Conner allows you to define custom commands tailored to your projects' needs. Whether it's compiling, running, testing, prettifying, monitoring changes, debugging, installing, or any other task specific to your workflow, Conner makes it easy to integrate with Emacs. Commands are configured in a .conner file, typically located at the root of your project. Inside this file, you'll define a Lisp object containing a list of command names, their respective commands, and their types. Integration with project.el enables seamless execution of these commands within Emacs, either on arbitrary directories or automatically detecting the current project's root. Additionally, Conner also has support for .env files. By default, Conner will look in the root directory of your project for a .env file and load any environment variables found within. These variables are then accessible to Conner commands, and won't pollute the regular Emacs session. Conner is configurable, so you can add your own command types if what's available doesn't quite suit your needs.