Over Coats, Shooting Coats, and every description of Coat made to measure, at W. BEFFORD’S, 4, Mayfield-place, High-street Kensington.—Fit and workmanship warranted.  Repairs and alterations cheap.


In all its branches, by J. E. OLIVER, (son of the late R. Oliver, in the same trade nearly half a century,) Locksmith, Bell-hanger, and Stove and Range maker, 16, Orchard-street, Holland-street, Kensington.

Jobbing in all its branches.

New Writing Paper.

The NEW STRAW WRITING PAPER, manufactured expressly for PARKINS & GOTTO.—This paper is invaluable to rapid writers: it has a hard smooth surface, can be written upon on both sides, with either metal or quill pen, is much pleasanter to write upon than any other paper, and is nearly half the price, being only 3s. per ream!  P. & G’s. new Elastic Post-office Pen, 6d. the dozen by post (warranted not to scratch the paper.)—Copy address, Parkins & Gotto, manufacturers, 25, Oxford-st.


At JONES’S, 39, High-street, Kensington, & his branch shop, 27, High-street, Notting Hill, the Prices are Lower than any advertising house, quality not to be surpassed.

Best store candles 7d. per lb. or 6s. 10d. per doz.  Composite, 8½d. and 9d.; Decimal candles, 6½d., burn without snuffing; J. Williams & Son’s superior Soap, obtained the Prize at the Great Exhibition; Knight’s Primrose Soap; Yardley and Statham’s sun-flower & other superior scented Soaps; fine pale yellow soap, at 4½d., 4d., 3½d. & 3d. per lb.; best mottled soap, 5d., second ditto, 4½d. lb.; best soda, 1d. per lb.; best starch 6d. per lb.; blue 1s. 4d. per lb.; 4-lb. tins of double superfine mustard, 1s. 6d. per lb.; 4-lb. tins of good mustard, 1s per lb., black pepper, 1s. 4d. per lb.; white pepper, 2s. 3d. per lb.; black lead, best quality, 8d. to 1s. per lb.  All articles for cleaning purposes 20 per cent under most houses.  British Port and Sherry, nearly equal to foreign, 1s. 3d. per bottle.  Ginger, Orange, Currant, &c., 1s. 1d. per bottle.

Orders immediately attended to.

Furs in great variety,

For the Season, at J. WILLIAMS’S Old Established Fur Store, 37, Crawford-street, two doors east of St. Mary’s Church, Bryanstone-square.  Grey squirrel, 3s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.  German sable 5s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.  Chinchilla 21s. to 40s.  Russian Fitch, 15s. to 30s.  French sable, 20s. to 40s.  Hudson’s Bay stable, 35s. to 60s.  Ermine 12s. to 35s.  Stone Martin, 30s. to 50s.—Furs cleaned, altered, repaired, or freed from moth, with promptness and economy.

Genuine Castorine Pomade,

Highly recommended for imparting to the hair a luxuriant, permanent, and natural gloss, promoting its growth; it is also a great specific against the formation of dandriff.—Prepared & sold only by J. COOK, Hair Dresser, Post Office, High-street, Notting-hill.

To be Let.—Rent 19 Guineas

A Genteel Cottage, containing good rooms; garden, about 70 feet in rear, and about 12 feet in front; most healthy and cheerfully situate at Chapel-terrace, Harlesden-green, on the high road to Harrow near Willesden Station, four miles and a half from London.—Apply to Mr. DAVIS, No. 9, in the Terrace.

An Omnibus from Tottenham Court-road, calls at the Green Man, 122, Oxford-street, and at the Crown, 84, Edgware-road, at the following times—Down,—morning at 10, and 12; afternoon, at 3, 5 and 8 o’clock—Up: morning at 9, & 11; afternoon at 2, 4, and 7 o’clock.

Also, by Rail, from Euston-square, at the following times—Down: morning at 7, & 11; afternoon at 45 min. past 2; 20 min. past 5; and at 15 min. past 6 o’clock.  Up: morning at 48 min. past 8; and 38 min. past 11; afternoon, at 48 min. past 1; 21 min. past 3; and 36 min. past 8 o’clock.


Picture of a man with turban kneeling to help another man

Entirely prepared from Herbs and Flowers.

For now two hundred years, or more,
This Oil was famed for Cut or Sore,
For Wounds and Burns, for Scalds and Sprains,
Chaps, Face Aches, Sore throats, and Chilblains,
Excoreations, Chaps and Bruises,
Are eased, or cured, as each one uses,
Or, will this precious Oil apply.
Its healing virtues only try!
Lumbago, Piles, with bites and strings,
And pains which Rheumatism brings;
And parts inflamed are soon restored,
And festering Wounds, tho’ deep, explored;
And suffering Men, with joy shall smile,
When told of Francis’s precious Oil!
Their Wounds are cured, their pains removed.
And Francis’s Healing Oil approved.
All Female Breast disorders cured,
The pains removed, though long endured;
And Worms in Children soon destroy’d,
And strength, and health, again enjoy’d.
A Bottle buy, and only try,
And all such plagues shall from you fly!

Wholesale Agents,—Barclay and Son, 93 Farringdon-street, and Sanger, 150, Oxford street.  Prepared by the Proprietor only, and may be ordered through any of the Wholesale-houses, and by most respectable Chemists in Towns throughout the Kingdom.  Agents wanted for Hammersmith, Kensington, Notting Hill, & Bayswater—Letters to be addressed to F. F., No. 17 Queen’s-terrace, near the Royal Oak, Bayswater.

Livery Stables.

T. LOVELOCK, Pembroke Livery Stables, Earl-street, Kensington.—Superior cabs and phætons by the day or hour.



p. 2The KENSINGTON GAZETTE, and General Advertiser.
Published every Wednesday.—Office, Church-street, Kensington.  Dec. 14, 1853.




— o —

C. S. in thanking the public of the vicinity for their approbation of his Press,—a patronage the more flattering from its continued increase,—respectfully intimates that he has made that encouraging success a basis of more extended operations, by considerably increasing the materials necessary to the creation of an efficient typographical Establishment; at the same time believing those additional efforts will win the desired response anticipated from past friends, and commanding the confidence of many who have not yet tested his capacity, will result in the acquisition of prospective and satisfied customers.

And 100 Best Cards
For 4s.

Drawing of a printing press

From Plate,
For 7s. 6d.
1000 Ditto, 14s.


Extreme attention is paid in the execution of this necessary appendage to the Chemist’s counter; their requisite neatness and elegance is ever maintained by the employment of new and modern type, selected from Foundries famed for securing the skill of eminent designers; while economy in charges is considered, so as to obtain a preference over Metropolitan Offices.

Epsom Salts & other Wrappers, Labels, &c.


From the great numbers constantly being printed, C. S. is enabled to supply them far below their usual charges.


This indispensible requisite of the trader, may be obtained, on fine machine-made fabric, at 1s., 1s. 3d., and 1s. 6d. per Hundred.  On large numbers a very great reduction is made.


Printed on beautiful cream laid post, ready folded, well pressed, and the edges made smooth, at 3s. per hundred; five hundred 10s., and one thousand 16s.


The constant consumption of this commodity necessitates the commercial man to seek their supply from the ‘cheapest market’ this he can accomplish by using invoices printed by C. S.  Their variety of size and quality of paper, renders their statement of prices an almost impossibility.


From 4s. per 1000.  Ten Thousand for One Pound


In any dimensions, well printed in bold type, at prices according to the size and number required.

Bills relating to Lost or Stolen Property printed at an hour’s notice.


Sermons, Pamphlets, Societies’ Books of Rules, Auctioneers Catalogues, &c.


Lithographic Printing, &c.


A respectable and well-educated Youth is required as an out-door Apprentice to learn the Printing Business.—A small premium required.  Apply at 16, Church-street, Kensington.


Very stout Doeskin, made to measure, at 14s. per pair.  Prime Black Doe at 18s.  Good & strong Cords, at 10s.  Very strong Black, at 12s.—Observe!  BEFFORD, 4, Mayfield-place, High-street, Kensington.


The Cheapest sold in London, is at J. R. ANDREWS, 71, Tottenham Court-road, established 50 years.  Plum Pudding Boilers, in iron and tin.  Copper and tin Moulds, for Cakes & Jellies.  Pasty Cutters, Pattie-pans, &c.  Papier-machie and iron Tea-trays.  Copper, iron, japan, zinc, and brass-lined Coal Scoops: and a choice of more than one hundred Copper Tea Kettles, from 4s. 6d. each.


May be had on Hire, at HOPE’S Warehouse, established more than half a century,—11, Rathbone-place, Oxford-Street, Rout-seats & Cushions, Chairs with silk eases, Rout-tabling, Ormolu chandeliers, Brackets, Branches, and lamps.  China, Glass, Knives & Forks, Plate and plated goods, in any quantity; Table Ornaments, and Glazed Cloths for Dancing, to prevent the trouble of taking up carpets.


Made by J. SWAIN & Co., Tailors, 379, Oxford-street.—Black Waistcoats, 10s. 12s. 14s.; black dress trousers, 21s., 25s., 28s.; dress coat, 35s., 40s., 45s. to 70s.; frock, 5s. more, in any quality; fancy waistcoats, from 10s. to 14s.; trousers, with or without stripe down, 16s. to 28s.; jackets, 25s. to 35s.  This list of clothes includes the cheapest and the best.  The new blue mixture for coats kept at Swain’s.

Shirtliffe’s Furniture Polish,

Sold by Jones, High-street, Kensington; King, High-street, Notting Hill; and of all the principal oilmen & others in the suburbs.


In Town or Country, in Spring Vans, by G. WRAPSON, 18, Silver-street, Notting Hill.—Luggage conveyed to & from all the Railway and Steam Boat Stations.

Coals supplied at wharf prices.

Servants Seeking Situations

Should advertise in the “Kensington Gazette and General Advertiser,” circulated gratuitously, every Wednesday.—The advantages offered to advertisers, are,—a probable engagement near present place; the facilitating an early enquiry into character; an avoidance of temporary lodging; a reduction of the cost of carriage for luggage, &c.; and the entire prevention of fatiguing personal perambulation from house to house.—Advertisements received, daily, at Strutt’s Printing Office, Church-street.

Christmas Presents.

S. PUMMELL, Fishmonger, corner of King-street, Kensington, (established 1816) informs the public that he can now supply them with the best Burnham and Colchester Oysters, at 5s. 6d. per barrel, or retail at 6d. per dozen.

Bottles for Australia.

In consequence of the great demand for Bottles for the Export Trade, L. EMANUEL & Company, of 13, Church-street, Kensington, are giving 18s. per gross for Wine Bottles; also, the highest price for all Metals, wax, sperm, composite, and tallow ends, kitchen stuff, waste paper, &c.  Observe the address,—13, Church-street, one door from Holland-street, Kensington.

Woodhouse’s Celebrated Extract,

for the HAIR, a sure Restorer.  Sold at 2s. and 2s. 6d. per bottle, two thousand of which have already been sold.  Woodhouse’s celebrated Cure for the Ringworm, sold at 1s. 6d. and 2s. 6d. per bottle.  Agent for Rowland’s Oil, &c., &c.  Manufacturer, G. Woodhouse, Court Hair-dresser & Perfumer, 3, Alfred-terrace, Queen’s-road, Bayswater.  Established 1843.


LESSONS will be given during the Winter Evenings, in English, Latin, and Greek, on the basis of the ‘Popular Educator.’

Young Men desirous of studying, may now unite for that purpose in forming Classes of six, nine, or twelve: terms, accordingly.  Apply, any evening, at No. 20, Albert-terrace, near the Royal Oak.

Artificial Teeth.

Mr. E. ALBERT, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, 24, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-sq., London, may be consulted at his Establishment, from 9 to 6 daily, and for the convenience of country patients, on Sundays from 10 till 12 o’clock.  His system combines the latest improvements with economy.—a mineral tooth, the best that can be made, 5s.—a complete set from £5.  Scaling, 3s. 6d.—Sole inventor of the Voice Tubes for deafness, one guinea per pair.  Decayed teeth filled so as to prevent tooth ache, and to render extraction unnecessary, 2s. 6d.—Established thirty-seven years.

Vaccination Gratis,

Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, from 10 to 11 o’clock, at the National Vaccine Establishment, 5, Peel-street, Notting-hill.

This free Institution affords perfect Vaccination to all classes of the community, so that no person need be put under obligation to the Parish, in respect thereof.

By the 16th and 17th Victoria, Cap. 109, sec. 2, the Public are at liberty to be Vaccinated by Any duly Qualified Medical Practitioner.


By the admirable principle of Insurance, every man may, by a small weekly saving, shield his family from want!  Policies effected, for any amount, with all the best Offices, and advice given, by Mr. NIXON, 8, Hereford-road.  Westbourne-grove.  Superintendent of Agencies to the Householders’ and General Life Office.


p. 3Among the various mechanical inventions and improvements, there is none more deserving notice than the Chamber Exercising Horse, particularly for persons who cannot take pedestrian or equestrian exercise.  This truly useful machine exceeds any other yet invented for the relief of persons inclined to dormancy.  It is well known that a carriage affords little or no exercise: on the contrary, the exercise on the Chamber Horse is similar to the canter of the managed or trotting horse, and by the use of the arms only, will, by easy exertion, cause genial warmth and general circulation of the blood.  May be hired in London,—HOPES Warehouse, 11, Rathbone-place, Oxford-street.  Established fifty-nine years.

St. Mary Abbotts Kensington District Visiting Society.

A SALE OF CLOTHING (for the Depositors in the Clothing Fund) will take place on Wednesday, December 21, 1803, at Seven o’clock, in the Girls’ School Room.

As the object of this Society is to give employment, it is earnestly hoped that the Friends of the Poor will assist it by purchasing the Clothing, which consists of flannels and all other useful garments for the poor.

Foreign and English Boot and Shoe Warehouse,

The Public are respectfully informed that in consequence of the Business being shortly to be Removed to more extensive premises, the whole of the Stock will be offend at prices mush below prime cost, to ensure an immediate clearance.  The Lease to be disposed of.

A desirable opportunity for Shippers and Emigrants.


A LADY is desirous of recommending a first-rate NEEDLE-WOMAN.  Terms, 1s. 6d. per day.—Apply at 8, Gloucester-terrace, Kensington New-town.


WM. PIERCE, Fruiterer & Green-grocer, 5, Lonsdale-place, leading to Pembridge-villas, Notting-hill.  Attends Dinner and Evening Parties as Waiter, on moderate terms.

Watches and Clocks.

First class Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold and Silver Watches.—Manufacturer, Chas. B. HAMMOND, 32, High-street, Notting-hill, five doors from the turnpike.  Established 1837.

All orders executed or the Premises.


G. BARRATT, Bricklayer, Plasterer,
and Slater, Northend, Hammersmith-gate.
Ranges, stoves, and coppers set, &c.
Estimates given for general repairs.

Dyeing. &c.

GEO. LONG, Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Dyer, Scourer & Calico Glazer, 11, Grove-terrace, Notting-hill.  Gloves and blond lace cleaned or dyed in the Parisian style.  Gentlemen’s clothes cleaned and dyed.  Orders by letter punctually attended to.

Buy your Boots and Shoes At SQUIRREL’S,

original Boot Maker, 93, High-street, Notting Hill.  All goods being manufactured by himself, they are warranted.—one trial will prove the superiority of the articles.


Under the patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty, The Comprehensive Pocket Bible; 30,000 notes, and 80,000 references, with vignettes, maps, &c.—Beautifully bound, 13s. 6d. & 15s. per copy. be had of the Local Agent, Mrs. Armitage, Stationer, 6, Richmond-road, Westbourne-grove. “An exquisitely unique edition of the Bible.”—Morning Post.

Apartments:—To be Let,

FURNISHED.—A large & well-furnished double Drawing-room, with two good bed-rooms.  Situate in the best part of Westbourne-grove, west.—Apply to Mr. Sharpe, Chymist, High-Street, Notting-hill.


UNFURNISHED.—A splendid Drawing-room, and one or two bed-rooms.—Apply on the premises, at Mr. Hinton’s, 2, Ledbury-road, Westbourne-grove.

Eye Preserving Spectacles,

Manufactured by F. A. PIZZALA, 19, Hatton Garden, London.—Established 1805.  Microscopes, sympiesometers, lactometers, saccharometers, telescopes, and all kinds of optical, mathematical, and philosophical instruments wholesale and retail.


An OUT-DOOR APPRENTICE Wanted to the Printing Business: Premium moderate.  Apply to DUNFORD, Printer, Notting-hill.


D. WITHERS, (from the West-end,) fashionable Hair Dresser, and Wig-maker, 2, Warwick-street, Sutton-st., Kensington.

Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences, every morning, if required.

Charge moderate,—distance no object.

St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington,
District Visiting Society.

The Clothing, for the Poor, made by this Parochial Work Society, is Sold (at the price of the materials) every Friday, from twelve to one o’clock, in the Girls’ National School-room.

Depots have also been opened for the Sale of the Clothing, in Camden-street, Charles-place, and the Infants’ Schoolroom, Gore-lane.


To ensure a Good Fit, go to BAKER’S, Hammersmith Gate, who, having made that difficult garment his particular study, can, with confidence, guarantee a good fit, either with or without straps.  Gentlemen can select their material from a new and fashionable stock, or may be waited upon at their own residences with patterns.  Stout Angola tweeds at 13s. 6d.  Superior black doeskin, 21s.

A Days’ Washing in 3 hours.

The new Patent Washing Crystal, as used in the Royal Laundry, for every description of linen, woollen, cotton, lace, lawn, muslin, &c., without injury to the hands or fabric.  Sold in packets, price 1d. and 6d., or in family boxes, at 10s. 6d.

The well-known qualities of Fullers’ Earth, as a simple yet powerful agent for the removal of Grease and Stains, is so well known that comment would be superfluous.  The Crystallized Extract is the only Preparation which can be recommended as possessing Cleansing and Emollient properties, without injury to the hands or fabric.

Manufactured only by W. G. NIXEY, 22, Moor-street, Soho-square; City warehouse, 83, Upper Thames-street.

Corn and Bunion Plaister.

CORLEY’S Green Gum Plaister, for Corns and Bunions, in boxes 1s. 1½d. each, duty included.  This plaister is a speedy and radical cure for corns of every kind.  During the first seven months of its preparation, three thousand boxes were sold, from personal recommendation alone.  Sold by the Proprietor, 5, Russell street, St. Luke’s, Chelsea; also, by the following agents:—Mr. Morris, chemist, (to the Queen and Duchess of Kent,) High-street, Kensington; Mr. Vincent, Frederick-place, Walham-green; Mr. J. W. English, chemist, Hammersmith.

Roby’s Plate Powder,

Warranted free from mercurial preparations.  This article has been used by the Proprietor upwards of thirty years, on the costliest collection of Plate in the Kingdom, and found to excel any other ever offered to the public—Sole Agent, T. SHIRTLIFFE, 9, Avery Farm-row, Ebury-square Pimlico, at 1s. and 2s, per box; sold also, retail, by PRESLEE, stationer, High-street, Notting-hill.  Also, Roby’s superior Preparation for guilt and lacquered articles.


p. 4“There is but one way of obtaining Business—Publicity; one way of obtaining Publicity—Advertisements; the advertising-sheet is the fly-wheel by which motive power of commercial enterprise is sustained, and Money the steam by which the Advertising is kept going.”—Blackwood’s Magazine.


And General Advertiser,
For Kensington, Hammersmith, Notting Hill, Bayswater, & their vicinities;



Single Column, per line, 3d.  Double Column, per line, 6d.

A Reduction on a series of Advertisements.


To Tradesmen, the above, offers an easy, cheap, and efficient channel for advertising.

To Members of the several Professions, a prompt and respectable means of seeking engagements is presented.

To Proprietors of Schools, &c., a ready notice to their Establishments by resident gentry, is amply provided.

Benefit Societies, Clubs, Institutions, &c., will also greatly extend their means and local influence by giving publicity to their existence and their several objects, through the pages of the “Gazette;” while Notices of Sermons, Lectures, Entertainments, Parochial and other Meetings, will become promptly and efficiently promulgated when announced in its economical columns.


Strutt’s Printing Office, Church-st., Kensington.


Guaranteed Gratuitous Circulation Four Thousand.


Buy your Cutlery of the Manufacturer!!!

R. TURPIN, Manufacturing Cutler, 29, High-street, Kensington, submits to the public his List of Prices for Table Cutlery, for ready money.


Every Article stamped with R. T.’S name, Warranted and Exchanged if not found Good.

Electro-plated Silver-handled Table Knives, 25s. per dozen.  Dessert ditto, 18s. per dozen.

Nickel-silver Table Spoons or Forks, 18s. per dozen.  Ditto, Dessert Spoons or Forks, 12s. per doz.
Mustard or Salts, 1s. per pair.


Table-knives. per doz.

Table-forks. per doz.

Desert-knives. per doz.

Carvers. per pair.

Three and half inch, Ivory handles, (balance)









Four-inch, Ivory handles, same quality









Four-inch ditto, rather better Ivory









Four-inch, best East India Ivory









Four-inch, extra-large African Ivory-handles, with blades of the best quality









Silver Ferruled ditto, ditto, no better can be made, with plain handles











Per doz.

Best white-bone table knives and forks



Ditto, ditto, dessert ditto



Pinned bone handle ditto



Solid handle ditto



Dessert ditto



Best oval rimmed, black



Black-horn knives & forks, with pinned or solid handles



Self tip, equal in wear to Ivory



Dessert ditto ditto



Stag-horn handles



Ditto, ditto, best quality



Best Nickel-silver Spoons and Forks, 18s., per doz.  Dessert, 12s. per doz.

New blades or handles to every kind of table, desert, pen, or pocket knives, equal to new, in proportion.

All kinds of Shears and Scissors, Razors, Pen and Pocket Knives, Butchers’ Steels and Knives, Painters’ and Plumbers’ palette and other Knives to order, or on sale.  German Silver Spoons, Forks, &c.  Every description of Spectacles, Eye Rims, Folders, Reading Glasses, &c., in Stock, together with Steel Goods of every description.

R. Turpin’s Warranted Razors, from 2s. to 10s. per pair, with morocco case complete, and exchanged if not found good.

Cutlery Ground and Re-polished as New, Daily, on the Premises.

Water-proof Clothing.

For prompt Sale, the remaining portion of a Stock of the above to be disposed of at a great reduction, in order to effect a speedy clearance.—Prices from 16s. 6d. upwards.  Address, J. ALLEN, Tailor, Hosier, Shirt-maker, & general Out-fitter, 44, High street, Kensington.

A Stove Brilliantly Polished

In two minutes, for less than One Farthing!

W. G. NIXEY’S celebrated Registered Black Lead, a new domestic discovery, cannot be wasted, and is a preservative of Furniture from the injurious effects of the common article now in use, it creates no dust, & requires comparatively no labour.

Sold throughout the United Kingdom, in solid blocks, at 1d., 2d., and 4d.; also, in boxes at 1s.—Manufactory, 22, Moor-street, Soho-square.

Dissolving Views, &c.

J. ORCHARD, Optician, &c., 28, Hornton-street, Kensington, informs the public that having a large assortment of Magic Lanterns, Dissolving Views, &c., &c., he Attends Schools and Evening Parties with the same.—Spectacles, and every description of optical instruments made & repaired.


Before the sea a diver stood,
Prepared to spring into its flood;
But soon returning to the shore,
Within his hand a pearl he bore.

With pleasure beamed his sparkling eyes,
To learn the value of his prize;
“Yet! yet!” he cried, “’neath yon deep main,
Lies treasure still,—I dive again.”

Then, leaping with superior force,
He fearless flew his venturous course,
To search once more the ocean’s bed,
While billows rolled above his head.

Not unrewarded was his toil,—
Uprising with a richer spoil,
He found the land, yet, fainting, sighed
More distant waters to divide.

“How mean this wealth my hands have gain’d
To the vast hoards that lie contained,
’Neath deeps my daring cannot reach,”
Murmured his discontented speech.

“Were this frame gifted with the power,
To gather gems through every hour,
Too short a thousand years would be,
To scour the margin of that sea.”

But there’s an ocean more sublime,
Washing the tiny isle of Time,—
How far across, no sage can say,
Nor guess how low its bottom lay.

’Tis Truth’s deep sea, of bounds unknown,
Where gifted spirits long have thrown
Their mighty vision, till their eyes
Nigh wearied with its mysteries.

Kensington.  C.B.S.


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